Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reportback: Day of Solidarity With Jock Palefreeman/ July 31st Day of Action

On July 25th, Chicago antifascists participated in the day of solidarity with Jock Palefreeman, an Australian antifascist imprisoned in Bulgaria for defending two Roma men who were being attacked by white supremacist soccer hooligans. This incident occurred in 2007 while Jock was traveling through Bulgaria. During the melee, one of the attackers was killed. Chicago antifascists stood outside of the Bulgarian consulate passing out fliers for Jock Palefreeman who is currently trying to serve the rest of his sentence in Australia to be closer to his family.

On July 31st, in conjunction with the day of solidarity for Jock as well as the annual July 31st day of action against fascism and racism, antifascists all across the city helped in a sticker campaign promoting support for Palefreeman. 200 stickers were placed all around the city that read "Fuck Fascism Fuck Racism" with a link to Jocks website.

Antifascists in Bloomington, IN held a hip hop shows partially for Jock Palefreeman. Aside from speaking with folks about Palefreemans case, they were able to raise some money for him.

To read more about Jocks case or to donate, read here!

For July 31st, we all released an article/Dox on National Anarchists. Check it out here!

Always on the prowl!

- South side ARA

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Theory and Information Against National Anarchsim

National Anarchist
Conor Wrigley and his.. crew
There has been a tendency within far-right, fascist movements over a number of years, starting largely in Europe, coming to the U.S. in recent years and unfortunately making more of an appearance here in Illinois in recent months.This tendency is "National Anarchism."

The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.

The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State.  However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.

National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they're not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:

-Belief that multi-racial societies are "destroying Europe" (Southgate p.130)

-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the "Zionist media" (Southgate "Tradition and revolution"p. 125), referring to Jews as "vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world's resources in an attempt to create a single, global market" (NAM Manifesto)

-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the "dominant ideology of inbreeding")

-Organizing on White Power websites like

Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).

Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement.  One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of "entryism" where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.

In their own words, entryism is "the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause."  (Southgate "Tradition and revolution" p. 220)

Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs.  With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.

In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent.  Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.

In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.

For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois "White Man March".

Here are a two other National Anarchists from Illinois:

Jesse Abraham Deutsch 
possible address: 2130 W 21st St
Chicago, IL 60608

Conor Wrigley (pictured at top)
2778 Deerpath Park Dr
Decatur, IL 62521-5607
Works at Menards Sales · Forsyth, Illinois
Born May 31, 1991
217-428-7922 (land line-parents house)
‪(217) 855-4750‬

Listen to Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism:

Troy Southgate "Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate", “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”

Friday, July 11, 2014

Emails, Calls Needed for Jock Palfreeman

“Call For International Solidarity With Anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman”

A few days ago Australian anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman was assaulted in Sofia Central Prison in Bulgaria (he says it was not “too badly”) but yesterday [July 6] the same guard assaulted another prisoner, an elderly man, and some of that man’s compatriots came to his assistance. These seven were then set upon by 40 guards, who brutally beat them.

Jock, in his role of secretary of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, phoned a number of lawyers to help defend those assaulted. Now Jock has been threatened by the same prison guard [who] has threatened him with another beating.

[The assault] is no surprise [given] not only Jock’s role within the prison with the Bulgarian Prisoners Association but also because of the various days of action for Jock being organised around the globe to highlight his case. You can contact the Bulgarian prison authorities [details below] or organise a protest at your nearest Bulgarian embassy or consulate.”

Addresses to post, fax and email your letters of protest to:

Krassimira Vocheva
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:
[NB: the fields on the form translate as:
Name & Surname:
Full address:
Your email:
Complaint or question (10000 characters):

Borish Velchev
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria
Address: 2 Aleksander Zhendov Str
Sofia 1040
Tel: +359 2 948 2999 (ready form for sending messages from their website, very helpful)

Information, Public Relations and European Communication Directorate
Director: Sofia Vladimirova
Tel: +359 2 971 1408. OR +359 2 971 3778. OR +359 2 948 2218.
Fax: +359 2 870 3041
Ministry’s Reception Desk
Tel: +359 2 948 2018 or +359 2 971 1054
(opening hrs 09.30 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00)

Ministry of Justice
No 1 Slavanska st
Sofia 1040

Monday, July 7, 2014

More Nazi Fliers in the Suburbs of Illinois - Creativity Movement

For the fourth time in the past several months, neo nazi fliers have been left in a random suburb of Illinois. This time it was Creativty Movement (TCM) fliers in  a Crestwood, IL strip mall parking lot. The Creativity Movement was formerly known as the World Church of the Creator and is currently led by James Logsdon (1233 holiday rd Bloomington, IL).  The flier reads "Are you prepared to fight the Arab holy war on American soil?". This flier, much like the KKK and ANP fliers dropped before, are highly suspect. The unusual mix of organizations, the minimal (often only 1) amount of fliers left at some of the spots, and the neighborhoods where they were left have lead us to believe that this may very well be the work of a single individual or perhaps even a small group of  racists attempting to either promote these organizations (or white supremacy in general) or give people an increasing sense that organized fascists are on the rise. Regardless of the intention, or what we suspect, we are still very interested in figuring out who is behind this. If you have any information on these fliers, if you have seen any more fliers, or if you have any more information on fascist organizing in general, contact south side ARA at

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman - July 25th

(See below for Bulgarian translation)

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman 

Who is Jock Palfreeman? 

Jock Palfreeman is an Australian serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria. In 2007 he was travelling in Bulgaria when he defended two Roma men being attacked by soccer hooligans; in the ensuing fight, one of the attackers was killed under unclear circumstances. After a biased trial, Jock was convicted of murder, and the Bulgarian authorities refuse to transfer him from the notoriously run-down prison he is held in to Australia, without paying a huge fine. While in prison, Jock helped form the Bulgarian Prisoners Union, and has been beaten by guards in retaliation for his activism. 

Take Action! 

Palfreeman’s supporters are trying to have him moved to Australia to serve his sentence out closer to his family. Despite international agreements, the Bulgarian government has refused to transfer him until his family pays hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has asked supporters to pressure the head prosecutor to allow his transfer to Australia under the theme: ‘Head prosecutor Tsatsarov, stop following orders from corrupt politicians and do your job!’

Sotir Tsatsarov 2 Vitosha Boulevard Sofia, 1061 

Bulgaria’s Embassy and consulates are located in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, DC: 


Palfreeman has asked that if money is raised, that it be sent to the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association, which he is the chairman of. Donation will be used for a legal aid defense fund and for lawyers to protect prisoners against punishments of the prison (for example appealable isolation punishments). Money can be sent via a wire transfer: 

IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100 BIC: TEXIBGSF Texim Bank.

If it is easier to donate money via check or paypal, contact to make arrangements

Write to Jock!

Jock Palfreeman Sofia Central Prison 21 General Stoletov Boulevard Sofia 1309, BULGARIA 
(Please do not send books; for details on what to see,

For more information:

Ден на солидарност с антифашистът Джок Палфриман — Петък, 25ти Юли 2014г.

Кой е Джок Палфриман?

Джок Палфриман е автралиец, който излежава 20 годишна присъда в България. През 2007 година, пътувайки из България, той се намесва в защита на двама роми нападнати от футболни хулигани; в настъпилият побой един от нападателите е убит при неясни обстоятелства. След тенденциозен съдебен процес, Джок е осъден на 20 години за убийство. Българските власти отказват да го прехвърлят от българския затвор, известен с окаяните си условия, в Австралийски затвор без той да заплати глоба в огромен размер. В затвора Джок участва в организирането на Съюз на Българските Затворници и е бит многократно от надзирателите за своята дейност.

Намесете се!

Поддръжниците на Палфриман искат той да бъде преместен за доизлежаване на присъдата си в Австралия, по-близо до семейството си. Българското правителство отказва да го премести, независимо от съществуващата конвенция между България и Австралия докато семейството му не заплати стотици хиляди долари глоба. Джок иска тези, които го подкрепят да окажат натиск върху главния прокурор да разреши прехвърлянето му в Австралия с кампания под название: “Прокурор Цацаров, спрете да изпълнявате заповедите на корумпирани политици и си свършете работата!”

Сотир Цацаров, Бул. Витоша 2, София 1061

Българското посолство във Вашингтон и консулствата в Ню Йорк, Лос Анджелис, Чикаго са на тези адреси: 

Палфриман иска ако има дарения, те да бъдат изпратени на Българската Асоциация за Рехабилитиране на Затворниците, на която той е председател. Даренията ще бъдат използвани за създаване на фонд за правна защита и за адвокатски услуги в защита на затворници от наказания наложени в затвора (например изолация, за която може да се апелира). Парите може да бъдат изпратени чрез банков превод на:

IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100 BIC: TEXIBGSF Тексим Банка.

Ако ви е по-удобно да направите дарение с чек или с paypal, свържете се с за да уредите плащането.

Пишете на Джок!

Джок Палфриман
Централен Софийски Затвор
Бул. Генерал Столетов 21
София 1309
(Моля не изпращайте книги; подробности относно какво може да изпратите на:

For more information:
За повече информация се обърнете към:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism! 2014

On July 31, 2014, join with your friendly neighborhood antifascists by participating in the annual July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism! We realize that this is just under a week after the July 25th solidarity with Jock Palefreeman, but we encourage those participating in that event to use July 31st as another day to support Jock or simply the struggle against fascism and racism in general.

Fascism Abroad And At Home

Fascist and far right activity has been a recent topic of conversation for many radicals. In Europe, groups like Golden Dawn in Greece and Svoboda in Ukraine have gained ground on the streets, and at times have secured representation in the parliament and national offices. These electoral and legalistic maneuvers have been accompanied by organized attacks against immigrants, LGBT people, union organizers, ethnic minorities, and leftists and radicals. The murder of Clement Meric, an 18-year-old French antifascist, in June 2013 by fascists is a prime example, as is the Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) participation in the burning of the Trade Unions House in Odessa, Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of 42 people.

The presence of fascism and the far right can be felt in North America, too. Neo-nazi and anti-Semite Frazier Glenn Miller murdered three people in April 2014 at a Jewish community center and retirement home on the eve of Passover. Michael Wade Smith, associated with both the Hammerskins and the now-defunct Volksfront, murdered six at a Sikh temple in a Milwaukee suburb in August 2012, presumably because he mistakenly believed them to be Muslim. Ex-National Socialist Movement member and border vigilante J.T. Ready turned his armed violence against his own family in May 2012. All three of these attacks were committed by men with explicit connections to white supremacist organizations and used their military training to gun down unarmed individuals, and their actions received praise from the white supremacist community for their actions.

Beyond individual acts of violence, white supremacists have also taken part in organized efforts to spread their message in other ways. Craig Cobb has attempted to organize white supremacists to move to the small town of Lieth, North Dakota, in an apparent manifestation of the Pioneer Little Europe (PLE) concept of creating all-white rural enclaves. Cobb's time in Lieth resulted in negative press attention, trouble with locals, protests by local indigenous people and anti-racists, and eventually legal trouble.

Antifa Take To The Streets

Antifascists haven't been sitting on their laurels. Militant antifascists have made headlines several times in recent years for publicly opposing fascist gatherings. One of these was the successful disruption of a white supremacist gathering in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park in May 2012, which resulted in a brawl that ended in arrests and hospital visits. The antifa that were arrested that day, known as the Tinley Park 5, eventually took a non-cooperating plea and have been the subject of a prisoner support campaign that has received attention around the world. Antifascists also came out for the National Socialist Movement's conference in 2011, surprising white supremacists by showing up uninvited to their private conference (which, unlike their planned rally the next day, didn't have the police around to protect them from an angry mob).

Although these sensational events are what make in into the headlines, this is just a small part of what antifascist organizing really looks like. From gathering intelligence, to flyer drops and knocking on doors, to tabling shows and events, the background work ensures that antifa have a greater street presence than the fascists. Many antifascists are involved in weeding out white supremacist bands and labels in music scenes, driving a wedge between nazis and potential recruits in skinhead, punk, metal, industrial, and other scenes. Other antifa other involved in prisoner support, organizing benefits and staying in contact with incarcerated comrades or sending literature to radicalized prisoners. Antifascists have been particularly active in working to shut down public events that promote fascist perspectives, like pseudo-historian and holocaust-denier David Irving, and bands that tout white supremacist messages and fascist imagery, like Boyd Rice and Death In June. Whatever their specific politics, antifascists usually collaborate with others to build a strong counter to white supremacist activity and build a strong show of force. Groups like the Black Autonomy Network built large scale counter-rallies that easily outnumbered the KKK group they were protesting, who were only able to continue their rally due to being escorted by riot police.

The July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism began in 2010 in response to a fascist attack on an anti-racist skinhead in Portland, Oregon. Since then, we've seen actions every year on July 31st aimed at clearing white supremacist activity from the streets and building a culture of resistance to fascist organizing. Some example of past actions include public outings of a neo-nazi's home and workplace, benefit shows and letter-writing parties for incarcerated antifa, organized call-in campaigns to get fascists evicted from their homes and fired from their jobs, intel drops, documentary and movie nights, and many more.

Why Militance?

When neo-nazi and former KKK leader Frazier Glenn Miller's anti-Semitic shooting spree targeted a Jewish community center and retirement home in a Kansas City suburb, it left three dead and shocked many throughout the US. However, this wasn't Miller's first tangle with either racist violence or law enforcement.

Miller's background as a Klansmen and neo-nazi leader with direct participation in paramilitary activity should be viewed alongside his willingness to collaborate with the state. He testified against other white supremacists in the Fort Smith sedition trial, and received reduced sentencing for his cooperation. Miller later became an FBI informant, received a new name (Frazier Glenn Cross), and was relocated throughout the midwest. His collaboration as an informant earned him the designation as a rat within white supremacist circles, a controversial figure to say the least.

Prior to the Kansas shooting, Miller had been arrested on numerous incidents for his participation in paramilitary activity and stockpiling weaponry. Previously, he had participated in the 1979 Greensboro Massacre, where Klansmen and neo-nazis planned a join assault on an anti-KKK rally organized by local communist organizers, leaving five dead and eleven others injured. The six white supremacists brought to trial were acquitted, and it was later revealed that one of the Klansmen involved was a police informant and that the ATF had also infiltrated the group and was aware of a planned confrontation. Miller claimed that the protestors fired the first shot, although no white supremacists were killed.

What should we take from this story? While Miller's past history of violence is important to take note of, we also highlight the role of the state in this process. Both punishing and protecting Miller at various points, the state was unable to prevent the extreme acts of violence that Miller was involved in. This meant that Miller was successfully able to wait out judicial punishments, and in some cases resumed his activities even while under agreement to discontinue. At best, the state was able to slow down Miller, and at worst it protected him from his former colleagues after he turned informant. The state's strategy of collecting information for counter-intelligence programs (COINTELPRO) and future prosecutions did nothing to make these communities safe.

To counter the potential of fascist violence, we propose action. By highlighting the actual dangers of white supremacist organizing (and not laughing them off as jokes or clowns), we hope to draw the lessons of previous struggles and apply them to today's. In disrupting their organizing, we prevent organized fascist groups from gaining new recruits. We target their attempts to spread racist propaganda because we see that this is how they gain followers, and we refuse to willingly let them have a seat at our table. The judicial system, the favored approach of the state, has failed to prevent white supremacist violence, and is itself a form of racist violence in the mass incarceration of People of Color. The state is content with allowing continued white supremacist organizing as long as it falls within the boundaries of legalism, and as we learned from the Tinley Park 5 and other similar court cases, will heavily punish opposition to its monopoly on violence.

This July 31st, show the fascists just how unwelcome they are in our communities.

Never give an inch! Our scenes, our streets!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Local Ukranian Fascists DOX'd, Svoboda Flag Stolen and Burned

The political crisis in Ukraine has been boiling for months and has been made up by a complicated political situation informed by a wide range of political ideologies.

A significant element of the crisis has included far-right, fascist leaning groups, namely the Svoboda Party and Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). The Svoboda party frames itself simply as pro-Ukrainian, but their extensive political program ( includes a number of ultra-nationalist and anti-immigrant positions consistent with fascist parties.

Svoboda was active in the Maidan protests and maximized their position to achieve power within the newly established government- again, a typical power move of fascism.  They obtained three powerful posts in the interim government: acting chief prosecutor, deputy prime minister and chairman of the National Security Council.

Both Right Sector and Svoboda present themselves as legitimate political parties had candidates in Ukraine's presidential election that recently took place on Sunday, May 25.  Right Sector's candidate was their leader Dmytro Yarosh, while Oleh Tyahnybok was Svoboda's candidate.   However, they are clearly structured as a paramilitary organization wrapped up in an extreme nationalist party.

Supporters of these fascist groups have been active here in Chicago. It was alleged in an on-line release that 40 fascists stormed the UE hall and disrupted an anti-fascist teach-in  before leaving this Right Sektor flier.

The reality is only a few amongst the crowd were actual fascists, while many others simply oppose Russian totalitarianism and may not understand the message of the group that held the teach in. As for the actual Svoboda/Right Sektor supporters in Chicago, here are two of them :

Alex B Jarowyj
Age: 45-49
associated addresses:
2436 W Huron St
Chicago, IL 60612-1208,
52 James Ct
Glenview, IL 60025,
Attorney and Counselor · Chicago, Illinois · 2006 to present
The Law Offices of Alexander Jarowyj P.C.-  2301 W. Chicago
from Detroit
Oleh Hordij

The anti-fascist teach in event was initially supposed to be a protest outside of the law office of Jarowyj, demanding he remove the Right Sektor and Sbovoda flags that hang from the building. Since that didn't happen, some folks took it upon themselves to remove one.

Taken from pastebin, sent via email yesterday: 
"We refuse to ask fascists to remove their propaganda. This is why we chose to steal and burn the Svoboda banner from the Law Offices of Alexander Jarowyj at 2301 W. Chicago. "

While we recognize that the political situation is complicated and nuanced and that we understand that many protestors in Ukraine (and Ukrainians living in the U.S. and elsewhere) are active because they oppose the totalitarian governments of both the East (Russia) and the West (U.S. & Europe), under no circumstances can we tolerate or condone any fascists or Nazi sympathizers.  The banner can be replaced, but the antifas who stole it will always be on the prowl, and there's many more of us!

For more info about Right Sector and Svoboda, read this interview of Ukrainian antifa here: