Cathedral Names Former Bishop of Chichester as Child-Sex Abuser

As has been widely reported, Chichester cathedral has accepted the veracity of an allegation of sex abuse against Bishop George Bell (died 1958) regarding “a young child” in the late 1940s and early 1950s: In this case, the scrutiny of the allegation has been thorough, objective, and undertaken by people who command the respect of […]

Gambaccini and Jefferies: The Relevance of their Experiences for the Harvey Proctor Case

From the website of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association: Paul Gambaccini is a popular household name and has been a well- known broadcaster in the UK since 1973. He was arrested on 29th October 2013. Police handed papers to the Crown Prosecution Service on 10th February 2014 but it was not until 10th October […]

Peter McKelvie Downplays Role in Spreading “VIP Abuse Ring” Allegation

Acknowledgement: some of the links below were brought to my attention by a reader. From the Telegraph: Tom Watson “mixed up” his facts and made exaggerated claims about a “powerful paedophile network” linked to Downing Street, the whistleblower who alerted him to child abuse has told The Telegraph. [Peter McKelvie] initially contacted Mr Watson with details of files […]

VIP Abuse Investigations Reorganise

I’m a bit late with this; a recent statement from the Metropolitan Police concerning investigations of “VIP paedophilia” allegations: …as Operations Midland and Fairbank have progressed officers identified a number of people and locations that were common to both enquiries. It is therefore operationally important to have the same officer in charge of these enquiries. …Detective […]

Lurid VIP Paedophile and Murder Claims Hit Australia’s MSM

Some alarming headlines from or about Australia: Political elite were part of paedophile ring, alleged victim Fiona Barnett claims (Syndey Morning Herald) Victim of alleged paedophile ring claims she was abused at parties attended by political elite (Australia Daily Telegraph) Woman claims she was pimped by ‘VIP paedophile ring involving a former Prime Minister of Australia’ (UK Independent) Victim of alleged […]

John Mann and Geoffrey Dickens

4 November: The blog entry that was previous posted on this page has now been expanded and updated: see here.

Home Affairs Committee Probes “The Investigation into the Late Lord Brittan”

As is being widely reported, Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee has held a session on “The Investigation into the late Lord Brittan”, focusing on the allegation of rape made by “Jane”. Some pieces of new information have emerged, which I have incorporated into my previous blog entry about the subject. From the various accounts, it seems to me […]

Complaining to CCHQ about Bullying Risks Escalating Attacks

Tim Ireland recounts details of what happened when he complained to Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) about harassment committed by individuals associated with the Conservative Party: …the result of [CCHQ’s] indiscretion and neglect was escalation up to and including repeated false allegations of child rape and suggestions from my bully that I should “drink bleach” or otherwise […]

VIP Abuse Allegations: “Unstructured Therapeutic Disclosure” Under Fire

From  the front page of the Sunday Times: Two key witnesses championed by the deputy Labour leader Tom Watson in the VIP paedophile sex abuse scandal are being helped by a charity that uses a controversial therapy experts fear could generate false memories. The therapy, in which the victims are given the details of the effects […]

Metropolitan Police Leon Brittan Statement: Some Context

UPDATE (21 October): Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee has now held a session to discuss how police handled the allegation made by “Jane”; extra details have now been added in italics to reflect the extra information from this. The Metropolitan Police (MPS) has issued a statement about its handling of the allegation of historic rape against Leon Brittan. There […]