- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 14185
El Alamein (or Al 'Alameen) (Arabic: العلمين, IPA: [elʕælæˈmeːn], literally "the two flags") is a town in the northern Matrouh Governorate of Egypt. Located on the Mediterranean Sea, it lies 106 kilometres (66 mi) west of Alexandria and 240 kilometres (149 mi) northwest of Cairo. As of 2007, it has a local population of 7,397 inhabitants.
El Alamein has a hot desert climate (Köppen climate classification BWh), in common with most of the Middle East and north Africa. However, like the rest of the northern coast of Egypt, its climate is slightly less hot, compared to the rest of Egypt, because of the prevailing Mediterranean Sea winds.
Alamein is also known for its unpolluted environment, air, and beaches.
El Alamein has a war museum with collectibles from "the civil war" and other North African battles.
Visitors can also go to the Italian and German Military Cemetery on Tel el-Eisa Hill just outside the town. The German cemetery is an ossuary with the remains of 4,200 German soldiers, built in the style of a medieval fortress.
Greatest Tank Battles The Battle of El Alamein
FIRST BATTLE OF EL ALAMEIN Italians defeat Elite Australian 9th Division
Battle Of El Alamein Summary
Tank Battles - El Alamein to the Volga (Full Documentary)
War film - The Battle of El Alamein 1969 Full Movies.
Tank Battles - El Alamein to the Volga Part 1 of 6
Tank Battles - El Alamein to the Volga Part 2 of 6
Tank Battles - El Alamein to the Volga Part 3 of 6
Tank Battles - El Alamein to the Volga Part 4 of 6
Battle of El Alamein. M4 Sherman, Panzer MK 4 , M3 Grant, Panzer 3 special. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE--- Greatest Tank Battles is a military documentary series currently airing on History Television and National Geographic Channel in . More video Pertembungan 2 komander perang di afrika utara pada perang dunia ke 2 menyaksikan pertempuran hebat kereta .
On 11 July 1942, the 7th Bersaglieri Regiment (supported by the 46th Artillery Regiment from the 'Tento' Div and a company of tanks from the 'Trieste' Div) retake part of Tel el Eisa, derailing the advance of the Australian Imperial Force Battalions. On 14 July, Colonel Erminio Angelozzi's 1st Battalion of Conscripts from the 'Sabratha' Div completely recapture Tel el Eisa from the Australian 2/48th Battalion. On 16 July, the Australian Imperial Storm Troopers from the 2/23rd Battalion attempt to recapture Tel el Eisa from Angelozzi's men, but are defeated and forced to retreat under heavy fire from the 'Sabratha'. (Source: http://www.comandosupremo.com/1elalamein.html First Battle of El Alamein COMANDO SUPREMO/ITALY AT WAR) Australian 2/32nd Battalion surrenders to 3rd Trento Battalion:...
*Disclaimer* All footage taken from History Channel's "World's Greatest Tank Battles"
The Battle of El Alamein (also known as Desert Tanks) is a European Macaroni-War film directed in 1969 by Giorgio Ferroni. It was a co-production between Italy (where it was released as La battaglia di El Alamein) and France (where is known as La bataille de El Alamein). The film depicts the Second Battle of El Alamein
A documentary that covers the important role that the armoured divisions played during World War II including looks at the tanks themselves, the crucial battles and the commanders who led them.A documentary which details the battle between the Panzer and the T-34 tank. Includes Operation Citadel, which saw Hitler suffer a major defeat against the might of the Soviet machine during the Second World War. I found this quite interesting for those into Tank Battles.
A documentary that covers the important role that the armoured divisions played during World War II including looks at the tanks themselves, the crucial battles and the commanders who led them.A documentary which details the battle between the Panzer and the T-34 tank. Includes Operation Citadel, which saw Hitler suffer a major defeat against the might of the Soviet machine during the Second World War. I found this quite interesting for those into Tank Battles.
A documentary that covers the important role that the armoured divisions played during World War II including looks at the tanks themselves, the crucial battles and the commanders who led them.A documentary which details the battle between the Panzer and the T-34 tank. Includes Operation Citadel, which saw Hitler suffer a major defeat against the might of the Soviet machine during the Second World War.
A documentary that covers the important role that the armoured divisions played during World War II including looks at the tanks themselves, the crucial battles and the commanders who led them.A documentary which details the battle between the Panzer and the T-34 tank. Includes Operation Citadel, which saw Hitler suffer a major defeat against the might of the Soviet machine during the Second World War. I found this quite interesting for those into Tank Battles.
From Alexandria port, step back in history and pay a visit to El Alamein, the location of the World War II famous battle, World War II remains and cemeteries, Military Museum, final resting place for Common wealth, Greek, Italian and German soldiers), transfers, entrance fess & tour guide are all included. For more information you may visit us at http://bit.ly/1fglduo
This is the cemetery for the Allied soldiers who died at the Battle of El Alamein.
From Alexandria port, step back in history and pay a visit to El Alamein, the location of the World War II famous battle, World War II remains and cemeteries, Military Museum, final resting place for Common wealth, Greek, Italian and German soldiers), transfers, entrance fess & tour guide are all included. http://www.fly2egy.com/tour-egypt/125-el-alamein-sightseeing-tour-quick-over-day-trip-to-alamein-shore-excursion-from-alexandria-port-or-airport.html
Alexandria - harbour and fort, city center, El Alamein - commonwealth military cemetery
Egypt is the most beautiful tourist destination in the world.
Video-documentario realizzato da ALP.TOURIST PRODUZIONI - Regia e Montaggio di PATRIZIA ALESSIO - commissionato dall'Anpd'I, in collaborazione con il CISS - Centralità assumono i valorosi Paracadutisti della Folgore che nell'aspro frammento di deserto di El alamein si immolarono in nome della Patria e per consentire agli altri fratelli la ritirata. Fulgido esempio di eroismo e spirito di sacrificio...Dimostrarono che la superiorità dei mezzi poteva soverchiare i paracadutisti, PIEGARLI MAI! La nobiltà di un eroe non è data dall'esito, ma dall'abnegazione. L'eroe vinto desta ammirazione così come l'eroe vincente, anzi, con un filo di nobiltà in piu' se sapeVa sin dall'inizio di combattere per una causa perduta. E' questo lo spirito che troviamo nella celebre eigrafe: MANCO' LA FORTUNA, NO...
5 Days tour to Siwa Oasis in Egypt Western Desert. Safari tour to visit Al Alamein, Siwa Oasis, Alexander Temple, Cleopatra Bath, Abu Ali Village and Shiata Lake. 4 nights Adventure trip to Great Siwa Mountain, Aghurmi Village, Siwa House Museum, Gabal El Maouta and Al alamein WW II Museum and Cemetery. Western desert trip package and holiday package in Egypt. For more information you may visit us at http://bit.ly/1feaQXU
Un gruppo di amici nel deserto egiziano, da Alessandria a El Alamein, fino alle oasi di Siwa e Bahariya, attraverso il deserto bianco e il deserto nero in jeep fino al Cairo.
This is a sample of the Amateur Traveler podcast which can be found at http://AmateurTraveler.com Chris, the Amateur Traveler himself, talks about the recent Ralph Velasco / Amateur Traveler Photo Tour of Egypt which was a guided tour of Egypt run by Cosmos. The tour started in Cairo with the Pyramids and the Sphinx, the Egyptian museum, old mosques, churches and synagogues before moving on to the port city of Alexandria. After seeing the historic sites in Alexandria like Pompey's Column and the Catacombs we continued on to the site of the battle of El Alamein and then to Marsa Matruh in the Northwest corner of Egypt on the Mediterranean. We continued back to Cairo with a stop at a Coptic Monastery and then flew to Aswan to tour Upper Egypt. We saw temples from the Greek period and the N...
More - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhT4WnHocnWnV50SQRNbiOUpP8JoF_Vpy Link - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=720844924 Men of War: Assault Squad 2 World War 2 - Battles |MOD| [British] - El Alamein Difficulty - Normal
After an undefeated record throughout North Africa, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel has an opportunity to face off against a commander worthy of his skills:
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B00DN5U91O/book The Battlefield General game books put you in command of the forces engaged in some of history's most famous battles. Your ability to make the right tactical decision will be tested at every turn of the page. The 2nd Battle of El Alamein in October 1942 was one of the crucial turning points of Wwii. Here Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomery ('monty') and the British Eighth Army (the famous 'desert Rats') halted the victorious advance of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (the Desert Fox) and his Afrika Korps. Britain's vital interests in the Middle East, particularly the vital oil fields, were thus saved. The book presents the reader with a series of command decisions, aided by situation maps, directing you to the next rele...
►Buy games with big discounts: https://www.g2a.com/r/gameplayshare --- Battlefield 1942 multiplayer game 22. El Alamein. (Desert Combat mod) Battlefield 1942 Server List Hangs / GameSpy Shutdown solution http://forum.bf1942.sk/gamespy
► Buy games with big discounts: https://www.g2a.com/r/gameplayshare --- Battlefield 1942 multiplayer game #23. El Alamein. (Desert Combat mod) Battlefield 1942 Server List Hangs / GameSpy Shutdown solution http://forum.bf1942.sk/gamespy
MALO chantera BRASSENS sur le Bateau El Alamein le 06 octobre 2016 en votre compagnie.
Check Out Maher Zain's New Album One: Order from iTunes/Amazon now: ©2016 Awakening . ملخص لمسات رمضان صبحي امام ضد هال سيتي (2-1) وملخص المباراة رمضان صبحي شارك المباراة كاملة تمكن هال سيتي من. صاحبة السعادة |يا واد يا تقيل نجوم مسلسلات رمضان يمكنك مشاهدة الحلقة الكاملة وباقي الحلقات من هنا
A vast (for BF42) map with lots of tanks, bombers, and death in the desert. A great old mission. Edited some of the dead time out (travelling from respawn etc).
Montgomery's victory over Rommel, Germany's commander in North Africa, in October 1942 was a brilliant success but was not without great human cost.
Two-part documentary series portraying segments of the North African Campaign in World War II. The second episode covers the preparations for the major Allied counter-attack and victory under Bernard Montgomery in the Second Battle of El Alamein. It is demonstrated that extensive and accurate military intelligence, which greatly empowered Rommel for a long period, was gained through the copying of a burgled code book and regular indiscreet radio transmissions from the American embassy in Cairo.
يدور العمل حول مبروك أبو العلمين حمودة وهو مدرس في بلد ريفي تسمى ميت بدر حلاوة، ويخشاه الجميع لأنه مثال للحزم و اﻹنضباط، رمضان تضطره الظروف أن يعمل مدرسًا في مدرسة خاصة بها أبناء كبار المسئولين ويعلم ان جميع الطلبة في المدرسة الخاصة متعلقين بحب مطربة شهيرة، فيقرر أن يبعدهم عنها ليقع هو في حبها كوميدى - رومانسى - اجتماعى - انتاج سنة 2008 الابطال محمد هنيدى سيرين عبد النور محمد شرف ليلى طاهر الاخراج \ وائل احسان المؤلف \ يوسف معاطى إشترك علي قناة ميلودي أفلام: https://goo.gl/EqqGbg
I do not own the rights to this video. For educational purposes only. The Second Battle of El Alamein (23 October -- 11 November 1942) took place near the Egyptian coastal city of El Alamein. With the Allies victorious, it marked a major turning point in the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War. It followed the First Battle of El Alamein, which had stalled the Axis advance into Egypt, after which, in August 1942, Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery had taken command of the British Eighth Army from General Claude Auchinleck. This victory turned the tide in the North African Campaign and ended the Axis threat to Egypt, the Suez Canal, and of gaining access to the Middle Eastern and Persian oil fields via North Africa. From a psychological perspective, Second El Alamein revived t...
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Afryka Północna rok 1942, blisko 600 niemieckich i włoskich czołgów naciera przez Saharę w kierunku Egiptu. Brytyjczycy wysłali przeciwko nim 1200 czołgów, dwóch legendarnych dowódców Montgomery i Rommel toczyło walkę o przejęcie kontroli w Afryce Północnej i dostęp do roponośnych pól Bliskiego Wschodu. Stawka była naprawdę wysoka a walka zażarta. Była to jedna z największych bitew pancernych II wojny światowej.
Documents the British Eighth Army's smashing victory at El Alamein in Nov. 1942, and its triumphant advance across the desert to Tripoli. The film begins in the days when Field Marchal Rommel's Afrika Korps had driven to within 60 miles of Alexandria and follows the Eighth Army through battle to victory. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
Dedicato all'amico Luca A. Documentario con le testimonianze dei soldati italiani reduci dalla battaglia di El Alamein. Egitto, 23 ottobre - 5 novembre 1942.