When rock climber Steve Morris, 53, noticed his son, John, 23, was suffering from depression, he encouraged him to come rock climbing. The physical activity and conversation with his dad helped John find a way to carry on.


In some European cities, drug dealers and addicts are watched over by the police at legal consumption rooms. Could Australia's ice epidemic be contained if we did the same?


Rebecca, a 38-year-old mother of two, decided to throw a farm-themed party for her son's second birthday. Obviously she needed live animals for it, so she ended up with a llama named Avocado in her garage, 50 bales of hay, and rabbits leaping around her living room.

Pedicures have replaced pass-the-parcel, high teas trump hide-and-seek, mini-circuses eclipse musical chairs: these days, children's birthday parties pump to a very different beat.

A third of Indigenous AFL players, and some of the game's spectacular legends, come from one language group – the Noongar. What gives them their edge?

These indigenous people from the south-west could field their own team. How did they get to be so good?

By constantly hounding a loved one, tracking their every move, sufferers of adult separation anxiety disorder push away the very person they so desperately need.

An exceptionally clingy partner or loved one may be suffering from adult separation anxiety disorder.

At 70, Helen Mirren remains as feisty, funny and fabulous as ever - with a keen appreciation for those modern women raising a middle finger to conformity.

A trailblazer for feminist heroines on TV and film, Helen Mirren loves shameless women - and Kim Kardashian's butt.

Andrew Grech helped build one of Australia's best-known law firms into a global, sharemarket-listed behemoth. Then it crashed like a house of cards.

Too big to fail? Andrew Grech transformed an Australian law firm into a sharemarket-listed behemoth - only to see it crash and burn.

Ben Simmons has become only the second Australian to be the NBA No. 1 draft pick.

Good Weekend met with the impending superstar last September.

At just 19, Melbourne-born Ben Simmons is set for the big time - and big earnings - on the American basketball circuit.

A bone marrow transplant fails and Lucy Palmer, an Australian journalist, finds herself having to juggle the demands of her young family, the new farm and an adored husband who, by the beginning of 2001, is terminally ill.

As debate around end-of-life care gets louder, Lucy Palmer remembers how her husband gracefully farewelled the world.

In association with Good Weekend, Australia’s favourite annual celebration of food, wine and opera, Opera in the Vineyards, returns this spring to the stunning Roche Estate. Imagine sipping on a glass of wine, listening to the greatest hits of opera under the stars among the vineyards.

Roche Estate, Hunter Valley | Saturday 8 October

Initially, many in the art world didn't quite get the wit and wonder of Queenslander William Robinson's work. Today, the 80-year-old's paintings routinely fetch six-figure sums.

William Robinson's whimsical paintings bamboozled many among Australia's art elite - yet are now worth a fortune.

"I've told my friends that if we ever look like going after identical twins as boyfriends to shoot me. There is no coming back from that."

The constant competition between identical twins Elizabeth and Bernadette Dornom, 35, both physiotherapists, ramped up in 2009 when they took up triathlons and adventure racing.

"Never enter the room of a teenage boy. Even after knocking. Just don't go in there".

German teenager Paul Bühre has written a bestseller about the secret life of adolescent boys. According to him, the worst thing on the net is not what you might think it is.

With a Greek-Australian owner still opening its doors after 57 years, Sydney's Olympia cafe is one of the last original milk bars.

A dusty and decrepit cafe serves as a bizarre living museum that tells the story of Australia's decades-long love affair with the milk bar.

Known for its obsession with privacy and its silencing tactics, the Exclusive Brethren has managed to avoid any scrutiny over alleged child sex abuse.

Now Tony McCorkell, the man who helped with the cover-up, is speaking out.

Known for its obsession with privacy and its silencing tactics, the Exclusive Brethren has managed to avoid any scrutiny over alleged child sex abuse. Until now.

Known for its obsession with privacy and its silencing tactics, the Exclusive Brethren has managed to avoid any scrutiny over alleged child sex abuse.

In tomorrow's GW, the man who helped with the cover-up speaks out.

Good Weekend Magazines Foto.

The apparently irreconcilable worlds of manufactured J-pop and hard rock collide in the shape of Babymetal.

Move over Metallica ... some youthful Japanese iron maidens are giving the rockin' world of heavy metal a J-pop shake-up.

His family taken from him in a shocking house fire, Matt Golinski lives with a unique insight into the power of healing.

A quiet determination to give back to those who showered him with love helped chef Matt Colinski emerge from the dark shadow of tragedy.

Meet shadow treasurer and economist Chris Bowen, the "nerd" turned knockout strategist who's happy to handle political dynamite.

As the catcalls crescendo, Chris Bowen is on his feet at the despatch box and lets rip. Like a country race caller with a faulty microphone, he bellows loudly, calling out a succession of put-downs of the prime minister and his budget: Incompetent! Dishonest! Incompetent and dishonest! Fraud! No man...

Two young men meet and fall in love. Twenty years later - in tragic circumstances, in a plane on a Maryland runway - they marry.

The love story behind the David and Goliath battle that won the most important US civil rights victory in decades.

Two young men meet and fall in love. Twenty years later - in tragic circumstances in a plane on a Maryland runway, they marry. It is the start of a battle that will change the face of human rights in America and across the world.