
Archive | Politics

All posts that are primarily about politics

Speak Out, Fight Back!

Speak Out, Fight Back!

 We spent six weeks in January and February in Ford City, Pennsylvania, my hometown. We stayed with my mother, in the house in which I grew up, and slept in the twin beds in my old room. Fifty years ago, I would pull up the covers and listen to faraway AM stations on my father’s […]

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The Obtuseness of the "Left Establishment"

The Obtuseness of the "Left Establishment"

 Recently a group of U.S. left-wingers, myself included, signed an open letter to certain members of the “left establishment,” urging them to come into open opposition to the Obama administration.  Among those to whom the message is directed are Michael Moore, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Bill Fletcher, Tom Hayden, and Jesse Jackson, Jr., all of whom […]

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