Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Racist Frat Prank At U Of C In Chicago

Taken from the Huffington post:
A fraternity at the University of Chicago is under fire after pulling a stunt on an African-American mail carrier that has been decried as both racist and homophobic.

U.S. Postal carrier Iran Becton told the Sun-Times members of the university's Phi Delta Theta fraternity had him "needlessly" drag more than six dozen postal supply boxes to the chapter's house in the 5600 block of South University Avenue.

“About a week after Memorial Day, I had an order to bring 79 of the boxes," Becton said. "I came to the address and explained to the frat member that I would have a lot more supplies. I went back to the truck for the boxes about six or seven times. After the last trip, one of the frat guys came out and said it was a practical joke. Another guy said that I should read the name backwards and I’ll get the joke.”

According to CBS Chicago, the name on the order was “Reggin Toggaf;” read backwards, the first name is a racial slur and the last name is a slur for gay men.

Becton said he felt insulted "humiliated" and wants an apology; the Chicago Division Postal Inspection Services is reportedly investigating and mail delivery to the Phi Delt house has been suspended until they issue a written apology to Becton. The Sun-Times notes in addition to the impact on Becton, the prank involved "the abuse and possibly the destruction of postal property," which is a criminal offense.

Ironically, the incident came just days after the university hosted a diversity initiative for which the school's paper, The Chicago Maroon, reported "anti-racism activist and writer Tim Wise spoke about the ignorance of dominant social groups as a persistent problem in America and the University of Chicago community."

The Phi Delt prank wasn't the first time a U of C fraternity has been accused of being insensitive and offensive. In 2012, the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity drew criticism for its depiction of Latinos and a planned "Conquistadors and Aztec Hoes" theme party, according to United Press International.

Fraternities and sororities around the country seem to earn another racially or culturally insensitive embarrassment each semester; in February, Duke University's Kappa Sigma fraternity drew fire for an "Asia Prime" party .

Later the same month, Washington University in St. Louis' Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter was suspended for an incident involving pledges who allegedly sang racial slurs to black students.

State Leader Chris Rothe Resigns. Illinois NSM's Latest Incarnation Fractures As Soon As They Began

After a few antifascist attacks against Chris Rothe, including a flier drop at his place of business and his neighborhood,  he has resigned from the National Socialist Movement, giving up his chosen role as state leader. A major factor that led him to make this decision was not only the attacks but the lack of support from the NSM after the attacks occurred. Though this does not necessarily mean Chris isn't a nazi, he is no longer affiliated with that  particular organization. Since they have lost supporter William Kennedy, as well as members Suzan Lenner, Billy Woods, and the hated and proud skins, for the same reason, the NSM is left without a functional chapter in Illinois.

Statement from Chris Rothe:
 To Whom it may concern, I Chris Rothe wish to resign and cease all activity/contact with the NSM i wish to not be affiliated with not even support the NSM effective immediately.
I want to detour anyone who has interest in the nsm, i should start by letting you know
my car was vandalized my windows got busted out and my tires slashed. I was upset when this happened and when i told the members of the nsm about this noone offered any help to me, not a fucking dime. Noone offered to take my back, noone offered to help me pay my deductable. Its funny they want you to support them but who supports you when something happens. I can assure you that if your interested in the nsm that nothing good will come of it, what would happen if i would have been hospitalized at a rally or something i would have been all alone paying bills. At the end of the day its all a bunch of lies that lead to violence and quite simply your on your own noone gives a fuck.
Statement from the Hated and Proud skins:
We regret to announce that we are no longer working with the NSM. We hold no hard feelings towards the NSM overall, but believe that their recruiting method is extremely flawed and unsafe. We would rather work amongst ourselves and recruit new individuals based on trust rather than simply to inflate our ranks.
There were rumors going around that the NSM hoped to host the conference in Chicago next year, but with their Illinois unit in shambles, we seriously doubt that. It appears that Missouri or Texas is the likely location for the NSM 2014 conference.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Brian Moudry Sentenced To Ten Years

At around 2:15 PM, Brian Moudry walked into court at the Dirksen Federal Building for his sentencing. The back of his head read "Blued eyed Devil". Not a single supporter was present aside from his mother. Moudry has been locked up for a year awaiting sentencing. During this time, he has gotten into two altercations: On April 12, 2013, Moudry assaulted another inmate using a combination lock in a sock as a weapon. The staff person, who submitted the report, stated that Moudry was observed striking the victim in the head several times with a lock in a sock. The victim attempted to distance himself from inmate Moudry who continued to pursue the victim and then began to throw food trays toward him and other inmates. According to the incident report, “at no time did the victim attempt to fight back. During the assault, Moudry shouted, “Yeah, I’m a white motherfucker from Chicago, motherfuckers! Fuck all of yall!" On March 8, 2013, Moudry was in a physical altercation with another inmate. According to a memorandum pertaining to the altercation, staff responded to an alarm triggered due to two inmates fighting. The other inmate involved in the altercation stated that Moudry approached him and said, “who do you think you are the police, you don’t give me any orders about making my bed.” The inmate further reported that when he turned his back, Moudry “proceeded to pick up a broom and tried to hit him with it.” According to the report, the other inmate turned around to defend himself, Moudry dropped the broom, and they began to exchange punches until ordered to stop fighting. According to the memorandum, Moudry reportedly stated that “I got into a fight and that’s all I’m saying.” Judge Robert Gettlemen told Moudry that he is "Lucky the fire went out" and said otherwise it would have weighed on his conscience. When asked if Moudry had anything to say, Moudry replied "No". From there he was sentenced to the statutory maximum of 120 months (with the ability to be reduced by 15%) and owes  restitution in the amount of $1708.32. The Judge acknowledged the defenses request for substance abuse and metal health treatment (Due to a long history of metal health issues such as schizophrenia) and recommended a facility closest to Chicago that could meet that recommendation, while also maintaining the appropriate security level. 

The Incident:

Lock and sock
On June 17th 2007 Brian Moudry, Marcin Golebiowski (3847 N Pontiac Ave Chicago, IL), and Daniel E Marlin were drinking in Brian Moudrys garage at 304 s Reed st in Joliet, IL.  At around 5am, Police were called to the scene of a crime a few houses south of Moudrys at 318 s Reed st by an eye witness claiming to have seen a man with an orange shirt and blue jeans walking northbound with a tank of gasoline after splashing gasoline on the north side of the residence. The residence was being rented by a black family and had inside eight children–ranging from four to fourteen years of age. The officers, familiar with Moudry and his white supremacist views, went to Moudrys house shortly after and seen the garage door open with candles on. Inside was Golebiowski and Marlin. Moudry was not inside at this time. Oddly enough, Golebiowski matched the description and was pointed out by the wtiness. Golebiowski was placed in custody and Daniel Marlin was brought down to the Joliet police dept for investigation. Both Marlin and Golebiowski told investigators that Moudry used the word "nigger" several times in reference to the new neighbors at 318 Reed st.
Moudry w/ Tom Metzger and James Logsdon
Ultimately, on March 10th, 2008, the Will County States Attorney’s Office somehow dismissed the charges against Golebiowski. Moudry was then charged in a three-count indictment. On January 18, 2013, Moudry pled guilty to Count Two of the Indictment which charged him with the use of fire in the interference of another occupying a dwelling because of the occupant’s race, in violation of Title 42, United States Code, Section 3631(a). Moudry was a member of the Creativity Movement (TCM), formerly known as the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), and got his first white pride tattoo at the age of 14. According to reports, around 4am Moudry went and tried to set the house on fire from the south side of the residence. After Moudry returned to his garage he bragged “I did it, I did it, I set that fucking house on fire.” Moudry then realized that the fire he set had extinguished. He returned to the residence, poured more gasoline on a north-facing exterior wall of the residence and ignited a second fire. While there, a 14-year-old girl who lived in the home observed the fire and went outside the residence to investigate. The girl saw tsomeone holding a red can near the corner of the house. After igniting the second fire, he returned home briefly. At gunpoint, a witness drove Moudry from the residence to another area of Joliet.  Moudry then took numerous actions to destroy evidence from the arson, including disposing of the gas can, his clothing and cleaning the vehicle in which he and the witness rode in. Moudry then attempted to provide an alibi for himself by purchasing food with a credit card at a Dunkin Donuts.

Our Conclusion:

Regardless of our opinion towards the fascists, South Side ARA won't be applauding this sentence. Groups like the SPLC  may wish for prison time, but unlike them we don't see prison as the answer. Nor do we see all prisoners as scum. We wish not to have other inmates subjected to Moudry antics. We don't wish for our friends, family, and comrades who are incarcerated, to be hit in the head with locks by white supremacist. We would rather see Moudry on the streets receiving "justice" at the hands of anti-fascists. It is true that we did not prevent this arson attempt but neither did the state. Instead, the state has allowed Moudry the ability to organize with white supremacy gangs behind the wall. On the streets of Chicago, at this point in time he wouldn't be so capable.  

Moudrys motion to suppress:

Moudrys sentencing memorandum:

Governments position paper on sentencing:

Exhibit A:

Exhinit B:

Exhibit C:

Exposing NSM Illinois State Leader Chris Rothe

Chris Rothe is the Illinois State leader of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), the largest neo nazi organization in the United States, The NSM may be a joke in some regards but they have more than one murder on their hands. Chris lives in Naperville, is a foreman at a construction company (United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners local 1889 - 28600 Bella Vista PKWY Warrenville, IL 60555, (630) 821-7932), and used to be a member of the notorious neo-nazi group known as the National Alliance (NA). Chris claims that he once got a guy laid off based on the fact that he was black and says that he hopes to one day start his own company in which he will only hire white people.  Although Chris may not be attending or hosting many events that we know of, he does believe in a violent race war in which "blood has to be spilled". For all of these reasons, we believe Chris Rothe is someone worth paying attention to.

Chris Rothe789 Inland Cir, Apt 102
Naperville, IL 60563-0223
(630) 806 9739
Age: 33
ex National Socialist Movement (NSM)
ex National Alliance
Foreman at a construction company-
United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners local 1889
(28600 Bella Vista PKWYWarrenville, IL 60555,(630) 821-7932)
Went to Waubonsie Valley High School in Aurora class of 97
He drives a Fiat 500
If you want to starve the blacks, break in their houses and hide their food stamps underneath their work boots"

ARA Compilation CD Update

Taken From
After many months of waiting and deadline push backs, we at Anti-Racist Action are pleased to announce that all of the music, art, and cash has been sent to the printers. Now it's just a matter of receiving the finished product. The CD features Oi Polloi, Appalachian Terror Unit, Tom Morello, Adelitas, Macula, Welkin Dusk, DSI, (A) T.R.U.T.H., Konstrukt, Last Chance Boys, Wretched of the Earth, We Must Dismantle all this, Divergent, and Brilen Bagage. We will post pictures of the finished product as well as ordering information as soon as it is in our hands.

Meet Odinist, Juggalo, And Former NSM Member Billy Woods

Billy Woods is a National Socialist and Odinist from Decatur, IL. He first came across our radar after discovering that he was part of the NSM's Illinois unit months back. Since then, it is believed that he has left the NSM, and is not in good standing. Regardless, he still remains a nazi. The hilarious thing about Billy is that not only is he a nazi, but he is a Juggalo as well. An attribute coincidentally shared by at least one current NSM member that we know of. Billy makes his money from doing  tattoos out of his girlfriends house using "silenced sorrows" as the name of his "business".  His best friend is a neo-nazi meth head who dates the sister of Billy's' girlfriend.  His name is Jeremy Maxey (pictured here and here) and he claims to have been part of Supreme Aryan Resistance (SAR) or Southern Aryan resistance, an alleged skinhead crew out of Florida.

Bill Woods
1580 n Monroe st
Decatur, IL
217 520 7820
Age: 20
Girlfriends cell: 217 619 5419
new saxon: billyL_woods1488 or Billy L. Woods
Facebook: Billy L WickedTattooer Woods, Silenced sorrows tattoos


"I'm a Nazi, National Socialist, and a Juggalo. Being a Nazi and Juggalo, there is nothing wrong with that, Being a Juggalo is just being a fan of ICP and kicking it with the Juggalo Family and being respected by them. Being a Nazi is my beliefs, life, and who I am. And Im a Tattoo Artist. I have a beautiful girlfriend who I truely do love named Alisha Marie."

"Long Live the National Socialist Movement, Long live Germany. Hitler is Germany as Germany is Hitler. We the Aryan people now in America and across the world need to realize that its not the 60's anymore and all organization's must work together and join the NSM."

"I dislike any Illegal Immigrants, Arabs and Islamics and anyone who comes to this country illegally and gets free grants/loans and don't have to pay taxes."

Im against gangs/street gangs and im against anyone who promotes them. I hate gays/fags and im also against pornography, its degrading towards women. And I hate any and all Jews and Zionist's.

"Im fresher everyday, high as fuck, smoking everyday. Blasting Noobs online, T-Baggin em all. Got the baddest girl around, got 2 cribs, and makin that cash. Fuck you all, yes im racist and got different god, Heathan mutha fucka, high as shit, lost on cloud nyne, now its time to ignore everyone, you all Whores with loose pussys,"

Annual South Side ARA Zine #4 (May 2012-April 2013) the "Tinley Park edition"

Download readable version here
Download printable PDF here

South Side ARA has had a busy year. This zine is a taste of some of the people we pay attention to, actions we’ve participated in or support, and ideas at the forefront of militant anti-fascism, from April 2012 to April 2013. This is our 4th annual zine and we hope you’ll copy, distribute, and talk about what’s in here. More importantly, we hope you’ll watch out for those people outed in here and start acting, as you can, to fight fascism, racism, sexism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, capitalism, and all oppression.

This zines content is extremely similar to three before it, except this issue also contains a somewhat large portion that relates to the militant disruption of a white supremacist event in Tinley Park, IL last May by antifascists. This incident led to the arrest and imprisonment of five antifascists known as the "Tinley Park 5",  or the "TP5". The zine features the original communique, attendee information, private email correspondence, theoretical analysis of the incident, and support info for the Tinley Park 5.

We hope you enjoy. Always pissed, always antifascist! -South Side ARA