Monday, March 2, 2015

Traditionalist Youth Network Protesting Tim Wise March 11th in Bloomington, IN

TYN Hardcore snowman activism
Update 3/12/15: One anti-racist protestor was arrested. Please help donate to their bail fund here.
For the 2nd time, the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN), a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana, will be protesting Tim Wise. This time around it will be in Bloomington, IN at Indiana University (107 S Indiana Ave).  Last time TYN tried to protest Tim Wise, them and their supporters were greeted with punches to the face and body.

Taken from the FB event page:

Our demonstration will help educate IU-Bloomington students about Wise's history of inflammatory rhetoric, and how he disingenuously frames himself as a self-critical White American while actually being an anti-White and anti-Christian Jew.

Round 1: Maurer School of Law at 1200 (noon).

Round 2: Whittenberger Auditorium at 1900 (7pm).

Round 3: TBD

Meet the core members of TYN:

Thomas C Buhls
DOB: 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
Stormfronthandle: ThomB
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151

Matthew W Heimbach
DOB: 04/08/1991
Heimbach was last known to live with Buhls at the address listed above.
Previous address:
19616 Selby Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837 cell: 301 525 1474

David M Parrott "Matthew Parrott"
DOB:  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032 
Recently divorced Connie Adams Parrott after 2 years
Lives at his moms house and is unemployed

Monday, January 26, 2015

Jason Hammond Sentencing Statement

Taken from

I write this statement after pleading guilty to state charges against me for my participation in an organized direct action taken against a group of white supremacists in May of 2012. I would like to share my thoughts about this action. First, major thanks and love to my friends and family who have supported me, for my amazing partner who kept me sane, my band for letting loose and my lawyer Sara Garber who has been ridiculously helpful in fighting this case with me.

While Chicago was in rebellion against the western military super-alliance NATO summit in 2012, a small group of racists organized their own ‘white nationalist economic summit' in the nearby suburb of Tinley Park. They booked a restaurant to hold a luncheon under the guise of the "Illinois European Heritage Association.” For over six months this event was promoted on, a very popular online forum where racists and neo-nazis converse. Being in a prolonged state of resistance against racism, this summit became known to organized anti-fascists throughout the Midwest. Through research, they had ascertained the time, location, and even some identities of the attendees of this meeting, some of whom were already known as being members of white supremacist groups such as the KKK, National Socialist Movement and Council of Conservative Citizens. Upon becoming aware of this  information, myself and others decided to confront the fascists at their meeting. A righteous melee ensued, many of the ten white supremacists were injured, and we left the scene in less than two minutes.

In the aftermath, the police was called and two of the fascist attendees were arrested one for being a fugitive of pedophilia charges in another state and the other for illegal possession of firearms in their car onsite. Unfortunately after leaving the restaurant, five comrades from Hoosier Anti Racist Movement were also arrested for their involvement by an off duty cop. They are known as the Tinley Park 5, all of whom spent time in Illinois prisons after taking a non-cooperative plea, and have since been released on parole. Please read about their struggles at their wordpress.

A year after the action, in July 2013, I was arrested outside my home by the FBI and Tinley Park Police. I was charged with armed violence and mob action,  the same as the other 5 anti-fascists. My indictment states the Tinley Park Police were given a report from the FBI stating that they had identified me from DNA gathered at the scene and a surveillance video from the restaurant where the meeting was shut down. I was held in Cook County Jail for two months but was fortunate to have friends who raised enough money to release me on bond. I have since been fighting these charges. The wheels of the bureaucratic judicial system moves deliberately slow and another whole year and a half passes. Now, even with the privilege of being able to examine all the evidence and evaluate all of my options while out on bond, I must accept the judge’s offer of 3.5 years. My chances of winning the case were very low, and if I lost, it could potentially mean a significantly higher sentence.

It is difficult to decide whether to plea or not when faced with gambling years of your life in prison, but I also completely detest the narrative of the state and their courtrooms. Their story is that they rightfully apprehended the criminal, tried, and put them away in prison;where they will learn not to do it again while separated from society where they cannot spread their infectious ideas. That system does not work and it never will. I abhor this monopoly of justice and violence; the reality is that the state wants people in their prisons especially people whose political interest are in conflict  to the “business as usual” violence that their police and armies perpetrate. My crime is standing up against the flag of hate and the violence against people of color that it represents. The state, in a petty act, went out of their way years later to prosecute me.

Furthermore, the state has always supported a white supremacist power structure. Even after the endless series of racist wars and hundreds of years of oppression on this soil, they don't see it as a problem when neo-nazis get together and in fact grant permits and have lines of police to protect their free speech. In Ferguson, New York, Chicago and beyond, we see police use military grade equipment in conjunction with the National Guard to combat people protesting the unjust murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of law enforcement. These are not isolated incidents, but rather symptomatic and indicative of a deliberate move to uphold the pillars of white supremacy in this country, which will not change unless we fight against it.

I went into this action following the principles of anarchy, equality and freedom which have guided my life. For many years I have been involved in different projects engaging social justice, from volunteering at social centers, community public libraries and food distribution programs.I have also supported and participated in anti-war, environmental and immigrant rights movements. Through these experiences I became more aware of how the system that governs this society depends on the mass exploitation of large parts of the population and in fact the Earth itself for the profit of the rich and powerful. I was inspired and motivated by the people I met in the movement to strive to make change at the root of the problem, even if it meant possibly sacrificing my own personal freedom. Throughout history, any movement that struggled to change this system was considered dangerous by the government and was met with immense repression and state violence. But there were successful moments within these movements not only because they were justified, but because people fought for them and despite how history is presented like a Disney movie, not all of their actions were non-violent.

Today there still is police brutality, a massive prison industrial complex, there are presidents waging endless wars for profit and power, and there is violence, alienation and marginalization at the crossroads of gender, sexuality, race and class.  It would be naive to think that all of these problems could only be solved through pacifism; working with or within the system, following dogmatic and assimilative reformist agendas that take over and sell out movements; the answer lies in creative resistance that utilizes a wide diversity of tactics. I think some people have always known this but more need to reject the privileged tendency to reject destruction of property, or of the bodies protecting the state as taboo violence instead of as a legitimate form of resistance. As our collective patience is constantly being worn away by failures of government to address people’s actual needs, it is up to our own communities and individuals to decide for themselves what is an appropriate form of self-defense

But I would also like to note that the hyper-spectacularization and priority of violence amongst folks in the movement might also be folly, because I believe it in itself is not sufficient for a real radical transformation of society. People need to look within to make the change they want to see in the world as well as raise hell in the streets. People are improving their communities through their own support, healing circles, discussion groups, rallies, speak-outs, prisoner support, popular education, community health projects and asking hard questions and challenging oppressive thoughts however they manifest.

The ideas and actions that these white supremacists are pushing are dangerous and poisonous and is unfortunately still deeply rooted within the fabric of this society. Racism manifests itself in a number of ways and none can be ignored; from the blatant and overt bigots like those at the meeting in Tinley Park but also the subtle micro-aggressions that people experience on a daily basis. We are all obligated to confront the dead old ways of these oppressive ideologies using every means possible. My actions were in the spirit of continued resistance against racism and fascism and for the rights of people to live without fear of racist attacks. Those in struggle know the risk of jail, pain or death when trying to radically change the structure of society but it is a struggle we cannot ignore and we intend to win!

After the interruption of the meeting in Tinley Park, the organizing group for their economic summit disbanded and the individual who booked the event said that they were “stepping away from white nationalist organizing.” When a comrade is arrested the movement bears a high cost but actions like these can prove affective as they dissuade people from joining hate groups and preventing the work that they do. I feel these tactics could also apply to different avenues of struggle, directed towards exploitative bosses, racist cops, gentrifying landlords, sexists anywhere, and fascist politicians.

Some people have speculated my arrest was part of some revenge plot of the FBI because of the hacking and whistle-blowing my brother Jeremy Hammond has done against various sectors of the government and the private intelligent corporations they work with. While I love and support my brother and his actions 1000% and condemn the FBI and the US government for their own cyber wars they wage, I think it is unlikely that was the reason why I was held in custody. As stated earlier, the FBI did provide a report to the local police putting some of their pieces together which raises questions to why they would consider a bunch of neo-nazis getting beat up a matter of national security. Regardless, my brother and I were both apprehended because our actions were not carried out with absolute precision and every precaution made to disguise our identities and ensure we would not be busted.

However, it is absolutely true that we live in a vulnerable society with extreme governmental overreach, where anyone could be subject to surveillance, entrapment, targeted prosecutions and trumped up treason and terrorism charges purely for ideological reasons. It is a context deliberately cooked up by politicians and the national security complex to create fear and distrust amongst activist circles, as we can see looking at the huge number of dissidents who have been jailed or killed. Again, I’ll state my respect for political prisoners in any country who are staying strong and struggling to fight the power. I would encourage anyone who considers taking direct action to know why they are doing it and do so carefully as to not jeopardize themselves, their comrades, or the movement itself. A person in prison is another person we have to free.

       To those whose worlds were shaken and who are angry or displeased at my actions, remind yourselves humbly of the atrocious history of violence that white supremacy has done and continues to do so to this  society and ask yourself, do I support it? Do I benefit from it? Will this be my legacy? Or do I want to change it?

         I have set up a blog where I will post updates regularly that will also include my mailing address and visiting hours. Also I will have set up an Amazon Wish List where people can send me some love through books. This will be set up once I arrive at the state prison where I will likely carry out the majority of my sentence. While I am here I intend to make the most of my time staying positive and motivated through reading, working out, and meditating. I am interested in continuing communication and having discussions with people through letters, so please write me when you have the chance!

Yours for the struggle!

With love and rage,
Jason Hammond

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Synagogue, Garages Spray-Painted with Anti-Semitic Slurs in West Rogers Park

Taken from the Sun Times:

A badly drawn Star of David and the words “F – - – U!” were among the scribblings residents awoke to Sunday morning on synagogues, garages and other buildings in a largely Jewish area of West Rogers Park.

“It’s outrageous, It’s very sad,” said one resident, as she saw the words Monday sprayed in black paint on the back side of the tiny synagogue in the 2900 block of West Touhy she’s attended for two-plus decades.

In all, a dozen or more buildings appeared to have been hit with the racial slurs and other profanity.
About 6:40 a.m. Sunday, police responded to the store-front synagogue. Officers later got word of similar incidents in the 2800 block of West Estes and the 5700 and 5800 blocks of North Talman. Police labeled the incidents as criminal damage to property. There had been no arrests as of Monday evening.

Crews with the city’s department of Streets and Sanitation were out covering over the graffiti with paint early Monday.

One local rabbi, who didn’t want his name used, said the neighborhood generally isn’t a target for anti-Semitic graffiti.

“We’re pretty much a peaceful neighborhood,” the rabbi said. “It’s sporadic here and there. Nobody makes a big deal out of it. I’m from the East Coast. You know how you know you’re in a New York? You see all the graffiti.”

Others were less forgiving.

“We deplore this despicable alleged act of anti-Semitism, which deeply impacts the entire Jewish community and the community at large,” said Lonnie Nasatir, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of the Chicago/Upper Midwest Region. “This act reflects complete disregard for sacred Jewish institutions and individuals’ homes.  We applaud the Chicago Police Department for taking this incident seriously and investigating it as a possible hate crime.  We hope that the perpetrator(s) will be brought to justice.”

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Half Decade of South Side Chicago ARA

ARA and other antifascist groupings have existed in Chicago since the late 1980's. For the most part, the organized antifascist presence has continued to exist and have typically been amongst the more active and successful antifascist groupings in the US. The most recent incarnation, South Side Chicago Anti- Racist Action (now of the TORCH network), are celebrating the end of our 5th year of antifascist activity. Starting back in 2009 we set out with extreme dedication, to destroy organized fascists in our state, eventually expanding outward and doing serious work in the midwest and elsewhere. When we first started, the group to beat was the Illinois National Socialist Front (INSF), descendants of Bill Whites ANSWP, led by Phillip Anderson. At this time, there was also a huge call out by the ARA network to shut down David Irving's US tour. This year saw not only some very successful confrontations between south side ARA and the INSF, but Irving's speaking event held at the Edelweiss restaurant in Chicago was immediately shut down when a violent melee ensued between antifascists and neo nazis in attendance. Shortly after, in 2010 the INSF was scheduled to march in downtown Chicago, a bold move and an obvious challenge to Chicago antifascists. After tons of pressure from our side, the
INSF had a pathetic turnout of 4 unprotected nazis who were quickly attacked leading not only to the end of the march, but the arrest of two of the attending neo nazis. These 2 major victories, along with several other smaller successful battles, and an impressive ability to expose white supremacists, strengthened our resolve, and solidified our reputation as an antifascist force to be reckoned with.

Over the next 4 years, we would face many internal and external hardships, always coming out stronger and more intelligent than before. We managed for the most part, to keep our excitement and dedication and went on to have several more noteworthy successes. A few of these successes include the eventual end of the INSF, the shutting down of the local NSM unit before they even began, the forming of the TORCH network, the hosting of 2 national antifa conferences, the shut down of the White Man march in Centralia, IL, the infiltration and exposing of the local ANP, successful clashes with the Trad Youth Network, continuous pressure on David Irving across the midwest, antifascist benefits and prisoner support for several people including the Tinley Park 5, the publishing of 5 annual antifascist zines, home demos, and several street confrontations and disruptions of neo nazi individuals, groups, and events in Illinois and across the country. With any action we have been part of we have always tried to critique ourselves and be honest about our successes and failures. This being said we genuinely believe that our presence in Illinois has helped to create a fear and paranoia amongst the fascists that we hope will last for years to come. A fear that has led the once seemingly hopeful neo nazi activist community into a state of disarray and inactivity. To say that their own failures and the role of the state hasn't also helped to create this disfunction would be a lie. We also realize that repercussions are always a possibility and more importantly that white supremacy and reactionary tendencies are festering and live beyond the confines of flag waving organizations.

Since our forming years we have seen friends go to jail, we have suffered scrapes, bruises, state harassment and spying, but yet we are still here and are still active. We have outlasted any rival crew that has existed in this city since our inception. It has always been our dedication, brains, strategy, anonymity, and eventually our experience that helped lead us to constant victories over those who in some instances were more physically intimidating. Over the past year we have continued to expose and confront the fascists and white supremacists who have tried to rebuild or form a new and we will continue to do so. Thanks to everyone who is or has been a part of south side ARA. Thanks to all who have supported us.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Anonymous Doxxes Ferguson-Area KKK Members, Hacks KKK Twitter Account

Frank Ancona and cronies
Taken from jezebel:

The Ku Klux Klan got the Anonymous treatment over the weekend after they threatened protestors in Ferguson, Mo. with "lethal force." In response, the online hacker group donned their digital cape, took over the group's twitter account and posted an image of a Klansman hanging from a noose. Then the doxxing began. 
As news reports swirl that the Grand Jury may release their decision on Monday in the case of Officer Darren Wilson fatally shooting Michael Brown, the KKK thought it'd be cool to pretend like they were in The Ghosts of Mississippi. One guy named Franck Ancona, according to Raw Story, even handed out fliers calling the protestors "terrorists" and boasting "We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves." In true Klan fashion, Acona, who is a part of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK, said he had to take action because white folks were under "attack." 
In response, Anonymous posted photos and home addresses of a few local St. Louis Klansmen. The Klan complained about an "invasion of privacy" and took to Twitter to say that Anonymous was an harmless organization. Anonymous probably got tired of their whining and just took over the hate group's Twitter account on Saturday with the following tweet. 
At press time, the group is still controlling the KKK's Twitter account, and followers are rolling in, which I'm not sure is the best outcome. 
Bigger question: why doesn't the KKK use 2-step authentication? Amateur mistake.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Canadian Noize Punk Act Schizophasia Plays Awesome Prank on Nazi Label Deathangle Absolution

The neo-nazi music label Deathangle Absolution Records (formerly Satanic Skinhead Propaganda) ran by Antichrist Kramer, contacted Schizophasia from Canada a while back about putting out a record for them. Schizophasia however, are anti-racists who are not down with Kramer and his fascist ways. How did they respond?  Schizophasia agreed and wrote an anti-racist record. The lyrics were never submitted to the label and the record was successfully put out. They are now urging folks to only buy the record directly from the band and not the label. All profits from the album will be given to Chicago antifascists and anti-racist organizations such as ourselves. 

Read their statement below:

Beware such scene parasites as ''DEATHANGLE ABSOLUTION RECORDS''. They are a neo-nazi record label formally known under the names ''SATANIC SKINHEAD PROPAGANDA'' and ''AUDIAL DECIMATION''. Most of their catalog is NSBM or racist power electronics but now they are trying to move into releasing punk. It came as a surprise that label-boss Antichrist Kramer asked Schizophasia to release a record on his label. Being the pranksters that we are, we agreed and then proceeded to record a ten-track anti nazi record masked by undecipherable vocal effects and hidden by way of our tradition of writing our song titles in Arabic. Schizophasia has no hatred for any race, sexual orientation, gender or anything of the sort. Schizophasia fully supports confronting racism, homophobia, sexism (to be consistent with your previous 3-point enumeration) and ideologies which advocate for any totalitarian regime. The black triangle with a black bar on the front cover of the LP is the symbol that anarchists were made to wear in Nazi Germany concentration camps. Had antichrist Kramer brushed up on his history instead of jerking off to the idea of the next race war, he would have noticed that we were up to something. We call out to people not to buy releases from these labels and to actively boycott any Neo-Nazi bands and labels. Don't purchase this record, unless directly from the band! All proceeds collected by SCHIZOPHASIA will be donated to anti-racist and anti-fascist work. THE JOKE IS ON YOU ANTICHRIST KRAMER/DEATHANGLE ABSOLUTION RECORDS. LONG LIVE ROCK N' ROLL! LONG LIVE FREEDOM! DEATH TO FASCISM! DEATH TO NAZIS!  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Reportback from the 2014 TORCH Antifa Conference in Chicago

This past weekend South Side ARA hosted the first annual TORCH antifascist network conference in Chicago. This conference is the time and place in which the TORCH network strategizes for not only internal growth but for our resistance against fascism, white supremacy, and the right. In attendance were delegates from Philly Antifa, Central Texas ARA, Milwaukee Antifa, HARM, ARA-LA/PART, and of course South Side ARA. This time is also utilized to build antifascist culture, which is why we hosted a public event with speakers, bands, and tons of antifascist literature and merchandise.

The public day was held at Chitown Futbol. At around 5:30 the speakers started.  Both Matthew
Lyons and Michael Staudenmaier gave great presentations followed by Q&A.  There were tons of groups present such as the War Zone distro, Black Rose, and IWW tabling with literature and merchandise. Groups within the TORCH network were also tabling and had tons of anti-racist t-shirts, some of which were completely free. By about 7:30 Mandatory Abortions kicked off the show followed by La Armada, Krang, Wartorn, Wrathcobra, and ATU. At the end of the night hundreds of dollars were made to support antifascist political prisoners.

The night went on with no disruption from the fascists or the state and the 2014 TORCH conference was a huge success. Thank you too all the bands, speakers, organizations, and individuals who came out to support. A special thanks to the Chicago May 1st Anarchist Alliance and the Black Rose Anarchist Federation for sponsoring the event. South Side ARA has spent the past 5 years smashing fascism in our state and elsewhere and will continue to do so.

Fuck fascism!  Fuck racism!

- South side ARA of the TORCH Network