- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 8251
Terrassa (Catalan pronunciation: [təˈrasə]) is a Spanish city in the east central region of Catalonia, in the province of Barcelona, comarca of Vallès Occidental, of which it is the cocapital along with Sabadell.
The city is located in the Catalan Prelitoral depression (Depressió Prelitoral), at the feet of the Prelitoral mountain range (Natural reserve of Sant Llorenç del Munt) and the average altitude of the city is 277 meters above sea level. It is 20 and 18 kilometres from Barcelona and Montserrat respectively.
The remains that have been found indicate that the area where Terrassa stands has been inhabited since prehistory. In 2005, during the construction of a tunnel for one of the city's railway lines, a prehistoric site was found in the Park of Vallparadís , with stone tools and fossils of hunted animals dating back 800,000 to 1,000,000 years, making this is one of the oldest prehistoric sites in Europe.
Terrassa originated as the Roman town of Egara (Municipium Flavium Egara), which was founded during the time of the emperor Vespasian (69-79 CE) alongside the torrent of Vallparadís (nowadays an urban park) close to the Iberian town of Egosa, on the site of which some ceramics and coins have been found.
En Peyu ha sabut que a Terrassa hi estan passant coses molt estranyes. En lloc de la gespa, reguen els carrers, fan escultures estrambòtiques, fan places que semblen carrers i han fet les voreres més perilloses del món per als gossos. Aneu amb compte!
El Hospital del Tórax era un antiguo hospital ubicado al norte de la ciudad de Terrassa, que albergó a pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias desde el 1952 al 1997. La historia de este terrorífico lugar está llena de dolor, sufrimiento, muerte y suicidios, que han desencadenado una serie de fenómenos paranormales muy inquietantes. Esperamos que disfrutéis el vídeo. ¡No olvides suscribirte para no perderte mis nuevos vídeos!! ►SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/O1bCJS ►TWITTER: https://goo.gl/6IPvnC ►GOOGLE+: https://goo.gl/A2EikK ►FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/GRdg0O Creating Love http://elblogdecreatinglove.blogspot.com.es/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Música por Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/ Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creati...
Adolf Hitler is still alive
Ooooogh - sssssh
I slept with her last night
Come out from behind
that false mustache, Adolf
I know your’re in there
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
You favor life
He sides with Death
I straddle the fence
and my balls hurt