9. The Congo River. It is best seen in combination with a stay in safari-style lodges and villas.

Does your mum know you're going to Congo?

I'm travelling to Africa at the end of the year. I will have four weeks to get from the Congo to Nairobi. Can you recommend the best way to get around?

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People standing on  roof of crowded intercity bus.

Travelling is a risky business

The recent boat accident in Thailand shows the risks that almost all travellers take when they're overseas. But despite the dangers, they're usually risks worth taking.

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Walking the streets of Nairobi is like being on a human highway of activity.

Making it to the streets

Paul Chai puts the safari on hold to explore Nairobi's rich history, great food and buzzing urban pulse.

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Your questions

My granddaughter wishes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, which I think is unwise. Can you give us advice of something else to do there that will satisfy her but is not so dangerous?

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