
Boys in the Trees review: The supernatural colours nostalgic take on growing up


Australian cinema has never stopped coming of age. It does other things as well. The past two years have seen a burgeoning of the offbeat, the original and yes, the mature, but the industry has always been inclined towards stories of adolescence and the urges and anxieties that go with it.

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Trailer: Boys in the Trees

On Halloween 1997, two estranged teen skaters embark on a surreal journey through their memories, dreams and fears.

For me, Nicholas Verso's Boys in the Trees is a companion-piece to Girl Asleep, which is also on release at the moment. Both are from South Australia, both have attracted attention on the festival circuit and both filter their accounts of adolescent rivalries, regrets and uncertainties through the prism of fantasy and fairytale. Their teenage heroes have to go into the woods to sort things out before they can feel ready to leave childhood behind.

Nostalgia gets a run, as well. Girl Asleep is set in the 1970s and looks drolly on disco and flares, while Boys in the Trees is asking us to get nostalgic about the 1990s. It's 1997 and the film's gang of high-school leavers are preparing for Halloween, a ritual Verso shoots with all the enthusiasm of someone who spent his own childhood and adolescence hooked on Hollywood blockbusters about suburbia in collision with the supernatural.

Teenage rites and rebellion get another airing in the new Australian film <i>Boys in the Trees</i>.
Teenage rites and rebellion get another airing in the new Australian film Boys in the Trees.  Photo: Mushroom Pictures

Wrapped in this other-worldly package is a familiar but ever potent story about the consequences of bullying. Corey (Toby Wallace) is a key member of his school's ruling clique – all skateboarders – who display the usual intolerance towards anyone who doesn't conform to their alpha male idea of cool. Their particular target is Corey's childhood friend Jonah (Gulliver McGrath), who's younger, smaller and nerdier, with a sharp tongue that gets him into a lot of trouble with Jango (Justin Holborrow), the most vicious of the jocks.

Now, after months of watching him suffer, Corey is thinking of doing something about it. And it's clear he'd better hurry up. As the boys – and girls – hare around the neighbourhood on Halloween, swigging vodka in the graveyard and wandering through a conveniently located forest in their werewolf masks, Jonah, in his red hoodie, is looking more and more like Red Riding Hood at the wolf's mercy.

There's none of the humour that brightens the way in Girl Asleep. Corey and Jonah are an earnest pair and they not only have a lot to work out, they do it allegorically with flashbacks and elaborate dream sequences drawn from a game they played as kids.

Most of the energy in the piece comes from Holborrow, whose Jango delights in his reputation as the neighbourhood sociopath, and Mitzi Ruhlmann as Corey's smart girlfriend, who's fast tiring of his reluctance to grow up – as was I. Adolescence is not endlessly fascinating.