

Our leaders have forgotten how to deliver effective government

Rudd, Gillard, Abbott and Turnbull have at least one distinguishing feature in common – they have all found the transition to government, and the processes of government, very difficult. Indeed, they haven't seemed to know the levers to pull, or how to pull them, to deliver effective government.

This is not just a question of handling a negative opposition, a hostile Senate, or even a difficult rump on the backbench – although all are important. It is more about issues management, about policy formulation and implementation. It's about how to take control, how to work the bureaucracy and the electorate, to get things done, to deliver appropriate policy outcomes.

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Gun ban: permanent then temporary

One day the import ban on the controversial Adler shot gun is 'set in stone', the next day it's not, as Malcolm Turnbull struggles to clarify the government's policy.

There are many examples, and many reasons for this.

Consider Kevin Rudd's insulation batts program, a massive national initiative, seeking immediate effect. The task was given to a government department that had had zero experience in any service delivery, let alone with the design and implementation of such a significant and costly national initiative, under significant time pressure, and under a relatively new and inexperienced minister – a prescription for disaster, compounded by the cabinet's unwillingness to admit error, or to take subsequent advice, or adequate precaution.

Malcolm Turnbull arrived with great flourish and high expectations.
Malcolm Turnbull arrived with great flourish and high expectations. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Similarly, Julia Gillard's decision to break an election commitment not to introduce a carbon price, announcing the backflip in February, and then offering no detail or explanation until July, allowed Tony Abbott to run riot with his exaggerated negativity about the likely "horrific" consequences. She made no attempt to demonstrate the need to price carbon, no attempt to link with climate science, yet then announced a "fixed" price, way beyond other global markets. An essential policy response squandered.

Abbott just couldn't jettison the negative strategies of opposition – sticking with Peta Credlin and an office and an attitude that reeked of inexperience and incompetence, and soon proved offensive to his own parliamentary team and to many beyond the beltway.  


His first budget simply dropped major decisions, such as a Medicare co-payment, new university fees, and an $80 billion cut to education and health funding to the states, with no overarching health, education or federation policy frameworks within which such decisions, their purpose and significance, could be understood.

Malcolm Turnbull arrived with great flourish and high expectations, especially with the promise of genuine and substantive government. But with substantive policy options on, and then quickly off, the table, he has fallen back on mere slogans such as "jobs and growth", an "ideas boom" and an "innovation revolution", being unable to provide any details or strategies, let alone outcomes, to substantiate any of these.

Julia Gillard's decision not to introduce a carbon price was an essential policy response squandered.
Julia Gillard's decision not to introduce a carbon price was an essential policy response squandered. Photo: Andrew Meares

Each of these examples clearly demonstrates their inability to pull the right policy and strategy levers. The explanation is somewhat complicated and variable, but ranges to include bureaucratic failures through to the lack of effective political leadership and ownership of the whole process of policy development, public debate and implementation.

The role of the bureaucracy has changed dramatically over recent decades. The early post-World War II period was dominated by the seven "mandarins" who basically claimed to run the country, as politicians came and went around them. They mostly gave fearless, independent advice. Today many either simply tell, mostly inexperienced, ministers what they think they want to hear or, worse still, propose what they think "they can get up, politically".

Ministers have often attained their positions having never had a "real job" pre-politics, many as mere political apparatchiks, having never actually managed anything, but suddenly find themselves responsible for a large government department. To develop and implement a substantial government initiative they have to "own" it and be prepared to champion it, control its development, lead the public debate and manage the implementation.

Even Turnbull must have soon realised that success in business doesn't necessarily translate to effectiveness as a government minister, especially when you don't get to appoint any of those you have to deal with and mobilise in the bureaucracy and cabinet.

Consider his innovation strategy. There has been virtually no progress in a year – attempts to appoint a globally significant chief executive to his Innovation and Science Agency have been stymied by the bureaucracy, yet another report has been commissioned, and the innovation fund remains undirected.

The most "shovel ready" opportunity for "jobs and growth" – renewable energy – has been undermined by short-term politics, and most recently by the likes of the Nationals, and Australian Energy Market Operator/Environment bureaucrats, trying to "blame" renewables for the South Australian power blackout.

Good policy is a three-stage process – to define and get electoral sign-off on the problem/challenge, delineate and debate options; and then select an option, educate and defend it, to the electorate and through the Parliament.

Unfortunately, such a process seems beyond our current generation of political leaders. 

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.