David Irving's fall 2009 east coast tour should have simply been called diarrhea, because his shit's not too solid. After being shut down in New Jersey, we New Yorkers really felt the pressure to give the holocaust revisionist and Hitler apologist an event to remember.

Thanks to the efforts of a few local community groups and an incredible turnout by concerned citizens, it's fair to say David Irving will never forget November 14th, 2009. Just one day prior, all three of Irving's website's were hacked, providing us hours of late night entertainment in the form of leaked documents, e-mail addresses, and personal information about the human sewage drawn to him. You can review the hacked site here at your leisure. With his databases accessible now not only to Irving, but to the world, we presumed his security would be greatly heightened. That just goes to show what happens when you try to give an idiot too much credit.

Admittedly, we were a little late to the dance, but once we were alerted to the whereabouts of Irving's talk, hilariously booked at the Times Square Doubletree Hotel as "The Real History Conference," we activated our network of shadowy agents. A little reconnaissance goes a long way, and we quickly found the best route onto the sixth floor of the hotel. Once there, thirty pissed off anti-fascists rushed the door. Of course Irving and his protectors quickly closed and dead-bolted themselves inside, stranding both his personal assistant, Jaenelle Antas, as well as self-described "next Hitler" Alex Carmichael. For those not familiar with Carmichael, he is a New Jersey neo-Nazi leader, head of League of American Patriots. Only one night before, when he and two other of his "master race" were in the men's room with a single anti-fascist, he called the cops instead of confronting the lone antifa. What a bastion of Aryan courage. From what we understand, Antas and Carmichael their food spicy, and relished the pepper spray they found in their mouths (do Nazi's eyes have taste buds, because some of it apparently got in there as well).

An empty hallway makes for great acoustics, and our chanting crowd clearly rattled not only the doors and walls, but also the attendees inside. At the behest of the stranded Nazis, hotel security rushed in and tried to physically remove us from the area. Naturally, we protected ourselves and each other, finding our way down the stairs and out the fire exit onto Broadway. As we exited, chaos prevailed. There were tourists and cops and waiting comrades and hotel security and a lone bald neo-Nazi, all trying to make out what was going on in the middle of Times Square. This provided the perfect opportunity to make nearby pedestrians aware of the vile and pathetic meeting that was happening in the heart of NYC. Hotel security tried to get slick and point a few of us out to the cops, but this wasn't our first trip to the rodeo. We have eyes in the backs of our heads, even if they aren't directly connected. Those targeted made a quick escape and those who could made their way back inside to further disrupt Irving's lecture.

After the second group of committed and militant anti-fascists made it clear that they were not leaving, repeatedly making it back upstairs, hotel management met with the NYPD in an attempt to find a way to safely get Irving out of the building after the event. Their eventual success came only after Irving suffered his third embarrassment in two days, having been roundly shaken and disrupted in both New Jersey and NYC, as well as having his websites hacked.

Later that night, the two NYPD sentries posted outside the Times Square Doubletree left, and our folks soon followed. We succeeded in our mission and will dog David Irving and every other holocaust denier and revisionist, Hitler apologist, and Nazi goon whenever they try to organize in New York City.

Irving's woes are only building. Our friends in New Haven report that on Sunday night, Irving completely canceled his talk due to his perceived threat of an "anti-fascist riot." Surely he just couldn't face the prospects of another day of having "Real History" destroyed by Real Antifa.

Some Friendly NYC Antifa