National Gallery of Canada.
The National Gallery of Canada appears to have found an antidote for its chronic attendance problem after what gallery director Marc Mayer described as a “truly exceptional” year.
According to the gallery’s annual report for 2015-16, 416,442 people passed through its doors between April 1, 2015, and this past March 31.
That’s its highest attendance since 2012 and a remarkable 42-per-cent increase over the 292,397 who went to the Sussex Drive institution in 2014-15. It also far surpassed the gallery’s original projection of 315,000 visitors.
The number of people who saw national gallery shows at partner institutions and tour venues also jumped sharply, to 460,282 from 294,019 in the previous fiscal year.
Attendance at the gallery was buoyed by a popular retrospective exhibit of work by Canadian artist Alex Colville and exhibits featuring the art of Claude Monet and Marc Chagall.
Increasing attendance is the gallery’s top strategic priority. Prior to last year, it had been falling steadily for a decade.
The annual report contains good news for the gallery in other areas, as well, including a record year for new donations.
In 2015-16, the gallery received donated art and archival material valued at more than $50 million, compared with just $3.9 million in the previous fiscal year. Of the 11,452 works of art the gallery acquired last year, 10,989 were gifts.
Major cash gifts and pledges included $10 million from Scotiabank, $3 million from an anonymous donor, $2 million from the Michael and Sonja Koerner family and $1 million from Coril Holdings Ltd.
Operating revenue jumped 33 per cent to nearly $7.6 million, and the gallery recorded a surplus of just over $1 million – three times more than in 2014-15.
Mayer cited the founding of the Canadian Photography Institute as the most newsworthy event of 2015-16, calling it “among the most ambitious initiatives since our founding in 1880.”
Over the next decade, the new research and exhibition centre, housed at the gallery, “is poised to make the National Gallery of Canada one of the world’s key institutions for the collection, preservation, study, dissemination and enjoyment of photography in its rich diversity,” he declared.
Michael Tims, the chair of the gallery’s board of trustees, said its overall financial position “remains very sound,” with a strong balance sheet that will allow it to proceed with its plans for 2016-17 and beyond.
Even so, the annual report cautions that the gallery continues to face escalating non-discretionary costs and capital funding pressures, given that demand for investment in life-cycle maintenance and repairs to the building and mechanical system will increase.
The gallery received more than $49 million in parliamentary appropriations last year, which aren’t expected to rise, the annual report says. “Inflationary increases for salaries, as well as utilities and protection services, must be funded either through internal reallocation or through revenue growth.”
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