Sure you would! It's here. Oh, don't worry, it's perfectly safe, now that we've boarded up the basement.
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Published on March 05, 2009 17:22 • 2,959 views
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message 1: by Tamora (new)

Tamora Pierce John, nothing of yours is safe. And you really must stop trying to lure children to your blog. It might get you in trouble one day. ;-)


message 2: by Mintwitch (new)

Mintwitch Not during the day. I only read the Whatever late at night, in my basement...

message 3: by Robert (new)

Robert John you know that boarding up the basement just makes me want to go down there more; the good stuff is always behind boarded up doors, or down unlit hallways, or on the other side of rotten footbridges...

message 4: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn I'd love to get Whatever posts through my GR feed - won't you please edit the link in your author profile to show it?

message 5: by Natalie (new)

Natalie I ditto what Carolyn says above, because I really enjoy my other SciFi author blog feeds on GR.

I am pretty sure you can even control how many lines feed, but even the subjects and first line would be better than the current 2x link click thru?

see David Brin
(shows subj + first 5 lines), and Orson Scott Card (subject + link) and China Miéville (usually subj +first image bcs of the way he formats his blog?)

Getting GR notifications of my favorite author's blog posts all in one place is an easy time-saving way to enjoy author blogs.

Carolyn wrote: "I'd love to get Whatever posts through my GR feed - won't you please edit the link in your author profile to show it?

message 6: by Phyllis Ann (new)

Phyllis Ann I'm not much of a blogger but I enjoyed yours. I added you blog site to my toolbar of favorites, so I'll be checking out your whereabouts from time to time. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. However, any chance of you ever coming to Spain to talk about writing and science fiction? Just a thought. Regards, Phyllis

message 7: by Katy (new)

Katy Didn't you see his picture? John Scalzi is the devil! Wil Wheaton said it, it must be so! :-)

(seriously, I'd love to see Whatever fed over here, too...)

message 8: by Eric (new)

Eric Mesa Neat that you also use Wordpress. I like the mods you made to Twenty Thirteen

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