
a guest Mar 5th, 2011 471 Never
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  1. David Irving talking privately in Atlanta Oct 10 and Clearwater (Fl.) Oct 11
  3. Dear Fred, As some of you folks know, I have been forced out of the lovely English house I lived in for three years in Windsor after I was released from political imprisonment by Austria. The owner, senior partner in a major international law firm, came under pressure from his "New York" partners &endash; just one more ugly side-product of the illegal hacking of my e-mails last November. It's the only way the traditional enemy knows how to do business against me. Result: I have had to spend a month putting fifteen tons of archives, equipment, etc., into storage
  4. England's loss is the USA's gain, as I shall spend the next months on your side of the Atlantic before moving into another house near Windsor, writing and researching. In fact I pass through Atlanta and Clearwater, FL, driving from Tennessee down to my base in Key West, FL., and I would like to invite you and your friends to a dinner in Atlanta on the evening of Sunday October 10, or Clearwater the next day October 11 (both at 7pm) and I shall also talk a bit. My topic is: "Hitler's People: The men and women closest to him and the secrets they told me." In Atlanta it is a dinner: Choose your own meal, not included in the $20 registration. In Clearwater it is just the usual evening meeting.
  6. I shall incidentally reveal details of the forty-seven year Global Vendetta waged against me by the traditional enemies of free speech. (You can help us continue that battle by making a contribution online at
  8. I will not be speaking in the USA again this year unless some folks in Miami would like me to come there. You can register online at my bookstore (click ATLANTA or CLEARWATER), I will notify you in good item of the actual location. Phone me after Tuesday on 305 923 6779 or email me at if you have queries.
  10. I will have some of my books with me, including now more of the very rare earlier ones, and you can bring your books for me to autograph. The entry price is about £10. You can pay by any means -- cash, cheque, or credit card, or at the door.
  12. Yours sincerely,
  16. David Irving
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