22 October 2016

Turkish bombing in Syria threatens wider war

By Bill Van Auken, 22 October 2016

The fractious and mutually antagonistic alliances forged by Washington in its interventions in Syria and Iraq threaten to explode into a regional and perhaps a world war.

Mosul offensive stirs a cauldron of conflicts

Amid Mosul offensive, Turkey denounces US policy, stakes claims in Balkans

The ISO and the New America think tank denounce opposition to the war in Syria

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Divisions grow at EU summit over trans-Atlantic trade, war drive against Russia

By Alex Lantier, 22 October 2016

The European Union is incapable not only of reaching agreement on policy, but of hiding the increasingly embittered tensions among its member states.

US navy sends destroyer to challenge China in South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 22 October 2016

The latest US “freedom of navigation” operation came as Philippine President Duterte’s tilt to Beijing dealt a blow to Washington’s “pivot to Asia” strategy.

More on the South China Sea crisis »

Massive cyberattack shuts down large sections of the Internet

By Kevin Reed, 22 October 2016

The assault was very large in scale and sophisticated in coordination.

Union ends strike at Pennsylvania state campuses, pushes concessions

By Samuel Davidson, 22 October 2016

Union leaders ordered 5,500 striking faculty and coaches to take down picket lines Friday, caving in to management demands for salary and benefit cuts.

SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike

By Marc Wells, 22 October 2016

Video games actors went on strike Friday against several large corporations for better pay, safety, transparency.

Latest NYPD killing highlights de Blasio’s history of defending the police

By Isaac Finn, 22 October 2016

The Democratic mayor's routine response to police killings is to seek to appease public anger while defending the NYPD’s egregious actions as the product of insufficient training.

Police killing of mentally ill 66-year-old Bronx, New York woman sparks outrage

More on police violence in America »

Report reveals vast scale of US “secret law”

By Josh Varlin, 22 October 2016

“Secret law,” as detailed in a report from the Brennan Center for Justice, is an increasingly routine tool used by the US government to prevent public discussion of its actions.

Police stage right-wing, law and order protest in France

By Francis Dubois, 22 October 2016

The Socialist Party government has cultivated the police as its main social base, and police are now aggressively advancing demands for more resources and powers.

Germany: The liquidation of the Kaiser’s Tengelmann supermarket chain

By Marianne Arens, 22 October 2016

After the failure of the roundtable talks organised by the union Verdi, the bosses of the supermarket chain have begun to sell off stores in North Rhine-Westphalia.

UK: NHS official suggests GP surgeries “be allowed to fail and wither”

By Ajanta Silva, 22 October 2016

In September, 2,000 patients were left without a doctor after a surgery was closed in Nottingham following an “inadequate” regulatory rating.

Public rifts erupt in Australian government

By Mike Head, 22 October 2016

The internal warfare wracking the Liberal-National Coalition cannot be explained by a dispute over gun laws.

Bangladesh government accused of “kneecapping” opponents

By Sarath Kumara, 22 October 2016

The Hasina government, which confronts widespread opposition, is increasingly resorting to police-state methods to maintain its rule.

New in Russian

Хомский в Чикаго: Жидкая кашица политики «меньшего зла»

Маркус Дэй и Джордж Галланис, 22 октября 2016 г.

На своей недавней лекции Ноам Хомский выступил с ложным тезисом, согласно которому глобальное нагнетание милитаризма и войны можно остановить путем поддержки «меньшего из двух зол» на предстоящих выборах в США.

New in French

Les élections 2016 : la démocratie américaine en lambeaux

Par Joseph Kishore, 22 octobre 2016

En condamnant les déclarations de Trump qui dit qu’il pourrait ne pas accepter les résultats des élections, les médias et l’establishment politique se précipitent à la défense un système politique qui est profondément corrompu et antidémocratique.

New in German

US-Wahlen 2016: Die amerikanische Demokratie in Trümmern

Von Joseph Kishore, 22. Oktober 2016

Die Medien und das politische Establishment der USA verurteilen die Äußerungen von Trump, er werde das Ergebnis der Wahlen möglicherweise nicht akzeptieren. Dabei verteidigen sie ein politisches System, das zutiefst korrupt und undemokratisch ist.

Offensive gegen Mossul schürt zahlreiche Konflikte

Von James Cogan, 22. Oktober 2016

Zwischen den offiziellen Verbündeten im Kampf gegen den Islamischen Staat könnten bereits vor der Einnahme von Mossul erbitterte Kämpfe ausbrechen.

Türkei kritisiert amerikanische Mossul-Offensive und erhebt Ansprüche auf dem Balkan

Von Alex Lantier, 22. Oktober 2016

In Griechenland fürchtet man, dass Erdogans Äußerungen die türkisch-griechischen Beziehungen untergraben könnten. Auch zwischen der Türkei und der EU ist die Lage gespannt.

Rot-Rot-Grün in Bund: Pläne nehmen Gestalt an

Von Johannes Stern, 22. Oktober 2016

Zwölf Monate vor der nächsten Bundestagswahl trafen sich im Bundestag 90 hochrangige Funktionäre von SPD, Linkspartei und Grünen, um über eine Zusammenarbeit auf Bundesebene zu diskutieren.

„Massenerschießungen. Der Holocaust zwischen Ostsee und Schwarzem Meer 1941–1944“
Eine zeitgemäße Ausstellung in Berlin

Von Verena Nees, 22. Oktober 2016

Die Ausstellung im Dokumentationszentrum „Topographie des Terrors“ dokumentiert die systematisch Erschießungen von Juden, anderen Zivilisten und Rotarmisten durch eigens aufgestellte „Einsatzgruppen“ in Zusammenarbeit mit Wehrmacht und Polizei.

Other Languages


What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US?

22 October 2016

A major theme of the 2016 US presidential campaign has been the campaign to depict Russia as intent on manipulating the election through cyber warfare.

Earlier Perspectives »

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

The November 5 conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,” and the building of a new movement against imperialist war

Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate denounces US escalation of Iraq War

By Jerry White, 19 October 2016


Clinton and Trump laugh it up with New York’s aristocrats at Al Smith Dinner

By Barry Grey, 22 October 2016

The once-every-four-years pre-election affair has long been an occasion for the richest of the rich and their political and media spokesmen to trade jokes and revel in their wealth and power.

The 2016 elections: American democracy in shambles

By Joseph Kishore, 21 October 2016

The right-wing politics of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson

By Tom Hall, 21 October 2016

Sanders’ damning silence on Clinton’s Wall Street speeches

More on the 2016 US elections »

European Central Bank “obfuscation” likely to fuel market volatility

By Nick Beams, 21 October 1026

Philippine president declares “separation from the US” during visit to China

By Oscar Grenfell, 21 October 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP presidential candidate speaks to Ford workers in Toronto

By our reporters, 22 October 2016

Jerry White spoke to Ford Canada workers at the Oakville assembly plant, the center of opposition to the concessions agreement being pushed by the auto union, Unifor.

US SEP Presidential Candidate Jerry White to speak at two meetings in Toronto this week

Ohio glass workers discuss strike with SEP presidential candidate Jerry White

By a WSWS reporting team, 20 October 2016

War and the 2016 US elections: SEP candidates launch final election tour

20 October 2016

SEP campaigners speak with Huntington, West Virginia residents

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

Arts Review

Denial and the assault on historical truth

By Joanne Laurier, 22 October 2016

A fictional account of American academic and author Deborah Lipstadt’s legal battle with British Holocaust denier David Irving in 2000 in London.

Does Bob Dylan deserve to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?

By David Walsh, 21 October 2016

The false friends of Peter Weiss, German dramatist, filmmaker and novelist

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

22 October 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Socialist Equality Party

US SEP presidential candidate Jerry White to address Sri Lankan public meeting via Internet

21 October 2016

New Zealand public meetings: The US Navy visit and the drive to war


ExoMars mission has both success and failure

By Bryan Dyne, 21 October 2016


The autocratic record of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej

By Tom Peters, 20 October 2016

1937: When Canadian and US autoworkers fought together

By Roger Jordan, 20 October 2016


Scholarship, not war propaganda!

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Germany), 18 October 2016

Australian IYSSE holds Inaugural General Meeting at the University of Melbourne

By the IYSSE (Australia), 15 October 2016

Book Review

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates: The dystopian vision of racial politics

By Tom Eley and David Walsh, 15 October 2016

25 years ago: Former Ku Klux Klan leader wins large vote in Louisiana primaries

October 19, 1991, ex-Ku Klux Klansman David Duke finished second in a primary election for governor of Louisiana, winning a place in the November 16 runoff.

More »

50 year ago: GE workers strike military plants

On October 17, 1966, members of three national unions struck five General Electric plants, after their local contracts expired without agreements.

More »

75 years ago: Japan forms war cabinet

On October 17, 1941 the third cabinet of Prince Konoye collapsed after negotiations between Japan and the United States failed to reach any compromise over conflicting imperialist interests in Asia and the Pacific.

More »


100 years ago: Friedrich Adler assassinates Austrian Prime Minister

On October 21, 1916, Friedrich Adler, a leader of the Social Democratic Party of Austria, assassinated Prime Minister Karl von Stürgkh in a politically bankrupt act of terrorism.

More »

Online Interview with David North

Large audience for interview with David North, author of A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016

By our reporter, 29 September 2016