- published: 23 May 2008
- views: 290884
Action directe (AD) was a French revolutionary group which committed a series of assassinations and violent attacks in France between 1979 and 1987. Members of Action directe considered themselves libertarian communist who had formed an "urban guerrilla organization". The French government banned the group.
Action directe was set up in 1977 by two other groups, GARI (Groupes d'Action Révolutionnaire Internationalistes, revolutionary internationalist action groups), and NAPAP (Noyaux Armés pour l'Autonomie Populaire, Armed Core Groups for Popular Autonomy), as the "military-political co-ordination of the autonomous movement". In 1979, it was transformed into an "urban guerrilla organization" and carried out violent attacks under the banner of "anti-imperialism" and "proletarian defence". The group was banned by the French government in 1984. In August 1985, Action directe allied itself with the German Red Army Faction.
Action directe carried out some 50 attacks, including a machine gun assault on the employers' union headquarters on 1 May 1979 as well as attacks on French government buildings, property management agencies, French army buildings, companies in the military-industrial complex, and the state of Israel. They carried out robberies or "proletarian expropriation" actions, and assassinations, killing Engineer General René Audran, the manager of French arms sales, in 1985. They were also accused of Georges Besse's 1986 killing, a murder allegedly justified because he was the then head of the French automaker Renault. However, they denied it during their trial. Besse was also former president of Eurodif nuclear company, in which Iran had a 10% share. They also claimed joint responsibility for the 1985 bomb attack carried out by the Red Army Faction at Rhein-Main Air Base in Frankfurt, which killed two people.
Action Directe is French for direct action. It may refer to:
See also:
Action may refer to:
The Institut national de l'audiovisuel (or INA, French for National Audiovisual Institute) is a repository of all French radio and television audiovisual archives. Additionally it provides free access to archives of countries such as Afghanistan and Cambodia. It has its headquarters in Bry-sur-Marne.
Since 2006, it has allowed free online consultation on a website called ina.fr with a search tool indexing 100,000 archives of historical programs, for a total of 20,000 hours.
In the 1980s, it issued a large number of recordings on the label France's Concert Records. In the 1990s it launched its own label INA mémoire as the historical recording label of the Institut national de l'audiovisuel, and of the archives of Radio France.
The Institut national de l'audiovisuel was founded in 1975 by a law of 1974 with the purpose of conserving archives of audiovisual materials, research relating to them and professional training. In 1992, legal deposit was extended to television and radio, and the institute was to be the depository. This led to the establishment of the Inathèque in 1995, with the aim of conserving and making its holdings available to researchers and students. It was opened to the public in October 1998, at the Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand. In 2002, legal deposit was extended to cable and satellite television and in 2005 to terrestrial digital television. From September 2006, the institute has been responsible for archiving 17 radio and 45 television services amounting to 300,000 hours per year.
Adam Ondra on Action Directe 11 / www.EuroClimbing.com
Rock Climbing Classics | EP#2 Action Directe 9a
Jan Hojer Beasts Wolfgang Güllich's Classic 9A 'Action Directe' | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 283
Action Direct (9a) Dai Koyamada
Ni Vieux Ni Traîtres
Historique action directe
iker pou action directe 9a
Alex Megos Weighs In On 'Hubble' Versus 'Action Directe' | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 423
Jan Hojer Action Directe 9a XI
Action directe : vie et mort du mouvement
http://euroclimbing.com/ Adam Ondra has managed Action directe 11 in Frankenjura. Video (C) Eva Ondrové. More info about this ascent on http://cs.euroclimbing.com/?p=779
ACTION DIRECTE 9a | WALDKOPF, FRANKENJURA "A number is just a number..." www.mammut.ch/rockclimbing RECLIMBING THE CLASSICS Mammut presents six 'rock classics' -- milestones in the history of sports climbing. And the people who climbed them for the first time, revisiting their own routes accompanied by top climbers from the Mammut Pro Team. Credits: Climbers: Jan Hojer Wolfgang Güllich Director & editor: Nicolas Falquet Jonathan Gallaud Camera: Nicolas Falquet Photography: Rainer Eder Thomas Ballenberger Gerd Heidorn Music: Solex / www.mxd.ch
www.epictv.com It seems that the alpine climbing season is well underway in Alaska, and 2 impressive new routes have been added to the Denali range, on Mount Huntingdon and it's neighbouring mountain, "Idiot Peak", and yes that is it's real name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pg1v2JH_cs Next, we've got a really inspiring video of German strong man Jan Hojer repeating the iconic Action Directe, in the Frankenjura region of his home Country. It was the World's first 9a and is still considered one of the true benchmark routes for top end climbers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOSRfDktwrY#t=167 Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/epictvclimbingdaily https://twitter.com/EpicClimbDaily https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRIbjrEHserQZ6O1Jd9wrg Jan Hojer Beasts 9A 'Action Directe' ...
Ni Vieux Ni Traîtres 2006 de Pierre Carles et Georges Minangoy Les deux réalisateurs Pierre Carles et Georges Minangoy vont à la rencontre d'anciens partisans français et catalans engagés dans la lutte anti-franquiste anarchiste des années 1970. Ils interviewent dans ce film d'anciens membres des GARI et du groupe Action directe ainsi que certains de leurs amis. Le documentaire inclut plusieurs débats au sujet de la légitimité de l'utilisation de la violence afin de résister contre les abus du système capitaliste. Les anciens membres d'Action Directe reviennent sur les actions réalisées en Espagne franquiste et en France dans les années 1970, ils débattent au sujet de la légitimité de leur actions. Ce film a pour but, selon les réalisateurs, d'ouvrir le débat dans les milieux libertaire...
22 fevrier 1987 Terrorisme : les quatre chefs historiques d'ACTION DIRECTE viennent d'être arrêtés. Rétrospective et historique de ce mouvement, depuis son émergence en 1974 aux côtés des autonomes (manifestations) jusqu'à la bascule dans la violence (attentats et assassinats politiques) et sa constitution en "branche internationaliste" (fusion avec la RAF ouest-Allemande et les CCC Belges). - 1981 : ROUILLAN et Ménigon bénéficient de la loi d'amnistie : images d'archives, [plan d'ensemble] banderole d'AD déployée sur la façade d'un squatt occupé par des militants à Paris ; [vue générale] groupe militants et sympathisants réunis au pied de l'immeuble. - Photo JM ROUILLAN. Images d'archives noir et blanc d'un attentat commis à Lourdes en juillet 1974 avec le GARI (Groupe d'act...
iker pou escalade escalada climbing boulder bouldering action directe
After the revelation that his favourite film is Bad Boys 2, (check yesterday’s show for details), we’ve got the second part of our interview with Alex Megos and today we’re discussing his trip to the UK in March of last year. As well as hitting up some of Britain's most well-known sport crags, Alex also competed in the Climbing Works International Festival. We discuss Alex's future plans for competition climbing and he gives us his take on the 'Hubble' versus 'Action Directe' debate. We’ll be bringing you the third part of our interview with him next week so stay tuned to get his take on bouldering, multi-pitch climbing and the horrors of big walling. Don’t forget that if you want to watch today’s show or any other over the weekend, check out the EpicTV app, which allows you to download...
Jan Hojer bei der 13ten Begehung der Action Directe 9a am 22.05.2010
10 janvier 1988 Rétrospective du mouvement Action directe dont le procès va commencer demain au palais de justice de Paris. - Sigle "AD" et étoile rouge en 1979 : attentat contre le ministère du Travail en septembre 1979 / dégâts / voitures abîmées. - [Différents plans] les différents attentats commis par Action directe. - Interview Patrick ROTMAN, auteur de "Génération" (éditions Le Seuil). - Tract d'Action directe et étoile à 5 branches, sigle du mouvement. - Sigle de la RAF ( "Rote Armee Fraktion" / Fraction armée rouge) Allemande / sigle des "Brigades rouges" Italiennes / sigle des "Cellules communistes combattantes" Belges / sigle "AD" pour Action directe. - Mai 1983 : hold-up et fusillade de l'avenue Trudaine à Paris (2 policiers tués) - Janvier 1985 ...
Directed by Cole Hersch
Track 01- Action Direct 1 Track 02- Action Direct 2 Track 03- Action Direct 3
Cheetah is a 1994 Hindi-language Indian action directed by Harmesh Malhotra, starring Mithun Chakraborty, Ashwini Bhave, Shikha Swaroop, Prem Chopra and Raza Murad.
Action directed by Robert Tai! Amazing action in the Jackie Chan tradition!
The amazing Mr. Takayanagi!
Cheetah is a 1994 Hindi-language Indian action directed by Harmesh Malhotra, Starring :- Mithun Chakraborty, Ashwini Bhave, Shikha Swaroop, Prem Chopra and Raza Murad.
Dilwale Movie Trailer Launch & Music Launch Full Event | Shahrukh Khan, Kajol - Dilwale is a 2015 Indian romantic musical action comedy film directed by Rohit Shetty, and produced by Gauri Khan and Shetty under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment and Rohit Shetty Productions respectively