- published: 15 Sep 2016
- views: 62810
Not safe/suitable for work (NSFW) is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain material such as nudity, pornography, or profanity, which the viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace.
Determining a site to be NSFW is invariably subjective, and poses challenges for academics who study sexuality. The difficulty in identifying such content objectively has led to the creation of online tools to help individuals to identify NSFW content:
NSFW has particular relevance for individuals making personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools which have policies prohibiting (even inadvertent) access to sexually provocative content.
On November 28, 2007, Fark.com founder Drew Curtis filed an application to trademark the phrase, but the application was abandoned.
PORN WATCHING SIMULATOR | N.S.F.W (Not a Simulator For Working)
Fuck, Marry, Kill: The Game Show (NSFW) - {The Kloons}
DON'T WATCH THIS AT WORK! | NSFW: Not a Simulator For Working
Bikini Slips (NSFW)
DON'T DO THIS AT WORK! - NSFW: Not a Simulator For Working
BAD SANTA 2 NSFW Red Band Trailer #2 (2016) Billy Bob Thornton, Christina Hendricks Comedy Movie HD
ASH VS. EVIL DEAD Ep. 202 | 2016 | NSFW Clip "That A Hole Is Me"
6 games that are absolutely NSFW
EVER WANNA WATCH PORN ALL THE TIME?! WELL WHAT'S STOPPING YOU!?!?!?! Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier Play The Game ► http://www.indiedb.com/games/nsfw-not-a-simulator-for-working Follow my Instagram ► http://instagram.com/markipliergram Follow me on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/markiplier Like me on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/markiplier Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shirkofficial/haunted Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint
Fuck, Marry, Kill: The Game Show. A painful commentary on the state of American entertainment. SUBSCRIBE to The Kloons: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thekloons Follow us on Twitter and instagram: @thekloons Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thekloons CAST: Ashley - Alison Sieke (http://IMDb.me/alisonsieke INSTA: @alisonsieke) Priest - Jason Horton (http://www.youtube.com/jasonhorton) Maid of Honor - Lish Bliss (http://imdb.com/name/nm5925889/ INSTA: @LishBliss) Best Man - Mo Aboul-Zelof (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXaFk25WPZiUZoViIwElxq_-PUQMXauJL) Cinematographer: Kyle Hatch (INSTA: @KyleHatch21) Production Assistant and Sound Engineer: Steve Trinkley Hire us at The Kloons Viral Studio http://thekloonsviralstudio.com/
Welcome to NSFW: Not a Simulator For Working, a NSFW game about watching things at work you shouldn't be, but making sure NOBODY knows about it. LIKE this video because it's NSFW! DAILY Streams ► http://www.twitch.tv/cinnamontoastken Follow me on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/Z71AgE Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/YARpEy Check out my hot waifu ► https://youtube.com/user/supermaryface Check out my Editor! ► http://bit.ly/2bl4q2S NSFW: Not a Simulator For Working: http://www.indiedb.com/games/nsfw-not-a-simulator-for-working ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻
A compilation of girls losing their bikinis. It happens. Thank you for subscribing! Unless you haven't yet, then what are you waiting for? :) If you'd like to become a support, please visit http://www.patreon.com/itscompilated
The most NSFW Compilation so far on Youtube - Don't watch if under 18! All rights go to the owner of the Videos ➨ Subscribe to my channel for more funny compilations ➨ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ultimativePRANKs This is a new compilation of different videos. Check out the owners of the videos!
The boss has a job for you to do. Or, you know, you could just browse inappropriate things on the internet instead... Planet Coaster • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGKo_0YU0-o Get NSFW • http://www.indiedb.com/games/nsfw-not-a-simulator-for-working •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *Questions? Check my about section first!* Twitter: http://twitter.com/mattshea MattShea T-Shirts: http://mattshea.fanfiber.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattsheatv/ My SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/mattshea Facebook: http://facebook.com/mattsheatv I spend a ton of time on Twitter so if you want to interact with me, that's your best bet. Thanks again for the support. I really appreciate it :)
I’m not going to put links in the description, find them on your own you perverts! ;) Happy Saturday Bonus Video! Thanks to http://www.adameve.com! Use code PHIL for 50% off at check out! ———————————— Catch Up On The PDS: GUESS WHO JUST LOST THEIR DAMN MINDS ON THE WRONG PERSON! Idiots…: https://youtu.be/wX8ziG6e9_c It Was Me. I Did it. I’m Sorry. Please Forgive Me. https://youtu.be/Y_1Y5wyAE9w HOW BUZZED JUST PISSED OFF THE INTERNET! Wow…: https://youtu.be/8I-76GGRE5w DON’T SNAPCHAT AND DRIVE YOU IDIOT!!!: https://youtu.be/__hMfj2X8Rk ———————————— OTHER AWESOME: The Brand New Friday Show: https://youtu.be/vY1PIC69AHY CoWorker’s Listen to Hamilton for the First Time: https://youtu.be/LQdQsbNtSlE 32 NSFW Banned Games!: https://youtu.be/gJRkqBUr-_M ———————————— Follow Me On Social! —————...
http://www.joblo.com - BAD SANTA 2 NSFW Red Band Trailer #2 (2016) Billy Bob Thornton, Christina Hendricks Comedy Movie HD
In episode 202 of ASH VS. EVIL DEAD, “Pablo’s grasp on reality is tested when Ruby reveals the Necronomicon has gifted him with premonitions. Meanwhile, in the morgue, Ash and Kelly discover Brock’s date might not be the warm body he’s banking on.” Visit Bloody Disgusting ► http://bloody-disgusting.com Like Us on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BloodyDisgusting/ Follows Us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com//bdisgusting
Most games are perfectly playable at work. At least if you have the kind of job that allows you to play games during working hours. But the games on this list should never be played from the office. Get ready for six games that are absolutely not suited for work! 6. Cabela's Big Game Hunter You don't want to be caught playing Cabela's Big Game Hunter at work. Shooting and killing animals will quickly earn you the title of redneck piece of shit. Can you imagine the disgust in the eyes of your vegetarian work friends as you pump wild life full of holes. 5. The Stanley Parable The Stanley Parable isn't violent or sexy, so in that sense it's perfectly suited for work. It does however take place in an office. If your colleagues see you play a game that takes in a virtual office while you a...
Shantaks et erardum tcho
Shoogoths tikal...
Shantaks the viva efalli yog-oths
Isathhoga tikal kadath I a a a
Ia ea ea ea ii ia i (Part 2 n’aai)
(Mountain of leng Place cosmic forces)
Shantaks n’kai, eraunitikal
(Portic envoulment – Part 2)
The silver key, ik ei!!!
Arradum madness
I io ia io the silver key aljh
Umr at tawil shantaks tikal
Falli key oooohhhh ia i i ee!!!
(Part 3 transportation hiper specie dimentional)
Tikal santahks afilik i ea ea
Nyarla – thotep if kil ia ea
Et nigromantun te fi kal kadath et ie