
State library lewd photos case costs taxpayers 'hundreds of thousands' before inquiry

The State Library of Queensland – and therefore the previous Queensland Government - paid out "several hundred thousand dollars" in legal fees to thwart staff trying to take action after their breasts were secretly photographed by a former SLQ senior executive in 2012.

"And this could all have been dealt with in 2013," an angry senior source says.

A report will be tabled this week on the case of the illicit photos taken by a State Library of Queensland employee in 2012.
A report will be tabled this week on the case of the illicit photos taken by a State Library of Queensland employee in 2012.  

"The costs would have to be several hundreds of thousands of dollars," the person said.

That was revealed to Fairfax Media as Innovation Minister Leanne Enoch prepares to table the final report by Rachel Hunter into the illicit photographs taken on a State Library of Queensland-supplied mobile phone by the SLQ's former director corporate services Bruce MacGregor in 2012.

The previous government did ask for an internal review of the original SLQ investigation, but decided against further action.

SLQ sits in the portfolio of Innovation, Science and the Digital Economy minister Leanne Enoch.


That report will close the SLQ's four-year photograph scandal where Mr MacGregor took photographs of women's cleavage at the library until he was stopped in 2012.

More than 2700 images were later found on Mr MacGregor's work-supplied phone and laptop in 2012.

Six staff members were able to identify themselves, but others could not because most of the photographs concentrated on the women's cleavage.

In December 2015,  Ms Enoch outlined 23 recommendations from a report into the issue by former public service commissioner Rachel Hunter.

On December 4, 2015 Ms Hunter ruled that all SLQ female staff who wanted to see the photographs could take action to see the photographs.

Now, Ms Hunter's final report shows how this action – recommendation 9 of the 23 recommendations  - "was completed by February 12, 2016."

Her final report - a major review of the operation of both SLQ and the Library Board of Queensland - tells exactly how this happened.

"Current and former employees and people who have reasonable grounds to believe that they may have been affected have met with the (new) State Librarian and the chief executive officer, with a support person in attendance."

"An all-staff email was sent on April 7, 2016 advising of the final stage of implementation of this action."

The report also shows "99 per cent" of SLQ staff have completed sexual harassment training, corrupt conduct training and instructions on using "work-issued" mobile phones, laptops and iPads.

"This was completed on March 9, 2016. All policies have been reviewed and updated."

The former state librarian, Janette Wright, was placed on leave in October 2015 by the SLQ board and then did not re-apply for her job when her contract fell due.

The SLQ's former executive director of people and planning, Katherine Winlaw, who assisted Ms Wright in her investigation between 2013-15 into the lewd photographs, was also placed on leave and subsequently transferred.

Mr MacGregor was not instantly sacked for taking the photographs, but allowed to resign after taking sick leave when he was confronted by Ms Wright as the State Librarian on December 12, 2012.

The matter was referred back to the Crime and Corruption Commission, who decided against further action.

While confidential settlements have been reached with several staff, Fairfax Media understands there is still some simmering tension after staff were finally allowed to view the photographs, almost four years after they were taken.

The State Opposition lodged a Question on Notice in the previous sitting week asking the costs of the Hunter Review – which began in September 2015.

However the SLQ lewd photo scandal, began in October 17, 2012 when Mr MacGregor was witnessed by whistleblower Daniel Abel take a photo down the top of a female solicitor.

The previous state government declined to take any action into why Mr MacGregor's actions were never revealed for two years until reported by Fairfax Media on December 23, 2014.

Ms Enoch is expected to table Ms Hunter's final report – outlining exactly how those recommendations have been implemented – on Thursday or Friday.