March 10th Mobilization|Liberation Square


Mass Mobilization for Immigrant justice!

-12pm: Reunion at Liberation Square, Union Park.
– 2pm: March to Daley Plaza & action at Boeing’s H-Qrtrs.
– 4pm: join Coming Out of the Shadows Rally with Immigrant Youth Justice League
– 5pm: March back and Celebration at Union Park “Liberation Square”

The recent struggles for liberation in Tunisia and Egypt have ignited a combatant spirit all over the world. In the US, the struggle in Wisconsin is a new beginning. Public sector workers, youth, anti-war organizations and disability activists are uniting to address the multifaceted system of oppression that constructs borders between oppressed communities, keeping us divided. It is time to challenge the politics of scapegoating that conceals the root causes of the current social, political and economic crisis. As people committed to fighting for immigrant justice, we recognize we can no longer look to politicians and their liberal organizations for real change. We need a new vision and new concrete tools for struggle.

The ongoing criminalization of immigrants is part of a global economic system that finds profit in the incarceration, displacement, and repression of millions across the globe. Despite the solidarity that has blossomed among people who are recognized as citizens and those labeled undocumented, citizenship continues to be one of the main mechanisms for rendering people exploitable. It has been wielded as a ruthless tool for dividing us, forcing us to compete against each other in a global race to the bottom. Liberation Square is a call to “cross borders” between struggles, between divided communities and between forced political identities. Because in a system of laws that are stacked against us, we are all being made undocumented – from communities that are internally displaced to communities facing mass incarceration, from criminalized dissenters to AWOL soldiers. The struggle cannot be merely a fight for “papers”. It is a fight against a system that makes more and more people illegitimate: it is a fight for justice beyond all borders !!!

Join us at Liberation Square!! This is a community gathering and speak-out on the connections between immigrant rights, militarization and the global economic system. We will also march for an action at Boeing, one of the largest military contractors who has also made enormous profits from border militarization. In their never-ending hunger for profits, corporations like Boeing have been a major driving force behind increasing anti-immigrant hatred at home, and increasing wars abroad – because their profit margins depend on fueling the war machine and on making more and more people “illegal”. We will confront Boeing with our message: you are guilty of crimes against our humanity!

Carmela Garcia (847) 809 0611
Jesus Guillen (773)297 – 3019
Rozalinda Borcila (813)789-0123

For more detail information visit:


-An overview for March 10 2011-

What’s happening on March 10th 2011?

Mass Mobilization for Immigrant justice during an all day event on March 10.  Actions troughout the day will be in the form of Gathering, March, Teach-Ins, Workshops, Rally, Protest and Celebration.
How is it going to work?

Actions for March 10 are being organized starting at 12 noon and ending at 6:00 pm with a possible celebration in the evening after 6:00PM.

12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
(Reunion/diversity of small actions)

Starting Point: “Liberation Square” at Union Park (Corners of N. Ashland Ave and W. Washington Blvd) “Liberation Square”: A community gathering to share food, ideas and visions. This will be a space for teach-ins, workshops, sign-making and small creative actions, a place for different communities and struggles to come together.

2:00 PM (March Step off time)

People will assemble in the Park area between W. Washington Blvd and W. Warren Blvd.

2:15 PM – 3:00 PM
(March and Route)

1st Part of the Route: People will march on W. Washington Blvd heading EAST. Until arriving at Boeing Corporate Offices Located at 100 N. Riverside Plaza, corners of W. Washington Blvd and the Chicago River. An action at the Boeing Corporate Offices on the connections between the war economy and the deepening economic and political crisis is being organized.

3:15 PM -3:30 PM
(Resume March to Daley Plaza)

People will continue to march on W. Washington Blvd heading east to Daley Plaza, located on 118 N. Clark St for the Coming out of the Shadows Rally which is being lead by the Immigrant Youth Justice League and other youth organizations.

4:00 PM
(Coming Out of the Shadows: Undocumented. Unafraid. Unapologetic. Rally)

The Reunion for this rally is being call at 3:00 PM and program is schedule to start at 4:00 PM.  Pending on community meetings, more details to come. Visit for updates on the Rally.

5:00 PM
(People’s March Resumes)

March will assemble subsequent of the Coming Out of the Shadows Rally at Daley Plaza. People will march back to “Liberation Square” at Union Park.

6:00 PM
(Arrive at Liberation Square and Celebration)

The People’s March will conclude at starting point, “Liberation Square” at Union Park with a big Celebration and gathering. More details to come after planning has been finalized.

***Not all timings can be confirmed at this time, some are pending community meetings and others can change due to actual conditions and circumstances on the day of March 10. ***
Updates on the different actions can be found at:

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  1. Pingback: Marisol Galvan speaks with Rosalinda Barcil of Moratorium for Deportations « Radio Arte

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