IWW New Graphic

As an IWW member, you get:

  1. Encouragement, mutual aid and support.
  2. Expert advice and help with procedures like disciplinary or grievance hearings.
  3. Help and guidance on organising your workplace.
  4. An international organisation dedicated to working together to build worker power in our jobs and in our communities.
  5. Some practical things:
    • Your Union Membership Card
    • IWW Badge
    • Digital (PDF) copies of ‘Industrial Worker’, our international newspaper
    • Internal Bulletins
    • Subscription to internal email list
    • One Big Union / Wobspeak Booklet
    • International Constitution and Regional Administration Rule Book and Manual of Policies and Practices


Membership Dues

Dues are paid according to your earnings – and are based on your take home pay (i.e. After tax and NI)

Monthly Income Monthly Dues
£230 or less £1
£231 to £777 £2
£778 to £1,343 £5
£1,344 to £1,910 £10
£1,911 – £2,477 £18
£2,478 or more 1%


Application Form

To join, fill out our online membership form, or download the form and send it with payment to: IWW, PO Box 7593, Glasgow, G42 2EX. You can also join by contacting your nearest branch or regional organiser. If you require any assistance or have any questions on completing the form, please contact us.