Bible Lesson

Clicking on this page from the official site of the US Marines brings up the message “General Error”. But until very recently it apparently carried this picture from Iraq: (Tipped from God and Consequences via AMERICAblog and AlterNet Peek)

God Drives a Flying Saucer?

(updated several times over) Certain segments of the internet are abuzz following the apparently successful effort by the leader of a New Religious Movement at summoning a UFO for the benefit of KNTV (Las Vegas) News reporter Mike Dello Stritto, at a daytime location of Stritto’s choosing. Video footage shows a distant disk appearing in the […]

Anti-Gay Nun Grounded on Shetland

Update (2016): Sister Ruth Augustus has sent me, via a representative, a copy of an Apostolic Blessing Card, which states that “His Holiness Pope John Paul II cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing to Ruth Augustus FIU”. A letter with this informs me that FIU stands for “Fratres in Unum”, and that these initials “signify our client’s […]

The Adel Smith Institute

The BBC reports that Oriana Fallaci is to face trial in Italy. Fallaci is a World War II resistance hero who became notorious in 2001 for a lurid book about Muslims and Islam; her sequel appears to be in the same vein: Controversial Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci is to face trial for allegedly insulting the Muslim […]

Vendyl Jones on the Verge Again

From the BBC News, July 1998 (link added): An American archaeologist says he is close to unearthing the lost Ark of the Covenant, the ancient casket believed to contain the Ten Commandments. …Vendyl Jones – a Texan archaeologist who believes he may have been the inspiration for the film character Indiana Jones – says he […]

Jihadists, Israeli Far-Right United in Hatred of Greek Idea

Statement by the Ansar al-Sunnah Army and two other jihadist groups in Iraq (January 2005): Democracy is a Greek word meaning the rule of the people, which means that the people do what they see fit…This concept is considered apostasy and defies the belief in one God — Muslims’ doctrine. This sentiment was echoed by […]

Palestinian Christians Dislike Occupation Shock

Haaretz carries an opinion piece on the current dispute within the Greek Orthodox church by Moshe Elad (“reserve colonel and Orientalist who studies Palestinian society” according to his profile – the paper does not tell us that he is also a former military governor of Jenin and Bethlehem) entitled “The Palestinization of the church”: Greek […]

Shekarau’s Legacy

The BBC reports on polio in Yemen: Health authorities in Yemen say 83 children have been diagnosed with polio, nearly double the figure reported just over a week ago. …Sixteen previously polio-free countries have reported new cases since 2003, when a polio vaccine boycott in Nigeria was blamed for spreading the disease. …Experts suspect the […]

Up From Death

For several weeks now WorldNetDaily has been advertising Megashift, a book on church growth by James Rutz (as others have already noted). Now Rutz has his very own WND column; but first, Joseph Farah’s intro: Rutz is the leading U.S. spokesman for a movement known as “Open Christianity,” a startling innovation on the traditional church […]

UK Religious Incitement Law Back

The Guardian notes that tomorrow’s Queen’s Speech to Parliament, in which the monarch runs through proposed new legislation, will include the issue of incitement to religious hatred (this detail is tucked away in an article on ID Cards): Peers have rejected this proposal twice in the last four years on grounds of “free speech”, but ministers […]