The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is an American public broadcaster and television program distributor. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, PBS is an independently operated non-profit organization and is the most prominent provider of television programs to public television stations in the United States, distributing series such as Keeping Up Appearances, BBC World News, NOVA scienceNOW, NOVA, Sesame Street, Doctor Who, PBS NewsHour, Walking with Dinosaurs, Masterpiece, Nature, American Masters, Frontline, and Antiques Roadshow.
Since the mid-2000s Roper polls commissioned by PBS have consistently placed the service as the most-trusted national institution in the United States. However, PBS is not responsible for all programming carried on public television stations, a large proportion of which (including most specials aired during multi-annually pledge drives) come from third-party sources, including member stations (such as WGBH, WETA-TV, WNET, WTTW National Productions), American Public Television and independent producers. This distinction is a frequent source of viewer confusion.
I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna dress in grey, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna dress in grey, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
It's just another
It's just another
Another lonely schoolday
It's just another
It's just another
Another lonely schoolday
I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna make the grade, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
Yeah - yeah, yeah - yeah