Toddler Health


Brushing up ... It's a good idea to get your children into good dental hygiene habits at a young age.

Review: Macleans Nurdle Time app

They say there’s an app for anything and now there’s even one to encourage your children to clean their teeth - and it's a lot of fun, as Amity Dry and her kids discovered.

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baby smiling

Don't brush off kids' dental care

It's never too early to start looking after your child's dental health. Here's how to care for those little pearly whites – and how you can take better care of your own teeth, too.

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Are multivitamins worth it?

You can buy multivitamins for different genders and ages, but is this segmentation necessary? And really, should you - or your children - be taking multivitamins in the first place? CHOICE investigates.

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carrots boys

Stopping the dinner dramas

Children can be adventurous eaters - it's just all in how you approach the subject, research shows.

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no meat th

Top 10 tips for babies and children who won’t eat meat

If there are certain major food groups your child won't eat, there's a risk she will miss out on particular nutrients - but if she does go off particular foods, there are plenty of tactics you can try to help her get as balanced as a diet as possible. These tips should help if your little one has decided not to eat meat.

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"I was paranoid about him being made to feel that he was anything less than perfect" … Chrissie Swan.

Heavy burden

Accepting that your child needs to go on a diet is painful, as Chrissie Swan shares.

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water child

The world of fussy eaters

With a former 'garbage guts' now turning up her nose at everything she's offered, Amity Dry is worried her second child is following in the fussy-eating footsteps of her eldest child. What's a mum to do to when her kids just won't eat what they're given?

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Chiropractor, chiropractic, bad back, spine, neck.

Funding issue

Doctors take aim at chiropractors

Chiropractors are peddling shonky treatments that could be dangerous for people, including babies and children, a group of high-profile doctors says.

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