What’s driving global spread of demagogues?

Edit Stars and Stripes 31 May 2016
In Austria last month, nearly half of the electorate voted for the presidential candidate of a party set up by former Nazis ... The conservative American writer Allan Bloom presciently warned in the early 1990s against the triumphalist conviction that liberal capitalism had buried fascism and totalitarianism. “If an alternative is sought,” Bloom wrote, “there is nowhere else to seek it ...  . ....

Higher education and the shape of things to come (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
(Source. Texas Public Policy Foundation). 'Mizzou's enrollment plummet is more drastic than previously projected.' So blared a May headline in the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch ... If Williams's intransigence - rather than Mizzou's comeuppance - represents the shape of things to come, what will this mean for the rest of society? An answer was already provided by the subtitle of Allan Bloom's bestselling The Closing of the American Mind ... Bush....

Modern shame culture is unmerciful to those who don’t fit in

Edit The Seattle Times 16 Mar 2016
In 1987, Allan Bloom wrote a book called “The Closing of the American Mind.” The core argument was that American campuses were awash in moral relativism. Subjective personal values had replaced universal moral principles. Nothing was either right or wrong. Amid a wave of rampant nonjudgmentalism, life was flatter and emptier. Bloom’s thesis was accurate […]> ... ....

Brooks: Fickle, cruel and swift: the new shame culture

Edit Herald Tribune 15 Mar 2016
In 1987, Allan Bloom wrote a book called “The Closing of the American Mind.” The core argument was that American campuses were awash in moral relativism. Subjective personal values had replaced universal moral principles. Nothing was either right or wrong. Amid a wave of rampant nonjudgmentalism, life was flatter and emptier. Bloom’s thesis was accurate at the time, but it’s not accurate anymore ... ....

2016 - Sharpening Discernment & Celebrating World Book Day

Edit Huffington Post 03 Mar 2016
The purpose of a book is to serve as an axe for the frozen sea within us. ~Franz Kafka. The audience I most frequently serve are individuals within a business environment who are working to create more impact from the inside out. So my comments are directed to you. I am an advocate of leaders being readers ... ... As we know. ... #a3r ... ... I was a freshman at CU Boulder (shout out class '91) when Allan Bloom's "Closing of the American Mind" came out....

From darkness to light

Edit The Hindu 24 Jan 2016
The education system in the U.S. is vastly different from that in India, and I’ll point out a couple of major differences ... Whether to study in America or not, may be a question one has to weigh carefully before heading for it, but never let there be a question of whether to study or not, for as Allan Bloom has said, “Education is the movement from darkness to light” and to light everyone certainly has a claim....

Why Bashing 'Politically Correct' Campuses Is Hurting Conservatism

Edit Alternet 15 Jan 2016
Today’s campaign to blame liberal students’ distress on their demerits gathered momentum in 1987 as its progenitors misread Allan Bloom’s “The Closing of the American Mind. How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students.” Bloom wrote that free-market capitalism and right-wing populism were as destructive of ......

Inside the Growing Right-Wing Campaign to Brainwash College Kids into Conservative Crusaders

Edit Alternet 15 Jan 2016
Today’s campaign to blame liberal students’ distress on their demerits gathered momentum in 1987 as its progenitors misread Allan Bloom’s “The Closing of the American Mind. How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students.” Bloom wrote that free-market capitalism and right-wing populism were as destructive of ......

The closing of the Canadian mind

Edit Toronto Sun 09 Jan 2016
Universities stopped being bastions of free speech and academic freedom so long ago that the latest fiasco at Laurentian U. in Sudbury, Ontario is no surprise ... academic Allan Bloom in his famous 1987 book, The Closing of the American Mind, which argued that, “higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today’s students” due to runaway political correctness. Sadly, Canada is no exception.   ....

The Closing of the American Mouth

Edit Creators Syndicate 09 Jan 2016
College kids do the darndest things. You send them away to open up their minds and they learn to close them, for themselves and for others ... In his 1987 bestseller, "The Closing of the American Mind," Allan Bloom demonstrated how college students are no longer exposed to the great books and that higher education impoverishes rather than enhances the intellect ... Ignorance breeds intolerance ... "I need some muscle over here." ... ....

Thinking Harder about Political Correctness

Edit Huffington Post 04 Jan 2016
Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican presidential pack have had a field day disparaging political correctness as an affliction of liberals that is resented by regular Americans ... I've been hearing it used ironically since the 1970s. As in ... Allan Bloom's 1987 book, The Closing of the American Mind, attacked liberal college professors for imposing "politically correct" ways of thinking on impressionable undergraduates ... -- ... ....

Why We Need Saul Bellow Now

Edit The Daily Beast 27 Dec 2015
Saul Bellow refused to be pinned down—politically or artistically. Maybe that's why we still read him ... He mocks Eliot ... When, several decades later, Bellow loosed his notorious crack about there being no discernible “Proust of the Papuans” or “Zola of the Zulus” it was in defense of his late-in-life friend and mentor Allan Bloom, who had advocated a return to the classics as a cure for the radicals follies of the American campus ... ....

Sept. 14 is big day in writing history

Edit The Oklahoman 14 Sep 2015
Good and bad things happened on this day in history, including things involving authors and songwriters. Here are some of those things, courtesy of history.net. 1321 -- Dante Alighieri, better known simply as Dante, dies hours after completing "Paradiso," the final entry in his "Divine Comedy." ... 1860 -- Hamlin Garland is born ... 1930 -- Birth of Allan Bloom, author of "The Closing of the American Mind." ... ....