
AFL Grand Final: The Bulldogs' win is a symbol and rallying cry

For most of white settlement of the harsh, inhospitable inland and in the great city of Melbourne, the west has been a melting pot of battlers, immigrants, refugees and first people. In its fated embrace of convicts, immigrants and the indigenous, Modern Australia is a mongrel hybrid of multicultural success. We are not the thinly disguised pasty face of One Nation patriotism. The Bulldogs' AFL premiership is both a symbol and a rallying cry to what can unite us and bring out the best in us. The west's melting pot vigour  is a desired attribute and a supreme compliment; its powerful productive forces are gathering. 

Tony Newport, Hillwood, Tasmania

Illustration: Matt Golding.
Illustration: Matt Golding. 

Supporters reflect range of cultures

What an amazing journey over the last month. The Doggies have proven that anything is possible. It has been terrific seeing how the community has enjoyed the ride and shared the experience. A long-term member, I went to the Whitten Oval on Sunday at the request of my two sons and it was very valuable time sharing with them some of the family history and connections with the Doggies and Whitten Oval. Arriving at the ground was a moment to remember, with the crowd of people draped in red, white and blue. On closer inspection, I could see the crowd reflected a wide range of cultural and racial communities – a real symbol of mutual respect, and acceptance of cultural diversity and inclusiveness. It said to me what the Bulldogs are about and it is the Australia I love being a part of. Go Doggies. 

Russell Sully, Nunawading

Let's watch more football

The AFL could have put on a women's match as a precursor to the main game and paid them. It would have been far better entertainment, especially to those who are more interested in football than to see an "event". The $1 million or so saved could have been used to assist struggling country leagues, support youth development programs or increase the pay for the women's league. 

Rod Eldridge, Derrinallum


Acknowledge the club captain

Luke Beveridge's moving post-match tribute to club captain Robert Murphy highlights the need to recognise what is a significant difference between a club captain and a team captain. Often, this person is one and the same. But the grand final identified a difference; a club captain is an appointment of fixed tenure, irrespective of place in the team, whereas the team captain is a transferable honour, often as a result of  injury but also poor form. Thus, I invite the AFL to ensure that should the club captain not be the part of the winning team, that he too is acknowledged and presented with a premiership medal at the game's conclusion. 

Anthony Dickinson, Glen Iris

Public holiday pay rates unfair

I have just been doing the employee salaries for the past week. How unfair that those who missed nothing of the event got double time for working Friday, while those who missed the whole grand final get a normal pay. Really has little to do with football, does it? 

Christine Sebire, Echuca


Flag bearers for rich

It should shock us all that we have the most inequitable education system in the developed world. As an ex-teacher and a Christian I am further dismayed at the connection of the church with many of the wealthiest, most exclusive and over-funded private schools.

When is the church going to confront the conflict it faces trying to follow both commercial and Christian principles? While David Gonski, with his emphasis on needy schools, exposed the gap between rich and poor, the churches remained silent. I have taught happily in both systems and church schools make outstanding contributions to our education system, but some use their government funding to extend their boat sheds or renew their aquatic centres, while some government schools use their funding to provide breakfast for those who otherwise wouldn't get any. By their silence, the churches risk becoming flag bearers for the privileged, rather than carers of the poor. 

Bryan Long, Balwyn

Reason to complain

John Simpson (Opinion, 2/10) spoke on behalf of all citizens deeply concerned about the quality of residential aged care services. Bipartisan reforms introduced in 2013 decreased regulation and pushed consumer choice. But the "consumers" are often frail, elderly people, many with dementia. How can they negotiate fees and demand a high quality service? 

It is no surprise that the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner's first annual report shows an 11 per cent increase in complaints. Relatives complain because residents' needs are unmet – when incontinence pads are not changed regularly, when bruises appear or skin tears, and when pressure sores are not treated appropriately, in some cases turning gangrenous. Complaints are also made when residents suffer from malnutrition and/or dehydration and are chemically restrained. The list goes on.

The industry cannot keep dismissing such complaints as a one-off problem. Incidents occur in aged care homes because providers employ too few staff. 

When taxpayers are subsidising the care of elderly people, the public's investment needs to be protected in the form of regulation, mandated staff ratios and a rigorous accreditation system. The care of vulnerable older people is too important to be left to the free market.

Sarah Russell, Northcote

Steadfast advocate

Given the political grandstanding pitting fossil fuels against renewables, I would love to know exactly how much coal generators and coal mining and gas companies are donating to political parties. Also transparent should be other perks, including, for example, international jaunts to attend weddings. The federal government has proved to be a steadfast advocate for coal and gas, and is consciously not tackling the long-term damage from fossil fuel emissions. Until political donations from companies are banned, and  individual donations capped, undue influence will continue to triumph over action in the national (and international) interest. 

Margaret Beavis, Brighton

Platitudes parroted

If there was any doubt that the big four banks work together on interest rates and other policies, it surely evaporated at the parliamentary hearings.  The way the four CEOs parroted the same platitudes and apologies was cringe-worthy. I'm astounded how government MPs can seriously suggest that a banking tribunal with improved powers for ASIC and other regulators will make any difference to bank culture and bank behaviour. ASIC and co have been spectacularly unsuccessful to date.

John Kirk, Canterbury

Foster wellbeing

Good government is about fostering community wellbeing – in education, health and welfare, as well as the building of national physical and community infrastructure. And a focus on such areas would directly provide the "jobs and growth" that are most valuable to the nation.

Yet instead of designing equitable taxes to finance the building of these key needs the government is slashing funding for them while pouring billions into the criminal ill-treatment of refugees, an unnecessary plebiscite and even subsidies for fossil fuel companies. It treats the section of society least able to pay as the only source of revenue and acts as if rampant tax avoidance by corporates and the wealthy doesn't exist.

The Tax Office tries to control tax avoidance. But legislation, including international agreements, is grossly inadequate to overcome rampant avoidance and the use of tax havens. Action in this area alone would solve our "budget crisis". We certainly have "government of the people" but we need to modify Abraham Lincoln's famous phrase and add "by the wealthy, for the wealthy". 

Bill Godfrey, Mount Stuart, Tas

Lighting spot fires

How ironic that on the very day car manufacturing in Australia started tumbling down Tony Abbott was swanning around at taxpayers' expense in Europe, lighting little fires about coming back as PM. Meanwhile, if we ever get invaded, we will have to immediately send overseas our orders for basic items such as vehicles, uniforms, fuel and so on. Heaven help us.

John Coffey, Fitzroy North

Fantasy economics

 The IMF has said global debt has reached a record high of $152 trillion.  It seems every country is in disastrous debt.  Who do we all owe?  The Martian mafia? The cold-hearted plutocrats at the end of the solar system?  The world needs a new, more sensible theory of economics than the current neo-classical fantasy that leads us fearfully and tearfully from crisis to crisis.

David Champion, Ivanhoe

Think laterally on tax

State Labor and Liberal parties last week were quick to rule out any suggestion of a congestion tax. Unfortunately, taxes have been falling and becoming less progressive for some time. The Conservatives wear that as a badge of honour. But if we don't provide infrastructure and services through progressive taxes (which target the wealthy more) then we must pay in other ways. A "congestion tax" is not especially progressive, but it would at least promote the use of public transport, taking pressure off roads. Also experience has shown infrastructure privatisation (including of roads) can stymie competition. Governments guarantee profits, shutting down alternatives, while consumers pick up the bills. 

Consumers get a much better deal paying for infrastructure in their capacity as taxpayers than they ever will as consumers in a "private market" that involves nepotism and monopolism. And progressively structured tax ensures a fair go for all.

Tristan Ewins, Box Hill

Money not well spent

If I were an economic rationalist I'd suggest to the Immigration Minister he is not getting his money's worth ("Dutton's spend on spin", 2/10). Considering that his department, aided by an army of spin doctors costing taxpayers $8 million a year, usually says very little it's fairly obvious that the 82 communications staff are redundant. Matt Golding's cartoon (Letters, 2/10) says it all: "We need to guarantee everybody is left in the dark." Lack of transparency is an attack on democracy.

David Legat, South Morang

We can't afford sense

If Mr Dutton needs $8 million a year and 82 staff to tell us the gibberish nonsense "We cannot comment; it is an operational issue", then we certainly could never afford the cost for him to tell us something intelligent.

Graeme Scarlett, East Malvern

Valuing wrong things

Well said, Alex Brown (Letters, 2/10). Why are we told that private industry does it cheaper and better, when there are other issues to be considered apart from cost? The SEC, Telecom, the Gas and Fuel and the Victorian Railways all trained apprentices. Alas, no more, with the privatisation of these utilities. Private industry imports skilled workers because they are cheaper then training locals. Of course, our industry base is also shrinking like a puddle on a hot day, but that is another issue.

Meanwhile, we import building materials that contain asbestos that clearly do not comply with Australian standards. What if a fire in a building built with such material is too toxic for firefighters to extinguish? 

We've learnt the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Sally Rose, Frankston

Mind your language

 I fully endorse Tracey Spicer's sentiments about women ageing ("My Shades of Grey", Sunday Life, 2/10). Yes, we should embrace it and "we need to reassess words describing us as we age". How galling, then, and hypocritical for Spicer to then say she loves feeling graceful in her barre classes instead of like a "slab of menopausal meat".

Linda Fisher, Malvern East