Australian Institute of Criminology

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Media - Briefing room

Research publications and seminar presentations

This website is a rich mine of criminological information and data, and offers journalists access to the latest news, research and recent interviews from Australia's national criminology research and knowledge centre.

If researching a crime story for publication or broadcast, the AIC is a source of both contemporary research and statistics on crime-related issues.

The Facts and Figures series contains the most up-to-date statistics from the ABS and other sources, enhanced with police statistics, and in the area of cybercrime, private sector surveys and data. There is an on-line data tool where user can interrogate a range of data which can reach back two decades.

The AIC regularly publishes books and papers on various aspects of crime. Keep up with the latest releases through RSS feeds or email alerts.

To see what the experts are saying about a range of crimes, visit CriminologyTV on YouTube. There are currently almost 100 presentations by specialists on issues such as consumer fraud, the needs of victims of crime, juvenile justice and deaths in custody, can be viewed online.

For latest news on our research join us on Facebook or Twitter.


Welcome to the AIC Briefing Room.

For interview requests, or for help with publications or background information, please contact

Please note that the AIC does not comment directly on government policy, current police investigations or individual criminal cases.


The AIC has researchers who can comment on a range of criminology issues such as:

  • Crime trends
  • Drugs, Alcohol and Violence
  • Cybercrime
  • Fraud and white collar crime
  • Money laundering and organized crime
  • Environmental crime
  • Trafficking
  • Indigenous Justice
  • Youth Crime and Diversion
  • Child protection and child abuse
  • Crime Prevention and trends in crime prevention policy
  • Burglary