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You Should Have Known

3.4  ·  Rating Details ·  12,864 Ratings  ·  1,806 Reviews
Grace Reinhart Sachs is living the only life she ever wanted for herself, devoted to her husband, a pediatric oncologist at a major cancer hospital, their young son Henry, and the patients she sees in her therapy practice. Grace is also the author of You Should Have Known, a book in which she castigates women for not valuing their intuition and calls upon them to examine t ...more
Hardcover, 438 pages
Published March 2014 by Grand Central Publishing (first published 2014)
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Mary LaPointe I hope so since I read it for an upcoming book discussion group.

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Patrice Hoffman
It took quite a long time for me to finish this novel and the first thing I thought was ok?!!? That was it? You Should Have Known is the newest novel by Jean Hanff Korelitz about a marriage counselor Grace Reinhart Sachs and her rude awakening with the truth of her "picture-perfect" world. This novel is about her journey to reinvent herself and salvage any nugget of her life in the before.

Grace is soon to be releasing a novel named You Should Have Known which is an advice guide to women, urging
Jul 23, 2013 Jane rated it really liked it
On one hand, I found this book incredibly compelling. On the other, I found it very easy to SKIM, to get to what comes next. I had to restrain myself to read every line. I can't tell if it is because the plot was better than the writing or if I just had too much caffeine, the night I stayed up until 2 AM to finish this book!

This reminded me of an old-fashioned roller coaster: It starts with a pleasant ride - great characters and interactions. Then the suspense builds and builds and you come cras
switterbug (Betsey)
Feb 27, 2014 switterbug (Betsey) rated it really liked it
In this compelling portrait of a psychotherapist and her family, the eponymous You Should Have Known refers to a book written by relationship/marriage therapist, Grace Reinhart Sachs. Grace’s self-help/relationship book candidly opens up to women about their penchant to ignore signs of toxic partners. She identifies the red flags that one should detect when hooking up with a lifetime partner. Grace claims that most of us “know,” even from the beginning, when a partner isn’t right for us; too ...more
Apr 10, 2015 Twigg rated it did not like it
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Lara Song
Mar 29, 2014 Lara Song rated it did not like it
It took me over a week to force myself to finish this. "You should have known" is an understatement. I knew I was going to give a bad review. I felt it was necessary to finish before judging.

Third person POV was actually first person. The narrator had the worst case of ADHD I've ever witnessed. You know those people that take an hour to tell a story because they have trouble focusing? To top it off, the crap the narrator speaks of is absurdly boring and contributes nothing to the story.

The story
Melanie Garrett
This is a hard one to quantify. For the first third I was teetering between 1 and 2 stars. While there is nothing wrong with having a main character who starts out as exceedingly shallow, signs of growth need to be showing much earlier on. But with Grace, there was almost no sign of hope. There was just no internal landscape or emotional scope - other than one-note self-pity. Unless you are deeply interested in what it is to be a smug, judgemental New York City private school mom with an all too ...more
Nicole Overmoyer
Feb 17, 2014 Nicole Overmoyer rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
There are a lot of things about You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz that leave the reader, or maybe just me, conflicted. On the one hand, I absolutely didn't want to stop reading because I needed to know how things would turn out for marriage counselor Grace Reinhart Sachs. On the other hand, I absolutely loathed Grace Reinhart Sachs for about three-quarters of the book. This left me very confused as to why I cared what happened to her. Or maybe not so much confused, but guilty that I s ...more
Apr 20, 2014 Elyse rated it really liked it
I already wrote a review (lost it), Don't you hate that??? I'll need to forgive myself for getting a little sloppy on this one.

I also read other Goodread reviews I understand comments readers who gave less than 4 stars. I saw flaws in this book.
Its a worthy book to read! GREAT TOPIC!!!! The story is 'very interesting' much of the time. A few slow parts --yet --I sure as hell wanted to know 'what was coming next'.

I've been married for 35 years. I've an interest in relationships working. I'v
May 27, 2014 Jennifer rated it it was ok
I should have known after the second page that this book was over-written and under-edited. The description of Grace's office knocked this insomniac out. Seriously - better than Ambien. Yet I'd seen so many good reviews I thought I'd stick with it.

And here's the thing - it's a good story. But mired in ridiculous details. You don't have to mention Birkin bags ad nauseum - and Grace's nestled in it's protective bag - to let us know she's privileged and around others even more wildly so than she.
Apr 20, 2014 Ellie rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz

I bought this book on impulse after reading a review that sounded interesting.

I totally loved it-I read it in one sitting. It was actually addictive. It's sort of a mystery in which the both the crime and the criminal are already known.

The biggest problem is that it's somewhat facile, with story ends wrapped up too neatly, at least for me.

But that may be that I'm missing the point. In some ways, the book is a contemporary romance, with the conventions
Mar 13, 2014 Denise rated it it was amazing
5 out of 5 stars - "If a woman chooses the wrong person, he was always going to be the wrong person: that was all."

I loved this book, which surprises me because it's not typically the type of novel that strikes me -- a fan of suspense thrillers and historical fiction. The incredible power of this book comes from the voice of its protagonist in an almost stream of consciousness narration that grabs and holds the reader in thrall until the very end.I found myself marking up the pages, highlighting
Mar 04, 2014 Carol rated it really liked it
Grace Reinhart Sachs has got it all. The trendy New York apartment, a son enrolled in the best private school, an oncologist husband who specializes in pediatrics; the perfect marriage, the perfect life. In her own right, Grace, a couple's therapist, is the author of a book soon to be published called You Should Have Known. It's the book for all her clients suffering the demise of their partnerships. If they had only noted the early signs, they would have known their marriages were destined for ...more
Emily Mack
I JUST CAN'T with this book anymore. I am 300 pages in and officially calling it quits. It takes a LONG TIME for this book to go anywhere and then when you think it's going somewhere, it decides actually not to instead. Plus there's just wayyy too much foreshadowing -- so much so that I don't feel like I need to read the rest of the book to know the ending. Sorry, is this severe?

I do think the book has a interesting premise, but the writing wasn't outstanding enough to make up for the fact that
Dec 14, 2014 Carol rated it did not like it
Shelves: book-club
The book starts slowly and then hits the brakes. We know before we start the book that all is not as it seems in Grace Sachs' world. But trying to ride along while she susses it out is excruciating in overlong passages that never seem to end, as this books is at least 200 pages too long.

Speaking of long passages, there are long passages about everything. Everything from cashmere twinsets to cigarette smoking is broken down in laborious detail. We spend all this time in Grace's point of view for
Malena Watrous
Apr 07, 2014 Malena Watrous rated it liked it
This book is all about the trees. Page by page, sentence by sentence, there's lots of good stuff. But if you stand back a bit, I question a lot of the craft choices that added up to the whole.

I like the premise--or at least, I find it intriguing: the notion that this woman Grace has no inkling that her husband was a serial cheater with the capacity to kill. A total sociopath. And that the woman in question is a therapist who considers herself an astute observer of humanity, and has written a boo
Roxie Leigh
Dec 08, 2014 Roxie Leigh rated it did not like it

After nothing happened for five LONG chapters of blah blah blah details blah yawn blah Birkin.

Even when chapter six began by saying that "The end came...", nothing bloody happened. NOTHING! Every reveal was boring. Every plot twist was a limp noodle. I kept reading because I was hoping something, ANYTHING, would happen. But nothing ever did.

The MC was a boring, stupid, wishy-washy, moron. Aren't psychotherapists supposed to be great at asking the right questions? I wanted to punch her.
Cindy Bokma
Mar 10, 2014 Cindy Bokma rated it it was ok
I loved the premise of this novel- Grace, a therapist, has written a self help book for women called You Should Have Known and its slated to become a bestseller. In the beginning of the book, VOGUE magazine is even doing an article on Grace.

Grace is married to Jonathan, a successful pediatric oncologist, and has a son Henry. Grace and Jonathan are never together in the book so as a reader, we have no frame of reference for their relationship but Grace is happy in her marriage in her book, she s
Apr 13, 2014 JanB rated it really liked it
Compulsively readable, well-written, and thought-provoking. Grace is a therapist, married to a pediatric oncologist, and mother of a 12 year old son, Henry. She’s wound very tight, is a snob, and not very likable. The first part of the book is a rather scathing portrayal of Grace’s rarefied world on the Upper East Side of NYC. But to Grace, life is good and about to get better with the publication of her book. The book's title is You Should Have Known (nice touch!), and is based on her ...more
Karin Slaughter
Jun 04, 2014 Karin Slaughter rated it really liked it
Yeah, you should've known. I wish there had been more details about the murder. Sure, the narrator didn't want to know the lurid details, but I sure did!
Mar 18, 2014 LiteraryMarie rated it it was ok
Grace Sachs is a successful therapist, mother to a young son and wife to a pediatric oncologist at a major cancer hospital. Grace is also the author of You Should Have Known, a book about women valuing their intuition and first impressions. It all hits the fan when the Grace's own marriage is in headlines. A bloody murder, a missing husband and unbelievable revelations rock Grace's world. She must heed her own advice and piece together what she knows and does not know.

I am the type of reader tha
Maria Espadinha
Aug 08, 2015 Maria Espadinha rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
É verdade, SIM...

Já devia saber...

Devia dar primazia à minha intuição e só depois escutar a torrente dos meus pensamentos!

Por isso, Obrigada! Obrigada por lembrares o que eu até sei mas que inadvertidamente esqueço ;)
Sandy Nawrot
Aug 26, 2014 Sandy Nawrot rated it liked it
Shelves: audio
Doctor heal thyself. That is the saying that best fits this story. From word one, I hated the characters in this novel. The protagonist is a holier-than-thou therapist that has written a book, condescendingly telling people that "they should have known" their marriage was headed for doom. The signs had always been there. Doesn't it drive you crazy when you read an article that tells you the secrets to a happy marriage/a disciplined child/a healthier life? When realistically, these are the people ...more
Minty McBunny
Aug 15, 2014 Minty McBunny rated it liked it
Shelves: 2014, august-2014
This is a hard book to rate. 150 pages of interesting mystery interspersed with 300 pages of maundering introspection, half of which was probably superfluous.

The mystery part was good and fascinating, it had everything that recently read Circle of Wives lacked, as far as discovering you have no idea who your spouse is. But every time that aspect of the story kicked in, I felt like I was waking up from the eye glazing stupor the previous chapters of musings on Life In The City.

I should point ou
May 08, 2014 Karen rated it it was ok
Good grief, what meandering! What flat characterisations! What hubris...

What for? One of those darned 'popular titles' I had to finish based on time investment. Not sure what took me so long to realise this was NOT going to satisfy me on any level in the way (and theme-wise not unlike) Gone Girl.

One of those plot summaries that 'looks good on paper' but stretched out with not much in between. Honestly, if you found yourself reading about a character who describe counting streetlights to portray
Jun 09, 2016 Rosie rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Fácil leitura, fácil a captar a nossa atenção. Faz-nos refletir até que ponto conhecemos os outros em profundidade (mesmo os mais próximos), do que são na sua verdadeira essência e do que são capazes. E de nós próprios, também sabemos com rigor? Quedas vertiginosas de vidas aparentemente perfeitas, mistério, falsidades, dramas domésticos e outros. O que vemos com olhos de ver ou o que cremos com o coração. Nem sempre o que parece é. Há que estar atento aos sinais, ao nosso instinto. Um thriller ...more
Mar 26, 2014 Claire rated it really liked it
You Should Have Known is the story of therapist Grace Sachs, who appears to have a (realistically) ideal life with her husband, Jonathan, and their only child, Henry in New York City. While they are not as wealthy as the parents of Henry's classmates at Reardon, they live a comfortable life. Grace's mother has died and her father remarried, so Grace and Jonathan live in her parent's former apartment. Jonathan is a pediatric oncologist, and we see him nearly entirely through Grace's eyes ...more
Jun 04, 2015 Katie rated it really liked it
Clever little novel about a couples therapist who counsels people and writes a book all about how your gut feeling about your mate is usually correct. In other words, if you THINK "I wonder if he's gay? Oh well" and then proceed to have a relationship with him and marry him and then later he leaves you for a man, well, "you should have known." Or, if you notice him eyeing other woman while you're out, and think "well, boys will be boys!" and then he cheats on you years later, well, "you should ...more
Apr 25, 2014 Sarah rated it really liked it
I enjoy thrillers. I like going through the steps with the protagonist as she discovers what has happened (always bad), retraces her steps to uncover clues and deals with a devastating situation. I enjoy the inner dialogue. I enjoy watching the unreliable narrator choose between staying in denial (staying unreliable) or bringing the truth to light (becoming reliable). I don’t need face paced action, but enjoy how things unravel in a probable way.

If you enjoy this style of book, you will enjoy th
Judy Colprubin
Jun 04, 2014 Judy Colprubin rated it it was ok
Reading this novel is like following a trail scattered with breadcrumbs. At first you admire the view and easy of passage -- hey there's another crumb! -- but then you start to get annoyed that it's so easy. Where are the twists and turns that enhance any trail? Why is it so darn predictable? I suspect many readers will also find it hard to accept that a Harvard-educated psychologist could be so incredibly naïve or that a 12-year-old boy whose world is upended could adapt so easily. Still, ...more
Sep 02, 2016 Arwen56 rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition
Il proverbio dice che "a caval donato non si guarda in bocca". Tuttavia, talvolta sarebbe meglio farlo.
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“And one day she said to me, 'For the rest of my life, it's the first thing they'll say about me when I leave the room.' And I remember thinking: Yes that's true, it will be. But we can't really do anything about what they say when we leave the room. We'll never be able to control that. And we shouldn't try. Our job is just to...well, be in the room while we're there, and try not to think too much about where we're not. Whatever room we happen to be in, just, be there.” 1 likes
“if you’re paying attention, if your eyes and your ears and your mind are open, as they should be open. You can know and then, critically, hold on to that knowledge, even if he loves you (or seems to), even if he chooses you (or seems to), even if he promises to make you happy (which no one, not one person on the planet, can possibly do). And part of her, a big part of her, had obviously wanted to be the one who told them this. Because I am such a competent” 1 likes
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