Thought for the day 14 October 2016

This weekend, the Sun moves into opposition with Uranus, just as we receive the gift of a Full Moon. The Moon, at its fullest, usually heralds a time of completion... the moment when we can achieve the results that our most recent plans have set into motion. Yet, in combination with Uranus, there's a trick up its sleeve, a rabbit in the hat, a surprise waiting to be unfurled. It may not, though, be particularly surprising to you. But then surprises rarely surprise the person who's instigating the surprise!

This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Saturn's not just the co-ruler of your sign; it's the planet of time. Today, its encouraging link with Mercury urges you to control a chaotic situation. It raises this question: though it's all very well to help everyone else, what do you receive in return? Rather than fitting into other people's boxes perhaps you should be setting the agenda. The weekend's Sun-Uranus opposition could bring you to a significant turning point. You can restructure your time so that it is truly fulfilling. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Just because you won't sacrifice your soul in pursuit of success, doesn't mean you lack ambitio. As they say in the catfish-cooking states of America, 'there's more than one way to skin a cat'. It's just that you prefer your way, which involves as little pain as possible. Too many people are prepared to tread on other people's heels in pursuit of success. But you know there's another way. Research, understanding and growth are your keys. Even you will be surprised by the breakthroughs you make. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


There's no point in going somewhere, just to leave and venture somewhere else. Unless, that is, you're making deliveries. Or collecting things. We must be careful before we say something has been 'a waste of time'. If we've acquired but one small piece of information, or gained just a single significant experience, it may all have been worthwhile. As Mercury makes a positive angle with Saturn, ahead of the weekend's Sun-Uranus opposition, don't focus too hard on the destination. Just enjoy the journey. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Apr 21 - May 21


This week, we've talked about the possibility of making significant changes. Change, whether welcomed or dreaded, is inevitable. But there are always aspects of its advance that we can manage. We can't stop water from flowing down a mountain, but, if we're able to predict its path, we can harness its power. This weekend, life is ushering you in a new direction. It's calling for a break from the norm. Yet this doesn't have to be the end of life as you know it. It's actually the beginning of life as you wish it. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


May 22 - June 22


No two people ever see eye to eye about everything all the time. Few of us, though, feel good about incurring disapproval. We want to be appreciated. And to avoid disagreements, we'll go a long way to please loved ones. It's the differences between people that make life interesting. With Mercury and Saturn in a positive mood, it doesn't mean there's a lack of support - even if no one's saying exactly what you're hoping to hear.You're about to see generosity arrive from an unexpected quarter. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


This weekend you'll be surprised by what you can achieve. Surprises can be either unwelcome or joyful. It depends on how you perceive them. And, although your track record in a key area provides no hint of potential triumph, why shouldn't this be when everything fits together? You've spent valuable time working with a difficult jigsaw puzzle. Though the edges have been easy, the critical central section has been hard to finish. Now, as it all falls into place, you'll find that the picture you've created is delightful. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Not every top hat contains a rabbit. Not all silk squares hide doves. Magical feats of transformation, so expertly performed by stage magicians, become far less likely to happen once we're away from the auditorium. But then, to look on the bright side, very few people ever really get sawn in half in or out of the theatre! This weekend's Full Moon, conjunct Uranus, might not bring you lottery-winning luck but it's the sort that allows you to make an exciting breakout from a seemingly impossible position. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


It's impossible to see every eventuality. Even an astrologer can be caught out by more than he'd care to admit! There are aspects of your destiny that the universe wants to keep hidden. Sometimes though, like a child playing hide and seek, it can't help giggling and giving itself away. At other times, life distracts us while a dramatic change creeps up. But, even if something shocks you this weekend, there's no need to be scared. The discovery you're about to make brings a helpful, welcome shift forwards. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


'This shouldn't have been done; here is what should have been done instead.' Generally, we direct such appraisals at ourselves, or point the finger at others from a distance. Rarely do we engage in face-to-face fault-finding. When we confront someone with a criticism, we know that it will place a strain on the relationship. Whether they're defensive or meekly say, 'sorry', they won't like us for it. With Mercury linked to Saturn, ahead of the Sun-Uranus opposition, a little diplomacy will go a long way. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


We don't have to make drastic moves in order to become better people. Small, subtle adjustments are greater guarantees of success. It is far harder to stop smoking outright than it is to cut down, or switch to e-cigarettes. But if we move to electronic puffers, at least we're not polluting the environment! This weekend, in pursuit of a higher aim, you're encouraged to change how you go about your business. Don't try to do too much too soon. Start on your path at a sustainable pace. You'll get there in the end. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Cops and robbers. Writers and critics. We know who to cheer, hiss and boo. Or do we? Do we allow ourselves to be mesmerised by stereotypes and confused by causes? Once, you would have seen an obvious answer to the question you now face. Times, though, have moved on. With the Mercury-Saturn energy in your sign, it's time to rethink your idea of what matters most. There are subtle but crucial grey areas that deserve better contrast and definition over this exciting, Uranus-flavoured, Full Moon weekend. This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


The trouble with getting out of your comfort zone is, well, it's just so uncomfortable! But sometimes, if you've been doing the same thing for ages, you don't realise how uncomfortable you are. Like an overused armchair, whose seat sags over time, you may not even notice. Yet it's affecting your posture. So much so, that if you tried newer, more orthopedically beneficial furniture, it just wouldn't feel right! The changes you need to make this weekend will be rewarding. Try something new. Be brave! This weekend the full 'Hunter's Moon' is also a 'Supermoon'. And whilst the Moon is so potent and powerful there's 20% Off our amazingly accurate, full horoscope readings. You can harness the power to change your life and achieve the positive future you so deserve. Download your discounted reading now!