- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 529888
Support Jonn Serrie. Buy His Album Here: http://www.amazon.com/Jonn-Serrie/e/B000AQ3O84 This is another space ambient mix I decided to compile. Let it connect You with the Universal Consciousness. Enjoy... 1. 00:00 - 15:20 - The Stars Like Dust - Jonn Serrie 2. 15:21 - 22:28 - Land of Lyss - Jonn Serrie 3. 22:29 - 28:00 - Aftervisions - Jonn Serrie 4. 28:01 - 34:10 - Mother Spirit - Jonn Serrie 5. 34:11 - 43:44 - The Straits of Madigan - Jonn Serrie 6. 43:45 - 54:15 - Deep Starship - Jonn Serrie 7. 54:16 - 1:01:30 - Starport Indra - Jonn Serrie 8. 1:01:31 - 1:10:50 - Pan Galactic - Jonn Serrie 9. 1:10:52 - 1:16:45 - Muroc - Jonn Serrie 10. 1:16:46 - 1:24:50 - Goldstone - Jonn Serrie 11. 1:24:51 - 1:33:12 - The Stargazers Journey - Jonn Serrie 12. 1:33:13 - First Night Out - Jonn Serrie
CLICK THIS LINK TO SUB TO NEW CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/1Cvr2FI DJ Akademiks Speaks on Universal Music Group Allegedly banning All Its Artists from Dropping Exclusives to Any Streaming Platforms. Also Sub to DJ Akademiks - Negrotiator http://bit.ly/TheNegrotiator Follow on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/akadmiks Follow me Elsewhere. Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/iamakademiks Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/akadmiks Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/iamakademiks Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/akademiks Subscribe to my Other Youtube Pages too. DJ Akademiks Main Page - http://bit.ly/JoinAkademiksArmy DJAkademiksTV - http://www.youtube.com/djakademikstv2 DJ Akademiks: War in Chiraq - http://www.youtube.com/chiraqwar
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The title Credits for Universal Studios. Composer: Unknown *** NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED ***
In this clip from www.artistshousemusic.org - Bruce Resnikoff is the President of Universal Music Enterprises, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group devoted to leveraging UMG's catalog of recordings (the largest in the business) in a variety of markets, including traditional retail, direct TV sales, film and television licensing and specialty and nontraditional retail. Bruce Resnikoff is the President of Universal Music Enterprises, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group devoted to leveraging UMG's catalog of recordings (the largest in the business) in a variety of markets, including traditional retail, direct TV sales, film and television licensing and specialty and nontraditional retail.
Fresh off the release of his sophomore album Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight, Travi$ Scott is making big business moves. As Billboard reports, Scott just inked a major worldwide publishing deal with Grand Hustle Publishing/Universal Music Publishing Group. The deal will include all of his previous work, including Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight. "I’ve been chasing Travi$ Scott for years. His talent and ambitions are limitless. He’s a rock star, as well as being a brilliant writer/producer,” said Jody Gerson, the CEO of UMPG. Subscribe to our New Complex Channel: https://goo.gl/43ac5w Subscribe to Complex for More: http://goo.gl/PJeLOl Check out more of Complex here: http://www.complex.com https://twitter.com/ComplexMag https://www.facebook.com/complex https://www.instagram.com/complex/ ht...
The digital media wing of Universal was on the lookout for a new intern and here are the five shortlisted candidates who made the cut! Watch the video to find out which lucky contestant just added Universal Music to their LinkedIn profile. Head to http://www.mtvindia.com/getajob for more
Music video for Kate Ryan performing Ella Elle L'a. (C) Universal Music
Recorded live in the Science Museum, London using http://chromeweblab.com.
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Making of del ultimo videoclip de Antonio José 'Tengo Un Corazón' https://umusices.lnk.to/AJsentidosVem
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楊丞琳 Rainie Yang 賀軍翔 《觀眾》MV花絮 〜過去篇 【我以為那是愛】楊丞琳 VS.賀軍翔 丞琳與小美火爆分手 扯衣哭喊咬手臂 戲劇張力十足 「小美」賀軍翔在MV中飾演丞琳少女時期的男友,兩人上演火爆分手的戲碼,互相拉扯又拳腳相向,丞琳還一度發狠咬賀軍翔的手臂,在他手臂上留下明顯的齒痕。這一段描述的是青春時期轟轟烈烈的戀情,所以丞琳戴上了較誇張的藍色假髮,刻意呈現叛逆感,賀軍翔看了直說「來兩顆」,笑稱有「檳榔妹」的感覺。兩人演對手戲時,丞琳沉浸在回憶的泡泡裡,直呼:「好熟悉的感覺喔!」賀軍翔也說:「有回到第一次跟丞琳合作的感受!那時候騎摩托車、拍校園劇,有一種『追夢人』的感覺!」丞琳2005年跟小美合拍偶像劇《惡魔在身邊》、2007年拍《換換愛》,粉絲希望他們三度合作,如今終於在《觀眾》MV裡實現了。賀軍翔表示他跟丞琳剛認識時,兩人都像是小屁孩,「我感覺她現在愈來愈成熟,有女人味。」未完待續〜 請記得鎖定環球音樂官方FB粉絲團及YouTube官方頻道播出,有更多完整的拍攝花絮及活動消息,喜歡丞琳的歌迷千萬不要錯過喔!!!
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楊丞琳 Rainie Yang 賀軍翔 羅志祥 SHOW 潘瑋柏 Will Pan 最經典螢幕情侶首次大合體!「全能天后」楊丞琳推出《年輪說》第三波主打MV《觀眾》,與她演藝生涯中最重要的三位男人──賀軍翔、羅志祥、潘瑋柏──再續前緣,滿足廣大CP粉的殷切期盼!丞琳在《觀眾》MV中飾演披上婚紗的新娘,回憶過往,人生有如一部漫長的電影,她生命中的三個男人賀軍翔、羅志祥、潘瑋柏雖已退場,但當他們收到女主角的喜帖時,心中仍是滿滿的祝福。丞琳拍《觀眾》MV演技大爆發,她狠咬賀軍翔的手臂、偷親羅志祥的嘴唇、含淚拒絕潘瑋柏的求婚,與華語演藝圈三大天王再次合作,一口氣滿足所有CP粉的願望!丞琳許願未來能與賀軍翔有更多合作,祝福羅志祥身體健康、工作不要太操勞,並希望潘瑋柏早日找到一位令他安心的女生,「很想要看到瑋柏幸福的樣子。」 楊丞琳跟賀軍翔、羅志祥、潘瑋柏在不同的年紀、時期合作,分別擦出不同的火花,歌迷可以從《觀眾》MV裡找回昔日經典台劇的青春和感動。丞琳說:「跟這三位男生合作的戲是我戲劇生涯非常重要的作品,若沒有這三位重要的男人,就沒有今天的我。」其實四人曾在丞琳的30歲慶生趴上首度合體,暌違2年,四人為了《觀眾》MV再度同台,經典重現!丞琳在MV中飾演即將步入禮堂的新娘,如果古裝的結婚戲不算的話,這是丞琳第8次在螢光幕上披婚紗。丞琳拍完MV後深刻體會到伴娘的重要性:「以前可能會覺得自己的婚禮不一定要有伴娘,但現在完全改觀,因為穿婚紗走路真的很需要有伴娘幫忙拉裙擺,新娘真的需要被照顧!」 丞琳與賀軍翔、羅志祥、潘瑋柏精彩對手戲,《觀眾》MV花絮~過去篇。一連三天幕後花絮將會完整的呈現給大家,請記得鎖定環球音樂官方FB粉絲團及YouTube官方頻道播出,有更多完整的拍攝花絮及活動消息,喜歡丞琳的歌迷千萬不要錯過喔!!!
24-10-2016 21:00 Современная классическая музыка Ведущий: Ирина Яковлева (http://radio.mediametrics.ru/presenter/20)
Universal Music Band в программе "Живые" на "Своём Радио" (01.10.2015) Мы в социальных сетях: Вконтакте - http://vk.com/planetaportal Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/planetaportal Twitter - https://twitter.com/PlanetaPortal Instagram - http://instagram.com/planeta_ru
In this clip from www.artistshousemusic.org - Randy Lennox, president and CEO of Universal Music Canada, talks about his job and the differences between Universal US and Canada.
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Speakers: Etienne Ameil, Brand Manager Paco Rabanne, Puig (France) Guénaël Geay, International Marketing Director, Polydor (France) Emmanuel De Sola, Head of Special Projects, Universal Music (France) Moderator: Aymeric Pichevin, Co-Founder & CEO, House of Music and Entertainment (France)
http://umusic.cz https://www.facebook.com/umusiccz Universal Music oslavil úspěšných 20 let své existence a představil plány do budoucna! Ve středu 25. září se v pražském klubu Phenomen uskutečnil v pořadí 2. letošní showcase největšího hudebního vydavatelství - Universal Music. Večer se nesl ve slavnostní náladě, neb kromě představení těch nejaktuálnějších českých interpretů, do kterých label do budoucna vkládá velké naděje, se taktéž slavilo. Universal Music totiž oslavil 20 úspěšných let na českém trhu! "Přesně před 20 lety, v září 1993, jsme spolu s Mílou Zýkou začali připravovat založeni firmy PolyGram ČR, což se pak i v lednu 1994 stalo. Začínali jsme na zelené louce, pouze se zahraničním repertoárem a trvalo až do roku 1998, než jsme se v pomyslném závodě o podíl na trhu propraco...
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