- published: 29 Oct 2007
- views: 8345909
Flux is a simple and ubiquitous concept throughout physics and applied mathematics describing the flow of a physical property in space, frequently also with time variation. It is the basis of the field concept in physics and mathematics. There exist two common usages of the term flux, each with rigorous mathematical frameworks: For transport phenomena, flux is defined as a vector, whereas in electromagnetism, flux is a scalar quantity, as defined by the surface integral. The terms "flux", "current", "flux density", "current density", can sometimes be used interchangeably and ambiguously, though the terms used below match those of the contexts in the literature.
The word flux comes from Latin: fluxus means "flow", and fluere is "to flow". As fluxion, this term was introduced into differential calculus by Isaac Newton.
In transport phenomena (heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid dynamics), flux is defined as the rate of flow of a property per unit area, which has the dimensions [quantity]·[time]−1·[area]−1. For example, the magnitude of a river's current, i.e. the amount of water that flows through a cross-section of the river each second, or the amount of sunlight that lands on a patch of ground each second is also a kind of flux.
Bloc Party - Flux
FLUX - 傑森史塔森 (Official Video)
Flux and magnetic flux
REACT FLUX TUTORIAL #9 - React Flux Introduction & Flux Stores
What Is Flux? | Soldering
FLUX - 來自1960 《多元觀點》PLURALISM
Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop
FLUX - 傑森史塔森 X 三寶犯 ft. SmashRegz (LIVE- 7/1 多元觀點3D演唱會@Legacy台北)
FLUX - 宅男的戀愛日常 ft. J-Ro 蕭百岳 (Official Video)
[HON whale] - EP.76 Flux พลังแม่เหล็กจะครองโลกก็วันนี้ล่ะ !!
Actors: Antero Alli (editor), Antero Alli (actor), Antero Alli (director), Antero Alli (writer), Michael Taylor Donovan (actor), Michael George (actor), Jesse Walker (actor), Joel Gilman (actor), Jim Jackson (actor), Kevin Huber (actor), Rob Brezsny (composer), Rob Brezsny (writer), Joy Laughter (actress), Thea Blue (actress), Paul Thatcher (actor),
Genres: Sci-Fi,Taken from the album "A Weekend in the City", available to purchase now from the Wichita Recordings store http://shop.wichita-recordings.com/Search.aspx?by=8&keyword;=a%20weekend%20in%20the%20city
Flux首張專輯《多元觀點》2016/7/1全面上市! 佳佳唱片☞https://goo.gl/wEzX2M 博客來☞http://goo.gl/sFMRHk 誠品☞http://goo.gl/70euh6 五大唱片☞https://goo.gl/yUuY8Y 博客來、五大唱片、誠品書店、玫瑰&大眾唱片、佳佳唱片、光南唱片等全國各大唱片行皆有販售! Apple Music、Spotify、KKBOX、Mymusic、Omusic、MOOV等串流音樂平臺開趴上線 iTunes連結☞https://goo.gl/6NbjMj Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/fluxtw Instagram:https://instagram.com/flux_tw/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/fluxtaiwan StreetVoice:http://tw.streetvoice.com/flux Too Young To Die EP數位購買 iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/too-young-to-die-ep/id808500916?l=zh Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/6Agc7GEWt8GDm2OUEglnxi iNDIEVOX http://www.indievox.com/disc/6453 KKBOX http://kkbox.fm/Ba0IVK myMusic http://ppt.cc/DwR1 Omusic http://ppt.cc/PGF4 MOOV(HK) http://ppt.cc/v~AY Soliton(HK) http://ppt.cc/RkD5 Follow us Facebook...
Introduction and intuition for flux and magnetic flux.
Let's build a Flux app with React. Flux is a pattern that Facebook created for building consistent, stable web apps with React. React really doesn't give us a way to manage data, it simple accepts data through props or state. So, when it comes to data, there are many ways you can do it. Flux is a great, proven pattern for building apps with React. GET THE SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/learncodeacademy/react-js-tutorials React JS #1: Intro & Workspace Setup https://youtu.be/MhkGQAoc7bc (Coming Tues, Feb 2@11CST) React JS #2: Anatomy of a Component https://youtu.be/fd2Cayhez58 (Coming Wed, Feb 3@11CST) React JS #3: Composing Multiple Components https://youtu.be/vu_rIMPROoQ (Coming Thurs, Feb 4@11CST) React JS #4: State, Props & Data https://youtu.be/qh3dYM6Keuw (Coming Fri, Feb 5@...
Watch more How to Solder videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/504730-What-Is-Flux-Soldering Flux is a very important part of soldering. Flux is necessary to reduce the oxides that tend to form whenever you have hot metals in contact with the air. In electronics, we use a rosin-core solder or a mild solder or water-soluble solder. Make sure that you choose something that's not plumbing flux or acid-core flux, because that will tend to corrode the parts over time. It's okay for pipes but not for electronics. So in this case, we're looking at rosin solder flux. It comes in a paste form. If the temperature's a little bit colder, it will tend to crystallize and solidify, but it can be melted with a little bit of heat from the soldering iron. Now, when you heat flux it tends to produce ...
FLUX新專輯《多元觀點》3D巡迴演唱會 8/26(五)台中@Legacy w/ 巨大的轟鳴 Gigantic Roar ☞ iNDIEVOX售票:https://goo.gl/P8FPH4 ☞ 7-11 ibon售票 Flux首張專輯《多元觀點》2016/7/1全面上市! 佳佳唱片☞https://goo.gl/wEzX2M 博客來☞http://goo.gl/sFMRHk 誠品☞http://goo.gl/70euh6 五大唱片☞https://goo.gl/yUuY8Y 博客來、五大唱片、誠品書店、玫瑰&大眾唱片、佳佳唱片、光南唱片等全國各大唱片行皆有販售! Apple Music、Spotify、KKBOX、Mymusic、Omusic、MOOV等串流音樂平臺開趴上線 iTunes連結☞https://goo.gl/6NbjMj KKBOX☞http://kkbox.fm/5a19oi ■ 《多元觀點》3D巡迴演唱會 7/1(五)台北@Legacy w/ SmashRegz/違法、Sonia Calico 預售票:600 元 / 現場票:800 元 ☞ iNDIEVOX售票: https://goo.gl/aNXaOu ☞ 7-11 ibon售票 ■ 《多元觀點》專輯巡迴演唱會 7/17(日)高雄@The Mercury 水星酒館 w/キネマズ Kinemas 預售票:350 元 ☞ iNDIEVOX售票:https://goo.gl/Xb4Pfv 8/6(六)台南@U11 拾壹庫展演空間 w/ 夕陽武士 Sunset Samurai 預售票:500元 / 現場票:700 元 ☞ KKTIX售票:http://goo.gl/Er1Bkz 電子搖滾的派對組合FLUX 『我們來做一系列跳舞的歌曲吧!』 FLUX抱持這樣的創作理念,於2012年成立,經...
BUY NOW: http://ukf.me/149Gno4 (iTunes) The second track from Flux Pavilion's forthcoming EP, as labelled the hottest record in the world by Zane Lowe, forthcoming on Circus Records (with a full release due in October). Also sampled on the new Jay-Z / Kanye West album for their track 'Who Gon Stop Me'. Check out Flux Pavilion on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fluxpavilion Follow Flux Pavilion on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fluxpavilion Circus Records on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/circusrecords Buy some Circus T-Shirts/Hoodies at: http://www.maximum-boost.co.uk/ http://www.facebook.com/ukfdubstep http://www.ukfmusic.com http://www.twitter.com/UKFLuke
FLUX新專輯《多元觀點》3D巡迴演唱會 8/26(五)台中@Legacy w/ 巨大的轟鳴 Gigantic Roar ☞ iNDIEVOX售票:https://goo.gl/P8FPH4 ☞ 7-11 ibon售票 Flux首張專輯《多元觀點》2016/7/1全面上市! 佳佳唱片☞https://goo.gl/wEzX2M 博客來☞http://goo.gl/sFMRHk 誠品☞http://goo.gl/70euh6 五大唱片☞https://goo.gl/yUuY8Y 博客來、五大唱片、誠品書店、玫瑰&大眾唱片、佳佳唱片、光南唱片等全國各大唱片行皆有販售! Apple Music、Spotify、KKBOX、Mymusic、Omusic、MOOV等串流音樂平臺開趴上線 iTunes連結☞https://goo.gl/6NbjMj KKBOX☞http://kkbox.fm/5a19oi Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/fluxtw Instagram:https://instagram.com/flux_tw/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/fluxtaiwan StreetVoice:http://tw.streetvoice.com/flux
FLUX新專輯《多元觀點》3D巡迴演唱會 8/26(五)台中@Legacy w/ 巨大的轟鳴 Gigantic Roar ☞ iNDIEVOX售票:https://goo.gl/P8FPH4 ☞ 7-11 ibon售票 Flux首張專輯《多元觀點》2016/7/1全面上市! 佳佳唱片☞https://goo.gl/wEzX2M 博客來☞http://goo.gl/sFMRHk 誠品☞http://goo.gl/70euh6 五大唱片☞https://goo.gl/yUuY8Y 博客來、五大唱片、誠品書店、玫瑰&大眾唱片、佳佳唱片、光南唱片等全國各大唱片行皆有販售! Apple Music、Spotify、KKBOX、Mymusic、Omusic、MOOV等串流音樂平臺開趴上線 iTunes連結☞https://goo.gl/6NbjMj KKBOX☞http://kkbox.fm/5a19oi Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/fluxtw Instagram:https://instagram.com/flux_tw/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/fluxtaiwan StreetVoice:http://tw.streetvoice.com/flux 《多元觀點》首播主打MV〈宅男的戀愛日常〉正式上線! ❤︎軟爛宅男的戀愛幻想❤︎ ✰復古舊式的拍攝手法✰ ❤︎宅男愛上美麗體操老師❤︎ ✰FLUX化身為宅男救星✰ _ Bounce Bounce Bounce 他每天只會待在家裡 假裝一切ok 無精打采地打著電動 一直耍廢到底 他其實 超想要 約你去舞會跟你談戀愛 在你面前他都在裝酷 好像都不在乎 可是一回去他就只會 看著你的臉書 他其實 一直超級哈你 一直超級哈你 一直超級哈你 ...
ก็สำหรับฮีโร่วันนี้ก็คือ ฟลักซ์ นั้นเอง ซึ่งก็เป็นฮีโร่ที่ค่อนข้างโหดเลยก็ว่าได้ เพียงแต่ว่าต้องใช้มันให้ถูกจังหวะเท่านั้นเองงง จะเป็นยังไงก็เชิญรับชมกันได้เลยงับบบ ถ้าชอบก็ช่วยกด like เพื่อเป็นกำลังใจให้ด้วยนะครับ มีอะไรก็ comment กันมาได้ ส่วนถ้าอยากติดตามคลิปของผมก็กด Subscribe ด้วยนะครับ ขอบคุณทุกท่านที่รับชมคร้าบบบ :) ขอฝาก แฟนเพจไว้ด้วยนะครับ อย่่าลืมไปกดไลค์ กันล่ะ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Orange-Whale/1454875764759295?ref=hl
Barely alive cause I'm dead on the inside barely alive cause I'm dead barely alive cause I'm dead on the
inside barely alive cause I'm dead...
Sleepless and I feel this helpless within this illness keep this in the darkness kill this but I want this
So here I go again tryna numb my pain cut a little deeper but it feels the same close my eyes and I see the
light wide awake I pretend that I... will survive, mouth is dry shed my skin and I don't know why can't escape
cause there ain't no use I love my self abuse
Shameless and I blame this own this because I chose this hopeless and I know this need this but I loathe this
Repeat chorus
I love my self abuse i hate my self
Barely alive cause I'm dead on the inside barely alive cause I'm dead on the inside barely alive cause I'm
I love this self abuse, I hate this self abuse I love this self abuse, I hate this...
Hush little baby don't you cry hush little baby don't you cry DON'T YOU CRY!
Barely alive cause I'm dead on the inside barely alive cause I'm dead...FUCK! barely alive cause I'm dead on
the inside barely alive cause I'm dead... FLUX!!