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Battlefield 1 is gut-wrenching and honest

World War 1 was truly global, and <i>Battlefield 1</i> reflects that.

The original World War - with its despair, endless trenches and confusing web of political and imperial motivations - is not an easy basis for a video game.

Dreamworld accident families vow to find answers

Kate Goodchild and partner David Turner with children Ebony, left, and Evie, right, in a picture released by the family.

The family of the Canberra victims of the Dreamworld tragedy have vowed to find the answers to the horrific incident as they made a heartbreaking statement on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

Gold Coast to host surfing symposium

Waves roll in at Coolangatta.

The Gold Coast's first-ever international surfing, surfing behavior, shark protection, ocean and beach conservation conference to save the waves will be held at the Currumbin RSL club in March 2017.

Parents sentenced for years of abusing daughter

The father started abusing his daughter when she was aged just five

A father who raped and tortured his daughter for more than a decade - tying her up and locking her in an old chook pen for nights on end - has been jailed for a maximum of 48 years.

Dreamworld's former boss made $1.5m without working a single day

Ardent's former CEO GregShaw's left the company in April last year - but that didn't stop him from making $1.5 million ...

Donating her controversial bonus to the families affected by the Dreamworld tragedy, Ardent Leisure boss Deborah Thomas now effectively earned less than half of what her predecessor made last financial year. The kicker is, he didn't work a single day.

WA legalises medicinal marijuana

Dr Andrew Katelaris is one of Australia's biggest medicinal cannabis suppliers.

WA doctors from Tuesday will be able to legally prescribe medicinal cannabis after the state government threw its support behind changes to new Commonwealth laws.

Clinton's path to the top bucks the trend

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is far from succeeding her husband.

If Hillary Clinton wins on November 8 she will have forged a remarkable and unprecedented political trail: the first woman in more than 200 years of American democracy to win the Presidency, and the first former First Lady to become Commander-in-chief.