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Bird Box

3.96  ·  Rating Details ·  30,758 Ratings  ·  5,206 Reviews
Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place w
Hardcover, 262 pages
Published May 13th 2014 by Ecco (first published March 1st 2014)
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Charlotte Yes, supposedly, I know this question was asked six months ago, and I hope you see this answer. In the inside back cover of my copy, it tells me that…moreYes, supposedly, I know this question was asked six months ago, and I hope you see this answer. In the inside back cover of my copy, it tells me that the film rights have been sold to the director who directed the film, Mama. So, I'm not sure if it's actually being made into a film, but supposedly the script is in place at the studios. As somebody else said, I'm not sure how they'll cover the creatures, because in the book it's easily left to the imagination as they are never explained or even seen by the reader--so the movie could easily ruin the premise if they screwed up on that big detail.(less)
Murdo That threw me as well. Thinking there was still quite a bit to go, it felt anti-climactic to come to a sudden end. It's because there's an extra…moreThat threw me as well. Thinking there was still quite a bit to go, it felt anti-climactic to come to a sudden end. It's because there's an extra Malerman story included at the back, which is great to have, but really throws you if you don't know it's there.(less)
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Jeffrey Keeten
Apr 18, 2016 Jeffrey Keeten rated it really liked it
Recommended to Jeffrey by: Will Byrnes
Shelves: post-apocalyptic
our minds have ceilings, Malorie...
these things...
they are beyond it…
higher than it…
out of reach…
out of--


 photo closed-eyes_zpsd72b92b6.jpg
Whatever you do DON’T OPEN YOUR EYES!!

Malorie has just confirmed she is pregnant the very day that people begin killing themselves. News travels so fast now. Something can happen in Cairo. Someone can film it, load it to the internet, and within minutes of the event occurring someone in Des Moines is watching what happened. News, mostly tragic news, from around
Raeleen Lemay
Aug 24, 2016 Raeleen Lemay rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: fans of Night Film
(rating bumped from 4 up to 5 stars after thinking about it more)

A few days ago when I finished this book, initially I was pissed off and disappointed at the ending. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but upon a few days' reflection I've realized that it was the only realistic way this could end. SO, if you are wary of reading this because you don't want an open ending, don't be! Malerman made the right choice in leaving some things unknown, because ultimately it works best for this type o
Will Byrnes
Nov 02, 2016 Will Byrnes rated it really liked it
Close your eyes and imagine the basso sound of voiceover icon Don LaFontaine intoning, “In a world gone mad…” and that is pretty much where Bird Box begins. Open your eyes and go mad. Kill others, yourself. Can you keep from peeking? For how long? In Josh Malerman’s post-apocalyptic, eye-opening scare-scape, something happened. An invasion? Some natural phenomenon? No one is really certain. But what has become clear is that anyone who steps outside with their eyes open goes insane, not just gibb ...more
Mandy Crider
Feb 02, 2016 Mandy Crider rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Wow! Just wow! Bird Box was amazing! This definitely lived up to the hype that everyone spoke of. I highly recommend this book if you want your mind to be twisted and turned in ways you can't imagine. Creepy, terrifying, horrid, and downright scary! Loved it! Would make an interesting movie......
4.5 stars

Whoah. This is some really good shit. Color me very impressed. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked this one up, but it totally delivered on tension and suspense, a palpable dread, and a suffocating sense of doom.

Just as a launching off point I'm going to throw two pop culture references at you that I couldn't stop thinking about while reading this book. The first is the music video "Just" by Radiohead. Remember that's the one where there's this guy who just lies down in the
Maxine (Booklover Catlady)
Where the hell do I start with reviewing this book? Unlike nothing I've read in a long time this one is a stand out read like no other for me this year. I had wanted to read this for ages and so glad I finally did.

Emotions stirred reading this book I think covered them all, I noted how on edge I was constantly reading this novel. From early pages to the last I was fixated, addicted and full of tension, bordering on fear at times.

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen.
Edward Lorn
Nov 20, 2016 Edward Lorn rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: No one
UPDATE 2.0: To tackle the reasoning behind the children's names, I've decided to update this review. If you've read the book and take issue with my criticism, I invite you to click on this spoiler tag to see why I still think Malerman's explanation for the names is bullshit. (view spoiler) ...more
Reading Corner
Sep 28, 2016 Reading Corner rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
4.5 stars

Wow!This book is incredibly good and quite creepy.The story follows Malorie who is stuck in a post-apocalyptic world where people are killing themselves, in any manner possible and no one knows why.The premise of the book is completely enrapturing and leaves you anxious for the next chapter.I absolutely loved the post-apocalyptic element in this book as it was done so well and was unique.

For the most part, the plot switches between the past and present to reveal the the direction of the
Jun 08, 2016 Maxwell rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: kindle, 2016
WOooooOow. This book was thrilling. It was an addictive, (somewhat) scary, fascinating read. I feel like this would be a great book to recommend to people who don't read a lot because it's not too long, it's easy to read, and it is unputdownable. I don't want to say anything else about this book because it's so much more fun going into it with no previous knowledge. Also I imagine this would make a great audiobook too. So if you like creepy thrillers definitely check this one out!
mark monday
Sep 17, 2015 mark monday rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
fantastic book. there are a bunch of excellent 4-star reviews out there and I'm not sure I have a whole lot more to add.

synopsis: it's the end of the world as we know it. creatures from somewhere roam the streets. to gaze upon them means certain doom, or at least a murderous, suicidal insanity. the world soon realizes that something very wrong is happening everywhere. four years later, our heroine and two children must take a blindfolded river journey to an uncertain destination.

sound is a key
Mar 07, 2016 Jen rated it really liked it
I should have read this book blindfolded. People are killing themselves and no one knows why. They know whatever is out there, if they should see it, it will cause them to go mad and end in their death. They are being hunted but without sight, they can survive. A quick and easy read but one that will leave you feeling tense and on edge. I don't typically run to these kind of reads and in this case, I was trying to run from it. Not a lot of depth but who needs it when you have a lot of fear.
Go a
Holy Shit! Why did I wait so long to read this thriller?

Wonderfully creepy from start to finish, Bird Box made me feel the eerie presence of the mysterious creatures behind my blindfold and hear the sounds of madness! It takes an awful lot to creep me out, but Bird Box succeeded with the suspenseful intenseness of the unknown all the way to the apropos ending.

Be very careful who you trust, but do not miss out on this one! And, oh.....(view spoiler)

Aug 05, 2014 Maciek rated it it was ok
Bird Box offers a well-known premise - the world as we know it suddenly coming to an end, and the few who survived trying to cope with the new reality - but with an interesting twist (certainly a desirable addition to the formula which, much as I enjoy it, is now beginning to resemble a really dead horse). This is both a good, and a bad thing - and the book is also both these things, as it began well but ended up being disappointing.

The hook of Bird Box is, like in much post-apocalyptic fiction,
Sh3lly ✨ Bring on the Weird ✨

You can't ever look at it or you will go violently insane. That is basically the premise of this book. What is it? What are they? Why are they here? What is it that people see that makes them go crazy? You'll have to read it to find out.

I LOVED THIS BOOK. I can't believe it was a first novel either. This guy knocked it out of the park, if you ask me. So creepy. A perfect blend of suspense and horror mixed in with an end-of-the-world dystopian vibe.

Malorie was amazing. By the end of the book, you
Feb 15, 2016 Jan rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 5-stars, paranormal
5 big, bold, humongous stars!!!

I loved every single thing about this book--every creepy, tense, suspenseful, action filled page!!!

I'm not quite sure how to even label this book as there are so many dimensions to it. While it is definitely suspenseful, there is such a haunting quality to the writing that it's not like any thriller I've ever read. While there is death and madness, it's not at a level that I would consider a true horror either. The plot is definitely center stage here, along with t
Courtney Wells
A genuinely tense, terrifying read. When I wasn't whipping through pages I had to put the book down to take a break from the suspense.

This is great, gripping story that emphasizes creepiness and primal fear over violence while still proving itself to fans of survival and psychological horror. I'd recommend it to anyone willing to tease their fear of the unknown.
Aug 18, 2014 Arah-Lynda rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: i-said, lets-get-real


You will be fine as long as you do not leave the house. All precautions must be taken. Windows completely covered, doors secured, protocols for any necessary outdoor activity strictly adhered to. PERIOD.

The real danger is out there. But you must not see it. Ever.

The time has come, if they are to survive, Malorie must leave this house and take her four year old boy and girl with her.

They must take the river.

They must go blindfolded.

Just listen.

They must
Jul 12, 2016 Christine rated it it was amazing
Recommended to Christine by: Picked for me by Jan
4.5 stars

A big thank you to my wonderful book buddy Jan for picking this book for me to read. I had initially marked it, but when I started seeing people place it on their “horror shelves” I backed off. I do not do horror, no way. When I was told this was more “creepy” than “horror(ible)”, I thought I would go ahead and give it a shot. Boy, was I surprised at how much I got into this novel!

Josh Malerman is an author to watch for sure. I was immediately drawn into this strange tale and was totall
✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)
Before writing this review I had planned to give this book a 3.5 rating. See my actual rating? Oops.

Where I'm from we don't celebrate Halloween. What can I say, we're weird like that. Well we do have some kind of celebration. Yes, we do. We put pots of depressing-looking chrysanthemum on tombstones. Yay! Think of it as Día de los Muertos without the cool stuff. So instead of getting this:

We get something like this:

Party on. I'm telling you, we know how to have a good time. Anyway, the point is (
Crystal Craig
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If I used one word to describe Josh Malerman's, Bird Box it would be eerie. It's a story of survival. The plot is original too, and anyone who reads as much as I do knows the more novels you devour, the harder it becomes in finding something different. Immediately, right from the first page, I felt Malorie's fear, and I felt a real sense of danger.

I kept wondering why Malorie never named the children. She always refers to them as "The Boy" and "The Girl". Yes, their birth was chaotic, but four
Jennifer Masterson
Jun 19, 2014 Jennifer Masterson rated it it was amazing
4 1/2 stars but I'm rounding it to 5 for originality. I could not put this book down for the last 100 pages. If you like the Walking Dead, horror or just a good scary thriller than this is the book for you. I hope there is a sequel and a movie!
Oct 21, 2015 Dianne rated it really liked it
Shelves: best-of-2015
I WANT MORE!!! I WANT MORE!!! I WANT MORE!!! {{bangs first repeatedly while screaming}}

This is a rarity for me – a book I JUST. DID. NOT. WANT. TO. END.

I dragged it out as long as I could because I didn’t want to finish it, even though it could easily be read in a day or two. It’s only 260 pages and honestly, it could have been much longer. There were plenty of opportunities for Malerman to play more with the world and situations he created, but the book is pretty spare and just cuts to the chas
Jess ❈Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbows❈

Welcome to my blown mind, everybody. Welcome to one of the fucking scariest books I have ever read. DUDE! JOSH MALERMAN IS MY GOD. I am downloading his music on Spotify as we speak. Because he is the fucking man. Not Joe Hill.

Welcome to my third five-starred book of the year. Welcome to the book I would not change one stinking thing about. Welcome to Jess's big fat book hangover.

Welcome to the book I would have finished one day if I hadn't been too creeped out
Kelly (and the Book Boar)
Find all of my reviews at:

3.5 Stars

Commercial Photography

I hope not, ‘cause that’s how you’re going to be living out the rest of your days. The world as we knew it no longer exists. First, the people started dying – then the internet, phones, power, and water systems all went down. Then we all learned to barricade our doors, cover our windows, and stop going outside except when absolutely necessary. Of course, when obtaining water means venturing down to the creek behind your house
Robin Hobb
Aug 30, 2014 Robin Hobb rated it really liked it
It was really hard to decide on stars for this one.

I read it obsessively, finishing it very quickly. The story pulled me in and swept me along.

But in various places in the book, I found myself exclaiming, "But that's such a stupid thing to do!" Or "No one I know would do that! What is wrong with these people!?"

But at the end of the book, when I was still fuming a bit, I realized that all my growling was due to my deep involvement with the characters. So I'm giving it four stars, because I have t
Diane S ☔
May 18, 2014 Diane S ☔ rated it really liked it
Very, very creepy. I love that the author leaves so much unsaid, she shows through the character's actions and thoughts. What is going on? For most of the book I was never quite sure and the strength in some of these characters were amazing. What a woman would do to save her children, the courage it takes to navigate a world literally blind. It could be any disaster, but the integrity of people, the trust between people coming together for survival and how one person with his own motives can put ...more
Jan 07, 2015 Giselle rated it really liked it
Shelves: adult, horror
I was up til 3am to finish this. Holy fuuuuuu...! This was one hell of a crazy ride. I love horror and thriller novels, and this one kept me on the edge of insanity from beginning to end.

It began with strange news stories of sudden killing sprees ending in suicide. A LOT of suicides. From people who were good, happy, full of life. When more and more stories started to pop up, Malorie, once skeptical, started to get very very nervous. She only knows one thing, and it's that it's all caused by so
Dec 28, 2015 Justin rated it really liked it
Maybe I'm being a little too critical with this book. I really want to give it four stars. Maybe I will later. I don't know.

I loved the way the book was written. The short, choppy sentences. Sentence fragments. It really gave the story a nice pace and added to the bleak, helpless tone of the novel. It also made the pages keep turning for me to find out what would happen next. The tone really reminded me of "The Handmaid's Tale" for some reason.

I thought the author did a great job of making me f
This book has gotten such great reviews from friends that I knew I was going to read it, and sooner rather than later. And so, when one of the groups that I mod gave me ALL THE POWER!!! the chance to select a group read because my birthday is this month, I chose Bird Box for our horror selection.

And so, I snagged the audio from Audible and listened to it. I'm not sure if that was the best option. I didn't really love the reader of this one. But I'll talk about that in a bit.

There's a lot that
Jan 16, 2016 Karen rated it really liked it
Wow, a tense read for sure!! I really don't usually read books like this but there was so much buzz here on Goodreads about it, and also this author is from a neighboring city here in Michigan..the story is also taking place in Michigan.
It was very entertaining, kept me very interested all up until the end.. the end left many unanswered questions.

I must add, what about the whole birthing chapters?!so intense... Yikes!!!
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bird box 33 225 Nov 02, 2016 06:23AM  
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  • The Silence
  • Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone
  • No One Gets Out Alive
  • Naomi's Room
  • The Troop
  • The Graveyard Apartment: A Novel
  • Security
  • The Concrete Grove
  • The Painted Darkness
  • A Head Full of Ghosts
  • The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All: Stories
  • Wild Fell
  • Whom the Gods Would Destroy
  • Southern Gods
  • Mr. Shivers
  • The Lesser Dead
  • Snowblind
Josh Malerman is the author of BIRD BOX and the singer/songwriter for the band THE HIGH STRUNG.
More about Josh Malerman...

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“It's better to face madness with a plan than to sit still and let it take you in pieces.” 102 likes
“In a world where you can’t open your eyes, isn’t a blindfold all you could ever hope for?” 12 likes
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