Federal Politics


Australia's laws should not treat Jamie Bright like a terrorist

Jamie Bright was shot dead by an Islamic State fighter near the town of al-Shaddadi, in north-eastern Syria.

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Jamie Bright was fighting with the Kurds against terror group IS when he was reportedly killed.

US special operations forces have been in this area for months, helping local Kurds and Arab opposition fighters beat the jihadists back towards their de facto capital, al-Raqqa.

Bright, an Australian who was fighting with the Kurds, was therefore effectively shoulder-to-shoulder with troops from our closest ally, and yet he could have been jailed for life under Australia's foreign incursions laws, which prohibit entering a foreign country to engage in hostilities unless it is with the armed forces of the country's government.

From left: Andrew Bright (Jamie Bright's brother, of Wanniassa), Faye-Marie Kenny (his mother, of NSW) and Leah ...
From left: Andrew Bright (Jamie Bright's brother, of Wanniassa), Faye-Marie Kenny (his mother, of NSW) and Leah Nadenbousch (sister, of WA), with a portrait of Bright.  Photo: Karleen Minney

It is an contradiction that is coming under increasing scrutiny as the Syrian civil war grinds on and cases such as Bright's come to attention. The next Parliament should review these laws to see how they can better distinguish between armed groups that threat us and those that don't, and thereby better reflect Australia's values.

It is just wrong that someone like Bright could have faced the same prosecution as Islamic State supporters.


The painstaking agnosticism of foreign incursions stems from the preference in Canberra for the law not to take sides in its approach to foreign actors such as governments or non-state groups.

Why, this argument goes, should the vicissitudes of Australia's foreign policy mean that one group of people breaks the law while another doesn't? Our foreign policy often reflects our interests rather than our values, and while these would be the same in an ideal world, we all know this is not an ideal world.

But absolute neutrality means we have no values at all.

Certainly, the Kurds are not perfect. The Syrian Kurdish YPG – or People's Protection Units – with whom Bright was fighting, are affiliated with the Turkish Kurdish PKK, a left-wing group that has carried out bombings in Turkey and is listed by Australia and other Western countries as a terrorist organisation.

But the moral difference between the Islamic State and the YPG can be measured in light years.

Of course the government sees this, which is why prosecutions of Australians fighting with the Kurds are not being followed through. Attorney-General George Brandis – whose consent is needed for a prosecution under foreign incursions – has already knocked back charges against Melbourne man Jamie Reece Williams. That was absolutely the right thing to do.

But police spent seven months on that investigation. They won't do that next time, given their counter-terrorism workload, which means they'll be enforcing the law selectively. That risks feeding into Sunni Muslim community perceptions of discrimination if the law is not applied uniformly.

Apart from being unfair on the police, there's something fundamentally wrong with a law you never mean to apply across the board.

The Foreign Incursions and Recruitment Act was passed in 1978 by the Fraser government in response to Croatians going to fight against the then Yugoslavian government. It has also been used to stop mercenaries fighting in African countries.

The Abbott government shifted it into the Commonwealth Criminal Code - under the chapter dealing with the "security of the Commonwealth", the same chapter that covers terrorism - making it a de facto terrorism law, and upped the maximum penalty from 20 years to life in jail.

It is now a weapon of choice for counter-terrorism law enforcement. The so-called "tinnie jihadists" who allegedly planned to escape Australia by boat, for instance, have been charged with planning foreign incursions.

Brandis could issue an exemption from foreign incursions for anyone who fights with the Kurds – a power he already has. Some will argue that goes too far. As Rodger Shanahan of the Lowy Institute has argued, a person might sign up with the YPG to fight against the Islamic State but then find themselves fighting other rebel groups. Some have gone as far as to describe the YPG's relationship with the regime of dictator Bashar al-Assad as a "tacit alliance".

If it's a step too far to give a free pass to people like Jamie Bright, the least the next Parliament could do is look for a way to separate out from the terrorism section of the Criminal Code the broad offence of fighting with armed groups abroad.

It would send a clear message that our laws do not treat people who fight with our allies the same as people who fight with terrorists.

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