- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 179
Barack Hussein Obama II (US i/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is an American politician serving as the 44th President of the United States, the first African American to hold the office. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School between 1992 and 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, and ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary for the United States House of Representatives in 2000 against incumbent Bobby Rush.
In 2004, Obama received national attention during his campaign to represent Illinois in the United States Senate with his victory in the March Democratic Party primary, his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July, and his election to the Senate in November. He began his presidential campaign in 2007 and, after a close primary campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008, he won sufficient delegates in the Democratic Party primaries to receive the presidential nomination. He then defeated Republican nominee John McCain in the general election, and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009. Nine months after his inauguration, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Vincent Reynouard (born February 18, 1969 in Boulogne-Billancourt) is a chemical engineer, a math professor, an independent historian and a Holocaust denier who has been jailed in France for his writings about the Second World War. The law in France is called the Gayssot Act.
His revisionist work gained notoriety in connection with the Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre. His work, alone and with others, is sometimes labeled by courts as "contesting crimes against humanity", and sometimes as "disputing crimes against humanity". Mr. Reynouard believes that "we must take up the best of what National Socialism comprised in order finally to surpass it and forge a doctrine that will be able to save our Old Continent."
There is an important distinction in French law which impinges upon Reynouard's case. It is that one may contest the existence of a war crime, but not defend a war crime.
He was released from French prison on April 5, 2011.
Étienne Chouard (born December 21, 1956 in Paris) is a French economics and law teacher and blogger. During the 2005 French referendum campaign on the European Constitution he gained public attention by advocating against it, notably for his discussion with Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Since then Chouard – who defines himself as a "seeker of the original cause of social injustices" – has been working on different democratic systems and constitutions. He is a supporter of the idea of sortition which could also be applied to constitutional conventions.
obama l'hypocrite & l'évasion fiscale
«L'État et les banques, les dessous d'un hold-up historique» par Myret Zaki et Etienne Chouard
Quel est l'état de l'évasion fiscale en France ?
Le G8 fait front commun contre la fraude et l'évasion fiscale
Comment lutter contre l'évasion fiscale? - 08/04
Nouvelle Donne contre l'évasion fiscale
Interview de Vincent Reynouard condamné à 2 ans ferme
Owned & Operated
Dieudonné et le terrorisme : réponse à Valls
Émeutes dans l'Essonne. Un commissariat de police attaqué / Les Ulis (91) - France 12 février 2017
VERSION "ENRICHIE" DE LA CONFÉRENCE / PREMIÈRE PARTIE DISPONIBLE ICI : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AUbvQIdxy8 Version audio (podcast de la conférence) : http://www.usfprod.ch/share/3-Music-et-Samples/confaudiotube/Conf_Zaki_Chouard_Ge_Pod.mp3 La Fonderie Kugler présente deux conférences en partenariat avec le journal bimensuel La Cité (http://www.lacite.info/) - (http://www.usinekugler.ch/) Myret Zaki, rédactrice en chef adjointe du magazine Bilan, «L'État, otage du secteur financier» Étienne Chouard, professeur d'Économie-Gestion à Marseille, chercheur indépendant, «Enjeux pour le peuple du contrôle public de l'État et de la banque». Pour y accéder directement : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list;=UUuqKwvlBmW_ZZoDbV89LBOA&v;=TLjq25_ayWM#t=2105s Modération...
Les leaders des huit plus importantes économies mondiales si on exclut la Chine, se sont accordés... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-vous et recevez notre sélection quotidienne d'actualités internationales:http://eurone.ws/YhnkpY Euronews est disponible en 13 autres langues: http://eurone.ws/17mq3VK http://fr.euronews.com/2013/06/18/le-g8-fait-front-commun-contre-la-fraude-et-l-evasion-fiscale Les leaders des huit plus importantes économies mondiales si on exclut la Chine, se sont accordés sur une série de nouvelles mesures pour mettre un frein au blanchiment d'argent, lutter contre l'évasion fiscale et contre les grands groupes qui évitent l'impôt. Ces mesures incluent l'identification des vrais propriétaires des fameuses coquilles vides : ces e...
Toute l'actualité sur http://www.bfmtv.com/ Après les aveux de Jérôme Cahuzac et les révélations "Offshoreleaks", l'Europe veut se mobiliser pour lutter contre l'exil fiscal. François Hollande prépare des mesures-chocs pour moraliser la vie politique, et le ministre allemand des Finances Wolfgang Schäuble a annoncé que son pays allait s'engager pour une croisade internationale contre l'évasion fiscale. Une lutte difficile et longue à mettre en oeuvre, qui pourrait être facilitée par la mise en place de différentes mesures, au plan européen et international notamment.
Interview de Vincent Reynouard juste après son procès de février 2015 ou il était entendu pour contestation de crime contre l'humanité, a finalement été condamné à deux ans de réclusion. Peine qui sera rediscuté en appel, puisque le procureur de la République a jugé que cette dernière était "trop lourde" et disproportionnée.
Owned & Operated is a mosaic of the world through the lens of the internet. Showing our lives as consumers, under the thumbs of privileged individuals and their methods of control. But the world is awakening, and the experience is something outside the normal rules of social interaction, causing excitement in those who are not served by the current system... and fear in those who are pampered by it. This documentary attempts to present these events using the video, audio and written content uploaded to the internet by the collective human consciousness comprised of every individual participant. Oh yes, change is coming... and it will be more dramatic than anybody can imagine. -------- Visit our website at http://www.crackinfilms.com "Owned & Operated" on IMDB ( rate/review the movie )...
Après la censure de sa vidéo "Je ne suis pas Charlie", Vincent Reynouard va encore plus plus loin en démasquant l'hypocrisie de Monsieur Valls lorsqu'il évoque les poursuites intentées contre Dieudonné pour "apologie du terrorisme". Répondant à tous ses adversaires qui lui reprochent ses parallèles avec la deuxième guerre mondiale, Vincent Reynouard démontrent qu'effectivement, les Alliés ont laminé le IIIe Reich et la Japon en violant la légalité et en pratiquant le terrorisme aussi bien à petite qu'à grande échelle... Finalement, notre monde issu de cette "victoire" de 1945 ne fait que récolter ce qu'il a semé voilà 70 ans. Vidéo explosive : à regarder d'urgence avant la censure.
Les émeutes qui font suite à l'interpellation de Théo se poursuivent dans différents départements mais sont beaucoup moins nombreuses. Cette nuit du 12 février 2017 vers 22h30 une trentaine d'individus a attaqué le commissariat de police de la ville des Ulis dans l'Essonne Des véhicules de police ont été dégradés, d'autres brûlés en ville. La police a fait un usage massif de moyens répressifs comme le gaz lacrymogène ou le Flash-Ball. Images Laurent Bortolussi - RUSHES NO COMMENT. Format disponible / Available format Full HD 1920x1080 bitrate 28 mbps, 50fps. These images are available to buy. Please visit www.linepress.info for more informations. COPYRIGHT LINE PRESS ©2017. ATTENTION, TOUT USAGE COMMERCIAL OU NON COMMERCIAL STRICTEMENT INTERDIT SANS ACCORD PREALABLE DE L'AUTEUR OU DE ...
In a wide-ranging exit interview, NPR's Steve Inskeep asks President Obama about Russian interference in the U.S. election, executive power, the future of the Democratic party and his future role. • Read "NPR's Exit Interview With President Obama" at http://www.npr.org/2016/12/09/504998487/transcript-and-video-nprs-exit-interview-with-president-obama ------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe to NPR on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/npr Follow NPR elsewhere, too: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/npr • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NPR • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/npr/ • Tumblr: http://npr.tumblr.com/ • Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/npr ABOUT NPR NPR connects to audiences on the air, on demand, online, and in person. More than 26 million ra...
Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B President Barack Obama sits down with Bill Maher on the eve of the election to discuss the issues Real Time viewers care about. Connect with Real Time Online: Find Real Time on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maher Find Real Time on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealTimers Find Real Time with Bill Maher Official Site: http://itsh.bo/HttKcM. Find Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO GO® http://itsh.bo/iioY87. Find Real Time with Bill Maher on Connect: http://connect.hbo.com/real-time-bill-maher Find Real Time on Instagram: http://instagram.com/realtimers The Real Time blog: http://www.real-time-with-bill-maher-blog.com/ Find Real Time merchandise: http://itsh.bo/1p0Doxu It's HBO. Connect with HBO Online Find HBO on Facebook: http...
President Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama sit down with People Magazine to talk about the election, raising a family in the White House, and what is next. Subscribe to ►► http://po.st/SubscribeEW Watch interviews with your favorite celebrities from the world of fame. What was it like for John Green to work with Cara Delevigne, what does Jennifer Lawrence think of Amy Schumer, and much more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJrTdKdDFMcOEDXcopc1nG6r6P7rHcF5T Find out about the latest news updates on all things entertainment. The biggest show launches, cast reveals, Hollywood celebrity gossip and the most popular movie announcements all in one place: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJrTdKdDFMcOD2Izg66tCC0cnPbhcSxJq Be the first to see our newest cover story reveals and...
President Barack Obama sits down with Stephen Colbert for a frank discussion of his career prospects after he leaves office. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad!...
President Barack Obama spilled details on how he and the First Lady work things out.
Reflecting on his two-term presidency, Barack Obama looks back at his accomplishments and also shares his opinions on the role of government. * Watch this full episode of The Daily Show on CC.com and the CC app: http://on.cc.com/1MnCo2b
VICE founder Shane Smith interviews President Barack Obama, discussing a host of issues important to Americans, from foreign policy and marijuana legalization to global warming and political gridlock. Read "‘I’m Embarrassed for Them’: Obama Hits Back at Republican Senators' Letter to Iran Over Nuclear Deal” - http://bit.ly/1CcZLYa Watch Season 1 of VICE on HBO: http://bit.ly/VICE-HBO-S1 Watch Season 2 of VICE on HBO: http://bit.ly/VICE-HBO-S2-E1 More from Shane Smith: http://www.vice.com/author/shane-smith Follow Shane on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanesmith30 Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News Check out VICE News for more: http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenew...
Bruce Willis on David Letterman - August 19th 2014 - Full Interview. Gordon Ramsay on David Letterman. January 12th 2015 Full Interview. President of The United States Presidente de Los Estados Unidos. Robert Plant, Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones on Late Show with David Letterman. President Obama visits the Late Show with David Letterman. Obama speaks with Letterman about health care reform and controversy surrounding his plan. Kevin Spacey on tonights show of todays aired episode of March 18th 2015 here on the show to talk about House of Cards new season 3 premiere on netflix ... And does Obama write his own jokes? Barack Obama on David Letterman, david letterman,david letterman late show,david letterman 2013,late show 2013,dav Barack Obama on David Letterman Full Interview ...
Steve talks to President Barack Obama as he shares his personal side and opens up about family, fatherhood and holiday traditions. Find out where to watch in your city here: http://steveharveytv.com/watch/ Get more Steve Harvey! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SteveHarveyTV Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/iamsteveharveytv Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/IAmSteveHarvey
President Barack Obama joins Vox's Ezra Klein and Sarah Kliff for an exclusive interview about the future of Obamacare.
In this new exclusive series, the President of the United States interviews professional snowboarders about their lives. This is the first of several interviews, but up first is the mad man himself, Travis Rice.
I'm incredibly honored to have just spent two days photographing President Barack Obama at his speech on the Iran deal at American University, and during a video interview in the White House library. Thanks so much to the incredible crew at Mic.com for taking me along, and be sure to check out their incredible interview with President Obama at www.mic.com/obama.
Huell goes back to Occidental College where he finds some never-seen-before photos and gets an additional interview with one of Barack Obama's former classmates. Web Exclusive.
Introducing the American artist Shepard Fairey is a bit like explaining whose portrait he famously altered for the "Hope" campaign that was widely used by Barack Obama's supporters in 2008. Since the mid 1980s he has created outstanding (then: street) art that is strong, iconic and expressive. Shepard Fairey is also a thoughtful, committed, and outspoken activist who revives the artistic virtues of standing up for the freedom of speech and fighting for rational and non-corporate ways of dealing with the issue of copyright. Obey the interview we did with him in Los Angeles in late 2010! Watch our complete archive of films on www.gestalten.tv!
Humphrey Fellow Rachael Nakitare filmed an exclusive Oval Office interview with President Barack Obama this week, in which he urged Kenyans to vote in an upcoming constitutional referendum, scheduled for August 4.
Cuatro días incrustado en la campaña de Barack Obama. El único medio español que logró entrar en la caravana demócrata y hablar con Obama (Documental 50 minutos) Four days embedded with the Obama campaign. We were the only Spanish network authorized into the Obama travel press. The candidate gave a unique interview that made front page in all the Spanish newspapers. (50 minutes documentary)
This interview took place in September, 2008, when the U.S. Presidential election contest between Barack Obama and John McCain was very much on everyone's mind. The interviewer is Bill Stranger, editor of DharmaCafe.com and publisher of DharmaCafé Books. The interview was filmed by Eliot Hurwitz.
Silicon Valley for Obama volunteer Brianna Campbell discusses why and how she chose to work for the Obama campaign, including Camp Obama and 6 trips to Reno. This interview was recorded as background research for the Silicon Valley for Obama Documentary. Apologies for the bad sound quality; this is what happens when you place a lavalier microphone improperly.
On the Show: OBAMA’S SIREN SONG In his final State of the Union, President Barack Obama asserted that we have recovered from the 2007/08 financial crisis, asserting that the United States has the strongest, most durable economy in the world. However, the bubble that Wall Street has built since 2008 – knowing full well that they are playing with house money - makes the housing bubble look like a cute little white head pimple on the face of a dainty little unicorn. The coming bubble burst is a huge ingrown hair zit on the third eye of the world, and it is ready to pop. Host Dennis Trainor, Jr. breaks down Obama’s final #SOTU. - JILL STEIN ON BERNIE SANDERS Most American voters see huge differences between, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – or Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz – and assert tha...
Let me be your lucky star
shining down on you
Lucky star babe
I wanna be babe,
your lucky star
let me be, be babe
I wanna be... baby, baby,... your lucky star
every night you look up in the sky babe,
there's a light shining in the dark there,
it's me looking down on you girl,
in my heart, you're the only one in my world,
takes some time, just some time to know me,
and let me show you how much you mean to me,
all this love is waiting here just for you,
i'll be your star shining through,
i want to be your lucky star,
i wanna be,
i want to be your lucky star,
your lucky star babe,
all alone...
i want to be your luckystar
(want to be your luckystar... luckystar shinin' down on
i want to be your luckystar
Listen babe.
Heart to heart, is where i wanna be,
whith your love, i know i am complete
I'm here every step for to way, and i see you each and
every day.
My love for you is so strong,
and i know, that nothing will go wrong
with you in my life would be so happy;
if you don't regret my love!
(Babe, babe...)
i want to be your luckystar
that star babe... shinin' down on you
i want to be your luckystar
i wanna be that, i wanna be that luckystar babe
i want to be (star babe..) your luckystar,
shinin' down on you, shinin' down on you
(i want to be) i want to be your luckystar
(that luckystar babe)
Let me explain.
I love for you is real
Something, i can feel in a deep inside my body
my soul.
Now i wanna be that star shining down you,
watching over you.
Every step of the way.
Just let me that star shining in the night...
When you look up, you feel my love
i want to (let me be...) be your luckystar
(yeahh... That luckystar babe)
i want to be (luckystar baby) your luckystar
i wanna be, i wanna be that luckystar
(i want to be your luckystar)
The luckystar babe
I want to be your luckystar
Over and over, i wanna love you!
(i want to be your luckystar)
Yeahhh... babe babe...
i wanna be that luckystar babe,
i wanna be that luckystar babe
i want to (you don't know) be your luckystar
You don't know, how much i feel it,
in a love you, babe...
i want to be your luckystar
I wanna that star, babe
Let me your luckystar, shining down you,
shining down you...