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The Android's Dream (The Android's Dream #1)

3.96  ·  Rating Details ·  12,295 Ratings  ·  1,176 Reviews
A human diplomat kills his alien counterpart. Earth is on the verge of war with a vastly superior alien race. A lone man races against time and a host of enemies to find the one object that can save our planet and our people from alien enslavement...

A sheep.

That's right, a sheep. And if you think that's the most surprising thing about this book, wait until you read Chapter
Hardcover, 396 pages
Published November 2006 by Tor Books (first published October 31st 2006)
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Hao Ye The title is a reference to the PKD novel, yes. Incidentally, the title of the planned sequel (now delayed indefinitely), "The High Castle", is also a…moreThe title is a reference to the PKD novel, yes. Incidentally, the title of the planned sequel (now delayed indefinitely), "The High Castle", is also a reference to a PKD novel (specifically "The Man in the High Castle").(less)
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May 28, 2016 Lyn rated it really liked it
I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Scalzi.


Could have read The Ghost Brigades, could have read Fuzzy Nation, but if there is a book in the “to be read” stack whose title is an unmistakable Philip K. Dick reference, then this was clearly the right choice.

And it was a good choice

Like a book by PKD, John Scalzi’s The Android’s Dream packs a lot to think about into an economically written, tightly wound package. From the genetically designed electric blue sheep, to a variety of alien ra
Aug 14, 2007 Peggy rated it it was amazing
Although I've heard nothing but good things about John Scalzi's Old Man's War, I still haven't gotten around to reading it. Which, given how much sheer fun The Android's Dream is, makes me an idiot. Seriously. If you can put this book down after reading the first paragraph, you're a better person than me. It's got action. It's got adventure. It's got power politics and strange alien races. It's got the snappiest dialogue since Nick & Nora Charles set the banter highwater mark. Get it. Read i ...more
A delightful romp of a space opera crossed with an espionage caper. For this entertainment we bid goodbye to the gloom of dystopias and dark post-apocalyptic struggles (with or without zombies) and return to a time when humans of merit have the agency to save the world from villains. The villains here include aliens with colonial exploitation of Earth in mind and bumbling, backstabbing bureaucrats vying for a piece of their action.

Instead of invading, the reptilian Nidu are buying up our suburbs
Oct 21, 2014 Jim rated it really liked it
Shelves: scifi, 2fiction, 1paper
3.5 stars or a bit more. It was a fun read, a conspiracy theory, SF adventure with lots of tongue in cheek humor, coincidences & odd aliens. Scalzi has a lot of fun poking sticks at legal systems, religions & diplomacy. There is a lot of computer work in it, including some very interesting points about data collection & privacy that is quite obviously pointed at our current system. An interesting read, although I doubt I'll ever read it again. Half the fun was not knowing what would ...more
Aug 05, 2011 Jason rated it really liked it
Shelves: e-books, read-2011
4 Stars

My first John Scalzi book that I have read and I will now grab up his other books as I am now a fan. This is a tough review to write as by saying what I like about this book might make it seem like it less than it really is.

This is a funny book. It is filled with clever wit, funny parodies, and downright corny jokes. The jokes are all over this one and give it a great feel, without actually detracting from the science. This is a science fiction novel, a space opera, and a futuriistic cons
Jan 16, 2009 Erika rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I wasn’t going to write a review of this book because I couldn’t really think of anything to say. It was great, funny, wrapped up with pretty much all eventualities covered. A typical John Scalzi book.

The recap: There’s been a diplomatic disaster. Two people are dead - human Dirk Moeller and Nidu trade negotiator Lars-win-Getag. The Nidu are an alien race inhabiting the worlds surrounding Earth. Known for their tempers and disregard for races and species other than their own, the Nidu make unwel
Sep 27, 2016 Veronique rated it really liked it
Another completely mad plot, totally out there, meant to crash and burn, and yet… and yet… Scalzi pulls it off of course.

For want of a better word, this is a scifi comedy, full of action, fast-paced chases, colourful characters, aliens, jumping shoes, spacecrafts, politics, conspiracies, fart language, sharp dialogue, and sheep, well one particular genetically modified one that is. And if this wasn’t enough, an homage to Philip K Dick. Yes it IS silly but, like Agent to the Stars, this is not a
Aug 24, 2012 Eric rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Fans of humorous sci-fi
I'm glad I read this after reading John Scalzi's Redshirts. Had I read The Android's Dream first, I would have been slightly disappointed in Redshirts, as it wasn't as funny as The Android's Dream. And it wasn't just funny, either. It had memorable characters, great action sequences, and a plot filled with twists, turns and intergalactic political intrigue.

And to think I almost stopped reading this book in the first chapter when a character kills an alien dignitary with an anal device programme
Jan 11, 2009 Chris rated it it was ok
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Ben Babcock
Redshirts wasn't in stock Tuesday, and Kobo's DRM shenanigans made me loath to purchase the ebook despite my shiny new tablet. Fortunately, I had already borrowed The Android's Dream from the library. I try to pace myself between books by the same author, but in this case I suppose I'm making an exception. Not that I mind in John Scalzi's case.

The Android's Dream is what I would call clever but zany SF. It's about the race against time to find a breed of sheep to prevent a diplomatic investment
Wiebke (1book1review)
Nov 07, 2015 Wiebke (1book1review) rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: audiobooks
I went into this blind, as usual, and really didn't know what was going to happen and it was hilarious. The beginning had me laughing out loud wondering if Scalzi was serious and wondering where the story would go from there. And he managed to keep it going to the end.

The events were funny, captivating and action filled.
There were many characters pulling different strings. I really liked Creek and Robin and their interactions.
I Like how nothing ever seems too serious in Scalzi's novels, no matte
May 29, 2009 Sheila rated it did not like it
I always hate it when I don't like a book someone recommends to me, but after a chapter and a half I realized that a) I hadn't found a single character I liked yet, and b) the author and I don't share the same sense of humor at all. So, back to the library with this.
John Boettcher
Aug 22, 2014 John Boettcher rated it really liked it
The story starts off strong, which many of Scalzi's nooks do. That's no a bad mark against it, just stating a fact. The book gets off to a great start and you wonder where it is going to go from there. For those of you who haven't read this one yet, make sure you pay pretty close attention in the first parts of the book, as they will com back later in the story and tie everything together.

Let's see,negatives. There were some points in the book where it doesn't seem like everything matches up. P
The Flooze
**A little over three stars.**

“Dirk Moeller didn’t know if he could fart his way into a major diplomatic incident. But he was ready to find out.“

My introduction to Scalzi was Agent to the Stars. The curious pairing of a slick Hollywood agent with a gelatinous alien life form made for fascinating, funny reading. It also made me hate the man. You see, Agent to the Stars was written as a "practice book." Scalzi decided to try his hand at writing a novel simply to discover if he could create somethi
Christopher Sears
I've been trolling reading John Scalzi's blog Whatever for a while, and I figured I should get around to reading some of his fiction. I found The Android's Dream at a bookstore, and decided to pick it up.

The tone of the first half of the novel is erratic. There are elements of humor, a political thriller, one section that almost made me sick, and some shoot-em-up violence that goes into great detail. There is very little use of science fiction that is critical to the plot. At one point I thought
Aug 14, 2009 Anita rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: fans of slightly twisted humor, Christopher Moore, Terry Pratchett, or Lee Martinez
This is a science fiction novel with a whole lot of political intrigue, comic book style action, and wry humor thrown in. It was so much fun to read! It's science fiction, not fantasy, but if you are a fan of slightly twisted humor, Christopher Moore, Terry Pratchett, or Lee Martinez, you might like this book.

The premise is that Earth is a newcomer to the intergalactic community and has touchy political relations with its biggest trading partner, the Nidu (they look like big lizards). Some secto
Jul 20, 2016 Cherie rated it it was amazing
Warning: this story is not what you think it is!

IF you think it is about an android dreaming about sheep, you are wrong! Ignore the summary and just start reading. I especially recommend the audio book version narrated by Wil Wheaton.

After re-starting twice because of the gross opening, the humor finally kicked in and I was able to enjoy this book. Everything "works out" in the end.

I would really like to thank Wil Wheaton for his entertaining narration! A 10 star performance. I was amazed at how
Timothy Ward
I came into Android's Dream hoping to find a strong read and I was impressed beyond my expectations. Wil Wheaton adds his touch to smart scifi that has quite a few laugh out loud moments. The plot takes turns and weaves political intrigue with funny and empathetic characters who must outsmart enemies who've been planning this for so long even their people have forgotten the original masterminds. With two or so hours left I thought, okay, I know what's going to happen, how is he going to keep ...more
Jun 22, 2014 Ric rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Scalzi has this knack for conjuring up crazy SF scenarios, and then back filling through info-dumps to make them seem possible, or at least suspend disbelief for the duration of a read. The Android's Dream is as crazy as it gets. It starts with an assasin's killer fart and just goes on from there.

It is entertaining, quite so, and the mix of comedy, action and soliloquizes are just enough to keep one engaged. Of course somewhere midway until the end, I am just dumbfounded at where all these ideas
Sep 13, 2013 Xan rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Manual para crear un conflicto interestelar capaz de aniquilar tu propia especie.
1. Asesina a un alto funcionario de tus pretendidamente aliados alienígenas a base de insultos olorosos. La coliflor, en este caso, ayuda.
2. Contrata a un grupo de asesinos para acabar con lo único que puede evitar una guerra.
3. Sorpréndete cando aparece el heroe.

Más cerca de El agente de las estrellas que de Las Brigadas Fantasma, el libro tiene elementos de los otros dos trabajos. Es una novela entretenida, a rat
Feb 13, 2012 Ron rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Not quite up to Scalzi's usual standards. Oh, it's a fun read, kind of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress meets Miles Vorkosigan, with all sorts of sly in-side jokes: Creek's initials, Sam's gender, the messaging by scent (expanded in Agent to the Stars), etc. Labyrinthine plot(s).

What's not to like? Scalzi let his send up of organized religion in general (and L. Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology in particular) derail the story several times. It distracted from the flow.

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
I listened to the one as an audio book read by Wil Wheaton. For me, Scalzi's books, read Wheaton are a win win combination. Wheaton has just the right voice, and does just the right tones and inflections to match Scalzi's odd humor.

The title of this book comes from a genetically modified breed of sheep with bright blue wool. The name 'Androids Dream' is based on an obscure literary reference :)

This is a story of humorous interstellar politics, weird alien races, a human who is 20% sheep DNA, a b
Dec 09, 2008 Jack rated it liked it
Shelves: sf
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Aug 23, 2015 Mercedes rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: cita-a-ciegas
Una historia de ciencia ficción con ciertas dosis de humor y un final inesperado. Me encantan los finales sorprendentes :).
Mi primera "Cita a ciegas" ha sido todo un éxito.
Oct 24, 2014 Tina rated it liked it
Shelves: disappointing
I definitely enjoyed reading this novel, but I have trouble giving a book 4 stars when I can’t ignore the problems I find while reading. But, let’s start with the good stuff. This novel is hilarious. The situations, the irony, the tongue-in-cheek humour, and the blatant satire are all bang-on. I laughed quite a bit! The alien creatures, especially the Nagcht, were fairly original, and Acuna was a hilariously insane character – probably my favourite.

Yet, despite it being a self-acknowledged farc
May 06, 2009 Jeffrey rated it liked it
"Dirk Moeller didn't know if he could fart his way into a major diplomatic incident. But he was ready to find out."

Perhaps not as good of a first line as "Call me Ishmael", or "It was a pleasure to burn", or "I am a sick man, I am a spiteful man", or even "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a giant insect", but it was good enough to catch me.

I first read this book about a year ago, and I must say, the only things I remembered about i
Mar 16, 2015 Elizabeth rated it liked it
I am SO torn. On one hand, I greatly enjoyed most of this book, and was a bit sad when it was over. It's got an imaginative and unpredictable plot, and clever world-building. It's an interplanetary political thriller with a brilliant sense of humor. I laughed, and I kept turning pages, mostly eagerly.

On the other hand, two things are true about this book and I really, really wish one or the other wasn't. First, in a large cast, there are two female characters of any significance, and both are mo
Matt Pillsbury
Jan 23, 2016 Matt Pillsbury rated it really liked it
Shelves: funny-sf
The Android's Dream is a bizarre, hilarious take on formulaic espionage thrillers, taking the typical cast of politicians, cabinet officials, diplomats, mercenary thugs and sleazy lobbyists, and moving them into a future where humanity is a new member of an interstellar community of sentient species, and Earth is generally regarded as a minor backwater. While slightly unusual, it isn't the setting, nor the likable but familiar characters, that make this book as good as it is. Instead, it is the ...more
Graeme Dunlop
Mar 19, 2015 Graeme Dunlop rated it really liked it
I'm reading my way through Scalzi's back catalogue to see whether I like his earlier work. Looks like I do!

To complete an alien coronation ceremony, a very special sheep is required -- the Android's Dream. No other sheep will do. Unfortunately, there's a problem: they're all dead!

Troubleshooter Harry Creek is hired by his friend at the State Department to find an Android's Dream. But neither he nor his friend Ben understand what they're really getting into. After a violent encounter at a mall, t
Aug 21, 2016 Zula rated it really liked it
Ambasadorul extraterestru este asasinat cu besini de ambasadorul terestru (razbunare personala). Relatiile devin foarte incordate. Extraterestrii sunt dispusi sa renunte la razboi, daca oamenii le fac rost de o oaie speciala ce trebuie sacrificata in timpul ceremoniei de incoronare a regelui lor. Cineva asasineaza toate oile existente, cu exceptia uneia. Se numeste Robin si e o gagica roscata.... wait... what?! :))
Extraterestrii incearca sa convinga sistemul juridic terestru ca Robin este propie
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  • METAtropolis: Cascadia
  • Emperor Mollusk versus The Sinister Brain
  • Year Zero
  • Sly Mongoose (Xenowealth, #3)
  • Halting State (Halting State, #1)
  • Bellwether
  • Diplomatic Immunity (Vorkosigan Saga, #13)
  • Marsbound (A Marsbound Novel)
  • Little Fuzzy (Fuzzy Sapiens, #1)
  • Blind Lake
  • Dimension of Miracles (Dimension of Miracles #1)
  • An Unwelcome Quest (Magic 2.0, #3)
  • Coyote Horizon (Coyote Chronicles, #1)
  • Thirteen
  • Galactic North
  • Confessions of a D-List Supervillain (D-List Supervillain, #2)
  • Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales (The Order of the Stick, #D)
John Scalzi, having declared his absolute boredom with biographies, disappeared in a puff of glitter and lilac scent.

(If you want to contact John, using the mail function here is a really bad way to do it. Go to his site and use the contact information you find there.)
More about John Scalzi...

Other Books in the Series

The Android's Dream (2 books)
  • The High Castle

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“Dirk Moeller didn’t know if he could fart his way into a major diplomatic incident. But he was ready to find out.” 3 likes
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