

More funds for preschool places.

New preschool funding misses 70pc of children

The cost of childcare to the bulk of NSW families could actually increase after the government's multi-million dollar funding boost to the early childhood sector, industry sources say. 

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Early childhood educators earn as little as $20 an hour.

Four reasons your childcare bill is so high

We know that childcare costs are ever rising, but the latest data - from the Melbourne Institute, which has been tracking the changing nature of how Australians live since 2001 - sets out the pressure on household budgets clearly.

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  • This article contains a video
Who decides when it's time to start a family? Not the dad.

The real costs of starting a family

Rising childcare costs are heaping more financial pressure on Australian families at a time when soaring house prices mean many are struggling to buy their first home or pay off a big mortgage.

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  • This article contains a video