INDIANAPOLIS | Proudly carrying rainbow flags and chanting "Nix Six," more than 400 Hoosiers rallied on the Statehouse lawn Monday in opposition to a proposal adding the existing ban on gay marriage to the Indiana Constitution.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday will consider House Joint Resolution 6, a proposed constitutional amendment that declares marriage only can be between one man and one woman and prohibits the creation of any legal status similar to marriage, such as civil unions.

The Republican-controlled Indiana House approved the proposal, 70-26, on Feb. 15. If approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, the amendment also would need to be approved by both chambers of the 2013-14 General Assembly before being sent to voters for their approval.

Senate Democratic Leader Vi Simpson, D-Ellettsville, told rally participants Indiana would be taking a step backward by adding its gay marriage ban to the constitution, as many states now recognize gay marriage or civil unions.

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"Indiana is moving in the wrong direction," Simpson said.

Earlier this year, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a law permitting civil unions in Illinois with equal status to marriage. That law takes effect June 1.

Nationwide, six states permit gay marriage while 10 authorize civil unions.