696831 John's Friend Comments

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Anderson Thanks for the add. Have been a fan since I read Fuzzy Nation. It made me laugh out loud while alone in my room. Kind of weird to break the silence of being alone by hearing yourself laugh. I actually read Fuzzy Nation after I read Cosmic Computer.

message 4: by Eric (last edited Jan 16, 2013 11:44PM)

Eric Birk Thanks for becoming my Goodreads friend.You are a huge influence.

message 3: by Dmack

Dmack love what i've read so far; my son really really loved the ending and the whole philisophical side; i liked the action but i'm a simpleton

message 2: by Fran

Fran Friel Many thanks, John!

Happy Thursday,

message 1: by Wes

Wes Your books are responsible for my brother getting into Science Fiction.
I sent him Old Man's War when he was in Iraq. He loved it, and it soon got passed around to the guys in his unit, who loved it as well.
You can't go wrong sending Military Sci-Fi to a bunch of ground-pounders :)

Now he has started reading Asimov, Clarke, and many more of the classics. Mwuhahaha, I had the last laugh. He used to razz me when we were teenagers for being a science fiction nerd :)

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