- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 230937
Kobarid (pronounced [kɔbaˈɾiːt]; Italian: Caporetto, Friulian: Cjaurêt, German: Karfreit) is a settlement in Slovenia, the administrative centre of the Municipality of Kobarid.
Kobarid is known for the 1917 Battle of Caporetto, where the Italian retreat was documented by Ernest Hemingway in his novel A Farewell to Arms. The battle is well documented in the museum in the centre of Kobarid. The museum won a Council of Europe award in 1993.
Kobarid was attested in written sources as Kauoretum in 1184 (and as de Cavoreto in 1258, Caboret in 1291, and de Chiavoretto in 1343). The Slovenian name is derived from *Koboridъ, borrowed from Old Friulian *Kaborệdu. The original Romance form of the name, *Cap(o)rētum, is probably derived from Latin caper 'goat' and refers to a place where there are goats. The town is known as Cjaurêt in Friulian, Karfreit in German, and Caporetto in Italian.
The municipality is the westernmost in Slovenia, situated within the Julian Alps in the Upper Soča (Isonzo) Valley, at the confluence with the Nadiža (Natisone) River, close to the border with Italy. In the southwest, the road leads to the neighbouring Italian comune of Pulfero. The area is located in the north of the historic Goriška region, itself part of the larger Slovene Littoral.
Alessandro Barbero (born April 30, 1959) is an Italian historian, novelist and essayist.
Barbero was born in Turin. He attended the University of Turin, where he studied literature and Medieval history. He won the 1996 Strega Prize, Italy's most distinguished literary award, for Bella vita e guerre altrui di Mr. Pyle gentiluomo. His second novel, Romanzo russo. Fiutando i futuri supplizi, has been translated into English as The Anonymous Novel. Sensing the Future Torments (Sulaisiadar 'san Rudha: Vagabond Voices, 2010). Its critical success in Italy has been repeated in Britain: Franco Cardini wrote in Il Giornale, "Barbero uses the diabolic skills of an erudite and professional narrator to seek out massacres of the distant and recent past. The Anonymous Novel concerns the past-that-never-passes (whether Tsarist or Stalinist) and the future that in 1988 was impending and has now arrived". Allan Massie wrote in The Scotsman, ""If you have any feeling for Russia or for the art of the novel, then read this one. You will find it an enriching experience," and Eric Hobsbawm wrote in The Observer, "The Anonymous Novel: Sensing the Future Torments, from a new publisher, Vagabond Voices, situated on the Isle of Lewis, is a vivid novel about Russians coping with the transition from communism to capitalism and combines echoes of Bulgakov with elements of a thriller."
World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, or the Great War, was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history. Over 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war (including the victims of a number of genocides), a casualty rate exacerbated by the belligerents' technological and industrial sophistication, and the tactical stalemate caused by trench warfare, a grueling form of warfare in which the defender held the advantage. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, and paved the way for major political changes, including revolutions in many of the nations involved.
The war drew in all the world's economic great powers, assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom/British Empire, France and the Russian Empire) versus the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Although Italy was a member of the Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary, it did not join the Central Powers, as Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive, against the terms of the alliance. These alliances were reorganised and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States joined the Allies, while the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined the Central Powers.
Pathé News was a producer of newsreels, cinemagazines, and documentaries from 1910 until 1970 in the United Kingdom. Its founder, Charles Pathé, was a pioneer of moving pictures in the silent era. The Pathé News archive is known today as British Pathé. Its collection of news film and movies is fully digitised and available online.
Its roots lie in 1896 Paris, France, when Société Pathé Frères was founded by Charles Pathé and his brothers, who pioneered the development of the moving image. Charles Pathé adopted the national emblem of France, the cockerel, as the trademark for his company. After the company, now called Compagnie Générale des Éstablissements Pathé Frère Pt'honographes & Cinématographes, invented the cinema newsreel with Pathé-Journal. French Pathé began its newsreel in 1908 and opened a newsreel office in Wardour Street, London in 1910.
The newsreels were shown in the cinema and were silent until 1928. At first they ran for about four minutes, and were issued biweekly. Even though during the early days the camera shots were taken from a stationary position, the Pathé newsreels captured events such as Franz Reichelt's fatal parachute jump from the Eiffel Tower, and suffragette Emily Davison's fatal injury by a racehorse at the 1913 Epsom Derby.
The concept of the First World originated during the Cold War and included countries that were generally aligned with or on friendly terms with the United States (including all NATO countries) and were generally identified as non-theocratic democracies with primarily market-based economies. While there is no current consensus on an exact definition of the term, in modern usage, "First World country" generally implies a relatively wealthy, stable and functional non-theocratic democracy with a reasonably well educated population, or just any developed country.
During the Cold War, relationships between the First World and the Second World of Communist states were typically competitive, ideological, and occasionally hostile. Relationships of both these "Worlds" with "Third World" countries (i.e. all the rest) were normally positive in theory, while some were quite negative in practice (such as proxy war between client states). Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and advances in communication technology, relations amongst the "Worlds" are not as rigid, although there are still marked disparities, with the First World generally having more influence, wealth, and access to information and technological innovations than the Second and Third Worlds.
Actors: Mario Brega (actor), Pietro Germi (actor), Renato Montalbano (actor), Saro Urzì (actor), Marcella Rovena (actress), Franco Cristaldi (producer), Leonardo Benvenuti (writer), Piero De Bernardi (writer), Pietro Germi (writer), Pietro Germi (writer), Alfredo Giannetti (writer), Alfredo Giannetti (writer), Carlo Rustichelli (composer), Pietro Germi (director), Dhia Cristiani (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: Andrea Zaccardi has returned home from hunting. He and his wife Luisa are very close. Their young son Giulio develops a cough. The doctor recommends the seaside. Luisa leaves with Giulio for several weeks. Andrea stays to work at the metal shop... While visiting his family, Andrea notices a young woman on the beach with her soldier boyfriend. The weekend over, the girl is on the bus home. Rita recognizes Andrea from the neighbourhood. They talk, walk home, say good night... Rita's brother Gino is trying for a job at the metal shop. Andrea helps him make the grade. Rita comes home to find Gino's new mentor there... Andrea apologizes. Rita tells him she is now engaged. Andrea spends a restless weekend with Luisa... Rita is working late at the office. Andrea appears. They kiss...
Genres: Drama,
Da Caporetto al Piave: lezione tenuta domenica 22 ottobre 2017 dal Prof. Alessandro Barbero, al Teatro Metropolitano Astra di San Donà di Piave, organizzata dal Comune. Barbero è professore universitario, divulgatore e volto noto delle trasmissioni di Alberto e Piero Angela. La lezione è stata organizzata dall'Amministrazione comunale di San Donà di Piave
Documentario di Rai Storia e Corriere della Sera sul centenario della Grande Guerra, episodio dedicato a Caporetto. Di Paolo Mieli e Carlo Lucarelli, tutti i diritti . Documentario di Rai Storia e Corriere della Sera sul centenario della Grande Guerra, episodio dedicato a Caporetto. Di Paolo Mieli e Carlo Lucarelli, tutti i diritti . Prima guerra mondiale. Sul fronte italiano ha inizio la battaglia decisiva di Vittorio Veneto. In dieci giorni di combattimenti, loffensiva italiana provoca il collasso .
Alessandro Barbero, uno dei più importanti storici italiani, ci racconta il suo grande libro sulla disfatta Caporetto, edito da Laterza. http://www.mondadoristore.it/Caporetto-Alessandro-Barbero/eai978885812980/
in occasione della presentazione del suo ultimo libro CAPORETTO (ed. Laterza). Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio 2 Novembre 2017 ore 17
La battaglia di Caporetto o dodicesima battaglia dell'Isonzo (in tedesco Schlacht von Karfreit, o zwölfte Isonzoschlacht), venne combattuta sulle Alpi orientali durante la "prima guerra mondiale":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AWUT-JzO8o tra il Regio Esercito italiano e le forze austro-ungarico- tedesche. Lo scontro, cominciato nella notte del 24 ottobre 1917, rappresenta la più cocente disfatta nella storia dell'esercito italiano. Il termine Caporetto viene utilizzato come sinonimo di sconf… ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2017/10/22/caporetto-fu-una-vittoria euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsit euronews è disponibile in 13 lingue: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/c...
Questa conferenza rientra nel programma di incontri con il pubblico nel periodo autunno-inverno 2017-18 finalizzati alla realizzazione nel territorio goriziano del Museo di uso del Novecento. Da cent’anni la disfatta di Caporetto suscita le stesse domande: fu colpa di Cadorna, di Capello, di Badoglio? I soldati italiani si batterono bene o fuggirono vigliaccamente? Ma il vero problema è un altro: perché dopo due anni e mezzo di guerra l’esercito italiano si rivelò all’improvviso così fragile? L’Italia era ancora in parte un paese arretrato e contadino e i limiti dell’esercito erano quelli della nazione. La distanza sociale tra i soldati e gli ufficiali era enorme: si preferiva a dare il comando dei reparti a ragazzi borghesi di diciannove anni, piuttosto che promuovere i sergenti – ...
La disfatta di Caporetto e la resistenza sul Piave, la fucilazione dei disertori e le responsabilità della classe politica raccontati 100 anni dopo in maniera inedita da Carlo Cadorna, in un'intervista esclusiva per la rubrica Club Mad curata da Antonio De Martini
l'Italia in guerra dall'intervento a Caporetto L'Italia in guerra dal Piave a Vittorio Veneto
Il 24 ottobre 1917 cominciava la battaglia di Caporetto che per noi italiani assumera' da quel giorno in poi il significato di disfatta.Esattamente un anno dopo cominciava sul Piave la battaglia di Vittorio Veneto, forse la piu' importante e gloriosa nella nostra storia:nel giro di un anno le sorti della guerra si erano completamente capovolte e l'impero austro ungarico era al collasso tanto che Armando Diaz, nuovo capo di stato maggiore al posto di Cadorna, pote' scrivere nel bollettino della vittoria la bellissima e celeberrima frase: " I resti di quello che fu uno degli eserciti piu' potenti del mondo risalgono in disordine e senza speranza le valli che avevano disceso con orgogliosa sicurezza."
The French score a morale boosting victory over the German at La Malmaison, but the Canadians were not so successful elsewhere on the Western Front. Whilst the Germans continue on through the Estonian Archipelago and onto the Russian mainland, the 12th Battle of the Isonzo takes place on the Italian Front. Unlike the 11 battles that came before it, this one was initiated by the Central Powers and was their biggest breakthrough yet on that front. » HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL? You can support us by sharing our videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.You can also support us financially on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegreatwar You can also buy our merchandise in our online shop: http://shop.spreadshirt.de/thegreatwar/ Patreon is a platform for creators like...
The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation http://www.potmiru.si/ Follow Indy and his guide Leon up the heights of the Kolovrat Ridge and into the Italian frontline trenches and bunkers. From there we take a look down towards the Isonzo Valley and reconstruct the advance of the German and Austro-Hungarian forces during the Battle of Caporetto towards Tolmin and Kobarid. Walking through the narrow corridors, we try to understand the conditions in which the defenders lived and fought. » HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL? You can support us by sharing our videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.You can also support us financially on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegreatwar You can also buy our merchandise in our online shop: http://shop.spreadshirt.de/thegreatw...
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A Caporetto vincono i tedeschi e non gli austriaci, in una battaglia per loro del tutto secondaria e su un fronte privo di qualunque importanza strategica.
A video
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All Roads Lead To Adventure EPISODE 5: Cascading waterfalls, the Julian Alps, emerald green rivers, and endless outdoor activities are just some of the reasons that Slovenia is one of Europe's best kept secrets. Join me as I travel to Kamp Koren Kobarid in the breathtaking Soča River Valley to camp, hike, standup paddle board, kayak, and go white water rafting as part of an MWR Outdoor Recreation trip. Connect with me here: Website & Blog: http://www.AndriaLea.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AndriaLeaTV Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AndriaLea Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/AndriaLea Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+AndriaLea/posts Royalty Free Music Licensed by StockMusic.net (Media Producer License)
In viaggio verso Caporetto. Paesaggi fantastici
Virtualni ogled kampa Koren pri Kobaridu. Virtual guide to Camping Koren at Kobarid, Slovenia. ( 360 Surround Video - immersive video)
OK so I had just a little bit of fun in Slovenia :) During my 4 days glamping by the river Krupa in Bela Krajina we enjoyed canoeing, visiting Lake Bled and Bled Castle, a food tour of Ljubljana, meeting local businesses and pruducers, boxing, cooking, and more. Huge thank you to Big Berry Lifestyle Resort for hosting me and looking after me so well! ❤ Music ❤ Scott Buckley 'Journeys' http://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/journeys/ Scott Buckley 'Homeward' http://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/homeward/ Scott Buckey 'Rainbows' http://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/rainbows/ ❤ Find me everywhere! ❤ Blog // http://www.jolihouse.com Bloglovin // http://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/joli-h... Instagram // http://www.instagram.com/lilykatefrance Twitter // http://www.twitter.com/jolihouseblog ...
Deze video gaat over Canyoning 20-8-2016
Triglav national park, the Vrscic pass, Soca River, Napoleon Bridge in Kobarid and the Trenta Valley near the Julian Alps, all beautiful nature spots in Slovenia.
kobarid in slovenia famous by is waterfalls and nature
This week we head to the little known country of Slovenia to help you plan a two week trip to this incredible place for under $1,500. You can even get it below $1,000 (and drop by Italy) if you really commit to your budget! Here's a link to Traveling Cheaply in Italy (Slovenia's neighbor) - https://youtu.be/WtnlcBjLEPo Check out our website - https://goo.gl/7tZvi4 Follow us on: Facebook - https://goo.gl/9J2nVu Instagram - https://goo.gl/4AfW1R Twitter - https://goo.gl/hAfL1K We would LOVE to hear from you! So feel free to ask us any questions or give us feedback below. And if you liked the video, don’t forget to LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel!
Video was made in one of the most beautiful and unspoiled valleys in Europe, Soča Valley, Slovenia. It mostly presents river Soča with few of its many beautiful surroundings, Krn Lake, Boka Waterfall, Kozjak Waterfall and Zapotok Waterfall. The Soča is a 138-kilometre (86 mi) long river that flows through western Slovenia (96 kilometres or 60 miles) and northeastern Italy (43 kilometres or 27 miles). Due to its emerald-green water, the river is marketed as "The Emerald Beauty." It is said to be one of the rare rivers in the world that retain such a color throughout their length. It is also the spot where filming of movie The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian took place (https://youtu.be/LSTD_kJBETo ). The Soča Valley, with its natural splendorous, has long been a favorite among seekers...
Single Speed European Championship 2016 Mountain bike Kobarid, Slovenia
Heading into the setting sun a beautiful evening in june 2011
Outdoor activities in Bovec, july 2014. Many thanks to http://www.alpicenter.cz/ and their awesome guides, Katja and Matěj! In this video: rafting/hydro speed: Soča river Canyoning: Fratarica We had a great time! Shot with SJ4000.
Hey Guys, it's Anika! I'm taking you to follow a Soča River with us on our spontaneous road trip :) It's my first time in Soča Valley so I didn't have any special spots that I would like to see. We just drove along the Soča River and stopped to explore some places, like Most na Soči, Tolmin and Kobarid. We saw Napoleon Bridge and St. Anton Church above Kobarid. It was lovely and relaxing. Next time we will take tracking shoes and go deeper into the Valley! It's also a good idea to take swimming suits to try this incredibly COLD but clean water. If you Guys have any favourite spots there, please let us know in the comments below! We would love to collect your suggestions and visit this place once again to make a proper guide to Soča Valley! Stay tuned! *** ♫ Music: https://soundcloud...
Subscribe at http://goo.gl/l6qjuS for more new travel talks! The Adriatic is emerging as one of Europe's top destinations. We'll focus primarily on Croatia's Dalmatian Coast: the Roman villa-turned-bustling-city, Split; the "Pearl of the Adriatic," Dubrovnik; and some charming seafront villages. We'll also dip into neighboring Slovenia, combining breathtaking Alpine scenery with a breezy Adriatic café culture. Download the PDF handout for this class: http://goo.gl/l7eLvl (Disclaimer: Any special promotions mentioned are no longer valid.)
This video is about Central Europe 2016 - Day 8 (Slovenia is Beautiful!)
De camping ligt genesteld tussen parels van natuur: in het dal van de Soca, langs de rivierbedding, bij de watervallen van de beek Kozjak, in de buurt van de beroemde Napoleonbrug en op de plaats van de gerestaureerde frontlinie uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog en de resten van de romeinse nederzetting Tonocov grad. Meer informatie op www.CampingGids.com
[The Emcee plays a recording on a phonograph.]
The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The branch of the linden is leafy and green,
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs..."
[EMCEE (spoken)]