
Victorian Muslim leaders respond to 'heartbreaking' poll

Unless an Aboriginal person tells Betul Tuna to leave the country, she's not going anywhere.

The Turkish-Australian lives in northern Victoria, in the federal seat of Murray, where Pauline Hanson's One Nation won more support than anywhere else in the state.

Betul Tuna (left) and her business partner Suzan Yilmaz with their 'caravan cafe', which they hope will become a meeting ...
Betul Tuna (left) and her business partner Suzan Yilmaz with their 'caravan cafe', which they hope will become a meeting place in Shepparton for people of different faiths. Photo: Supplied

She is a project officer with the Ethnic Council of Shepparton, working closely with refugees who settle in the regional city where a fifth of the population was born overseas.

And she is also a Muslim. Like most Muslims who live in Australia, she was born here.

In her first speech in the Senate last week, Pauline Hanson said Australia was in danger of being "swamped" by Muslims.
In her first speech in the Senate last week, Pauline Hanson said Australia was in danger of being "swamped" by Muslims. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

And like many others who share her faith - who were either raised here or moved here - she is getting fed up with the anti-Islamic rhetoric being spouted by some politicians and sections of the community.

Asked to comment on a poll this week that found almost half of Australians support a ban on Muslim immigration, Betul responds by telling a story about a Welcome to Country ceremony she attended a few years ago.


After the ceremony, in which local Yorta Yorta elders welcomed her onto their land, she approached one of the aunties. Betul told the elder that if she ever wanted her gone, that she would take her two children and go to Turkey, where she has dual citizenship.

"I do believe it is her land and if anyone's kicking me off it, it better be her," Betul said. "That's my take on it, mate. Unless there's an Aboriginal telling me to go, I ain't going nowhere.

"I don't care what others think and don't think we have a right to stop Muslim migration. Look at what's going on in the world. It's a state of emergency. We need to have some empathy."

The Essential Research poll, released on Wednesday, found that 60 per cent of Coalition voters, 40 per cent of Labor voters and 34 per cent of Greens voters were in favour of halting Muslim immigration.

A belief that Muslim migrants do not integrate into society and pose a terrorist threat were given as the main reasons for their position.

The poll also recorded strong support for Pauline Hanson, with 62 per cent saying she speaks for a lot of "ordinary Australians" and 48 per cent endorsing a national debate about Muslim immigration.

"I don't know how much more we can do," said Keysar Trad, president of Australia's peak Muslim body, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

"To find that this many people have such a gross misunderstanding of Islam, when we go so far out of our way to build bridges and make positive connections, is heartbreaking. Not only do Muslims integrate, Muslims have become an integral part of Australian society in every field of life."

Mr Trad said there was a connection between the poll results and the "ill-conceived comments" made by Pauline Hanson in her maiden speech to the Senate last week. "The message that she's given does not encourage integration, it encourages isolation and alienation," he said.

Nail Aykan, executive director of the Islamic Council of Victoria, said his organisation was looking into the methodology used in the survey and described the results as "a very shallow, surface-level take on things".

"I do not believe that this is a reflection of how Australians think," he said.

"I think this is taken from this whole controversial, provocative group feed of anti-Muslim fear campaigning, which has been taking place for a while, and that people are genuinely expressing some degree of bewilderment in what's going on.

"If you ask a simple question via quick means you're going to get a very shallow, surface-level take on things, but if you were to do quality research you would have a different take."

Mr Aykan said the poll results did not reflect his experience living in Australia and believes anti-Muslim sentiment is no worse in other states.  

Betul said for some Muslims who migrate to Australia, the threat of anti-Islamic prejudice is felt. She said an older women, for instance, who speaks English as a second language and is on her own with her kids would struggle more than she does. 

When a terrorist attack is reported in the news, Betul tells the young Muslims she works with to take extra care, to be mindful of those around them. "The best that can happen is someone will say something to you that will ruin your day," she said.

Betul is in the process of setting up a cafe in a old caravan that she hopes will help address some of the problems in her community. She and her business partner, Suzan Yilmaz, also a Muslim woman, will sell tea and coffee and provide shisha pipes for their guests to smoke.

"We're hoping the caravan will be a venue that will be a safe place for people to come and ask us about our heritage and religion," Betul said.

"I was born and raised in Australia. I have Turkish heritage. I wear a headscarf. I pray five times a day. I fast through Ramadan. I am a practising, mainstream Muslim-Australian. I can answer people's questions."