Look through the window and who do I see Amber friend Amber waiting there for me Look through the window and who do I see Abby friend Abby another friend for me Hello , Hello , Hello and how are you
Article by WN.com Correspondent Dallas DarlingEven now, a new WikiLeaks dump revealed how CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper not only sought political advice from Democratic operatives, but what questions to draft for the party’s Republican opponents Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz... To be sure, the real power behind this election – and us – is the Megacomputer and Worldwide Web and its blogospheres and technocratic gadgets ... W. W ... 188-189. ....
NEW DELHI. Using just 138 characters, famous - or infamous - US whistleblower EdwardSnowden late yesterday demonstrated how the FBI could so quickly analyze 650,000 emails to prove US Presidential candidateHillary Clinton did no wrong. Jeff Jarvis, a journalist, tweeted the NSA whistleblower about whether such an analysis could be done so quickly, because US RepublicanDonald Trump has been insinuating that it can't ... RELATED....
photo: AP / Ramman Kenoun/Santa Clara Country Registrar of Voters via AP
(Washington) — After nearly two years of bitterness and rancor, America will elect its 45th president Tuesday, making Hillary Clinton the nation’s first female commander in chief or choosing billionaire businessman Donald Trump, whose volatile campaign has upended U.S. politics. The winner will inherit an anxious nation, angry and distrustful of leaders in Washington ...EST ... “It’s been a long journey.” ... ___....
Chelsea Clinton has been drawn into the controversy regarding the emails hacked from the Gmail account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. Since October, Wikileaks has released over 50,000 of the emails, which are published on Wikileaks.org. Podesta, a close political ally of the Clintons, had previously served as Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton... In a Jan....
A giant sinkhole appeared in the middle of a busy Japanese city today, swallowing part of a five-lane street near the main railway station ... TV footage showed two separate holes steadily expanding as they sucked in asphalt and soil in front of the city's Hakata Station ... ....
Bangkok, Nov 3 (IANS) At least three people were killed in a string of attacks in three southern Thai provinces after the arrival of a government negotiation delegation, the military said on Thursday ... The Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), the largest armed rebel group, later claimed responsibility for the August attacks. --IANS. ksk/vt. ....
(Source. Alpari (US) LLC). Dear clients,. We would like to notify you that from 30th October, 2016 countries in Europe will switch to winter time and a week later, on 5th November, 2016, the US will make its switch to winter time. Due to this the trading schedule will undergo the following changes. Instrument Trading schedule (EET*) from 30/10/2016 Trading schedule (EET*) from 05/11/2016 ...BRN, WTI 02.00 (Mon) 22.00 (Fri) 22.00-02.00 ... Note....
Eni SpA E recently inked a strategic agreement with Sonatrach to start up renewable energy projects in Algeria. The first project – the construction of a 10 megawatt photovoltaic plant in the Bir Rebaa North (BRN) field – will be co-operated by the two companies through GSA (Sonatrach-Agip Groupement). The project work is expected to commence before the end of this year ...ENI SPA-ADR Price. . ENI SPA-ADR Price ... MUSA ... ....
Professed members of the main insurgent group, the Barisan Revolusi Nasional Melayu Patani (Patani-Malay National Revolutionary Front, BRN), hold leading positions in MARA Patani, but do not have the sanction of the group's leadership. BRN has questioned NCPO sincerity and emphatically rejected talks without foreign observers, a stipulation that stokes the regime's fears of internationalisation....
(Source. ResonanceHealthLimited). 1 3-09-1 6 ; 12 . 1 9 ; SG H i sc oc k ; + 61 3 9642 4 4 30 # 1 I 4. SG H ISCOCK & COMPA NY. FACSIMI LE TRANSMITTAL SHEET. TO. ... 4 ... Tho total numbt2r or votos \ilt\lC.he to YII he vot.irJg shares in the i;ompany or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant Interest (J) Inon tho date tho substanllal holdor brn.ame a substantial hOldor (Ire as rouow!i.....
With BRN opposing peace talks with MaraPatani, hopes of a breakthrough are slim without addressing root causes of conflict A couple of decades ago, when Malaysia was thinking about building a wall long along parts of the common border, Bangkok reacted negatively. The word psychological barrier was employed to describe the plan ... ....
However, insurgents affiliated with Barisan Revolusi Nasional-Coordinate (BRN-Coordinate) have not ceased attacks on civilians. Human Rights Watch's research has found that since the escalation of armed insurgency in January 2004, the BRN-Coordinate has targeted schools, teachers and other education personnel, which they consider symbolic of the ThaiBuddhist state's control of ethnic Malay Muslim territory....
Bangkok-based analyst Anthony Davis, at security consulting firm IHS-Jane’s, said a ceasefire was unlikely as the main group behind the violence, Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), had been left out of the talks. “BRN has made it entirely clear that they reject the current process of peace talks between Bangkok and the group of small factions-in-exile in Malaysia called MaraPattani,” he said ... ....