Monday, August 25, 2014

The TORCH Networks First Annual Conference

On September 13th The TORCH antifascist network is holding their first annual conference in Chicago via south side Chicago ARA. This conference has 2 parts; a private portion for those within the TORCH network and a public portion open to all antifascists. The public day is going to be on September 13th and will consist of workshops/speakers followed by an antifascist show. We are inviting any and all antifascists to come out and network, see speakers, see bands, and grab literature. There will be also be tons of free antifascist merchandise (shirts, CD's etc.) for those who come out. This will be a benefit for antifascist prisoners. Below is a detailed schedule with all the necessary info for our public day.

5pm - speakers/workshops- This portion of our public day will be donation based. No one turned away. 

Speakers and their workshop descriptions:

Matthew N Lyons
from the Three way fight blog

“Taking the game away from the left” 

One of fascism’s most dangerous features is its ability to present itself as radical or even revolutionary. From Third Position anti-capitalism to Nazi ecology, from National-Anarchism to the slogan “Women’s Power as well as White Power,” far rightists have embraced many leftist ideas in distorted form. What are some leading examples of this dynamic today and where do they come from? To what extent is this empty posturing, and to what extent does it reflect real conflict between fascism and the established order? What kind of challenges does it pose for antifascist work?

Michael Staudenmaier

Michael Staudenmaier will discuss the intersection between anti-imperialism and anti-fascism in the context of the Puerto Rican independence movement in Chicago during the late 1970s and early 1980s.  This was a period of intense activity in the independence movement, including clandestine armed struggle and internationalist solidarity with other radical anti-colonial movements.  It was also a period of resurgence for the far right both in the US and Latin America, by the Klan, by military dictatorships in places like Chile, and by right-wing politicians in Puerto Rico itself.  My paper reviews this history and suggests some lessons for the present moment.


7pm -show starts- This portion of the conference will be 10$


WARTORN (Metal punx from WI on Southern Lord records)

WRATHCOBRA (D-Beat metal punk from PGH)

KRANG (crustards from Chicago)

LA ARMADA (Chicago hardcore punk)

SICK SAD WORLD (Chicago hardcore punk w/ a horn)

1 More TBA

There will be tables throughout the show with literature and merchandise

@Chitown Futbol
2343 S. Throop, Chicago, Illinois

Benefit for political prisoners!

Endorsed by the May 1st Anarchist Alliance CHICAGO and the Black Rose/ Rosa Negra anarchist federation.

Interested in playing, tabling etc?


  1. The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. See the link below for more info.


  2. Good post. They are using a deceptive "front" strategy- thus anarchism, can be a cover for continued racist organizing efforts. I have noted similar activity with some proponents "fronting" as "Asians" "interested only in education" - IQ scores- but the real agenda is something else.

  3. Great blog, please join us at occupy racism:

  4. Silly ARA's, "First Annual" how can one have a First Annual if it is the first of it's kind.
