- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 1635
Confucius (/kənˈfjuːʃəs/, /kɒn-/; September 28, 551 – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.
The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. His followers competed successfully with many other schools during the Hundred Schools of Thought era only to be suppressed in favor of the Legalists during the Qin Dynasty. Following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin, Confucius's thoughts received official sanction and were further developed into a system known as Confucianism.
Confucius is traditionally credited with having authored or edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics, but modern scholars are cautious of attributing specific assertions to Confucius himself. Aphorisms concerning his teachings were compiled in the Analects, but only many years after his death.
Confucius's principles had a basis in common Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives. He also recommended family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", the Golden Rule.
孔門聖賢 2012年10月(造像--國畫大師.江逸子先生 / 導覽--唐瑜凌先生)
【孔夫子之德,溫良恭儉讓】 孔夫子之德,這是學生公認的,夫子有五德,這個五德是溫良恭儉讓。我們希望把大乘帶過去,把中國傳統儒家的文化帶過去,大家一起來學習。決定不要學西方,競爭、鬥爭、戰爭,這是很殘酷的,不人道的。在因果上講,這都是墮三途的,錯誤的。我們要把夫子溫良恭儉讓,這是性德,應該要做的。 為人處世要誠懇,要溫和,要善良,要恭敬。禮就是恭敬,《禮記》第一句話說「曲禮曰:毋不敬」,禮是主敬的,禮的核心就是敬,要敬人,要敬事,要敬天地萬物。 儉是節儉,節儉是美德,不浪費,生活所需要知足,適可而止,沒有貪心。沒有貪心,人就不造罪孽,身心平安,這叫幸福快樂。有貪心的人,他就苦一輩子。為什麼?永遠不滿足,永遠在追求,永遠在希望得到,到死還不知足。這個苦,苦一輩子,他哪有幸福? 最後一個是讓,初學學忍讓;真正能夠做到忍讓,若干年之後,心平了,變成謙讓,謙虛,讓人;成熟之後是禮讓。中國人這個讓,從頭讓到底。 節錄自二零一二淨土大經科註 (第一七二集) 2013/2/10 淨空法師主講 華藏衛視facebook專頁 https://www.facebook.com/hwazantv
魯菜究竟如何用孔夫子擦亮招牌? 歡迎加入臉書https://www.facebook.com/udntvTalkChina一起討論。 ◎習慣使用手機的觀眾也可以下載app「聯合影音」同步收看! 播出時間:周一至周五下午4時上線 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/udntvTalkChina YouTube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/user/udntvTalkChina
本片之攝製,乃為配合每年的紀念孔子誕辰,向國外介紹 孔子的理想,和報導自由中國人民尊崇孔子倫理觀念,以 為立身處世的基本。 此片指出中國人的尊崇孔子,乃因為他是一位大學問家、 政治家、哲學家、和教育家。儒教在中國不是一種宗教, 而是一種哲學,或作人作事的大道理,為許多人所接受, 其中最重要的,乃是仁愛及倫常觀念,數千年來,以成為 中國文化的特色。 本片除介紹孔子生平及其哲學思想外,並訪問了多位人世 ,其中有孔子第七十七代嫡嗣孔德成先生,中華民國孔孟 學會理事長陳立夫先生,以及曾子後裔清朝曾文正公的曾 孫女曾寶蓀教授。 此片也介紹了祭孔大典的各項細節,以及台灣各地的普建 孔廟,崇敬孔子的偉大。
【孔子誕辰_美麗台灣】孔夫子誕辰紀念 為宗教百景催票(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 為行銷台灣宗教特色,提升文化深度,內政部舉辦台灣宗教百景票選活動,桃園縣內有14個宗教景點入圍,藉著928孔夫子誕辰紀念日的到來,縣長吳志揚呼籲鄉親踴躍上網投票,為活動催票。【新唐人亞太台2013年9月20日訊】 禮、樂、射、御、書、數,這六藝是古代儒生必備的教育目標;今年是至聖先師孔子2563年的誕辰,桃園縣府請來孔子第七十六代孫孔令珮獻藝,為28號登場的祭孔大典暖場。 孔子第七十六代子孫 孔令珮:「儒學跟宗教它是屬於人的一個核心價值所在,所以只要提升我們人的心靈層次,能淨化我們的心靈,其實都是孔老夫子非常贊成的。」 除了紀念至聖先師,這次宗教百景票選活動,桃園縣內共有14個宗教景點入圍,要來拜託大家投票按讚。 桃園縣長 吳志揚:「尤其我們是在國門之都,大家來台灣,除了風景以外,其實宗教是大家很喜歡參觀的。」 透過各種活動,桃園縣希望能夠將最美的觀光景點推向世界,成為觀光客必訪的地方。 新唐人電視台 http://www.facebook.com/ap.ntdtv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jGa5as6D3I
my kids school project
Peter Bol continues with his thoughts on the Analects.
This was a video for our history class. We were given a historical figure, which we were given Confucius. Then we had to interview them, with someone in the group dressed up as them. Amy Cockerham- She dressed up as Confucius. Alex Dexter- he filmed the shots of me, and was the boy in the Daoism commercial. Megan Dexter- I asked the question, the new reporter, and was the person by the tree meditating. Thanks you for watching!!!
China, Confucianism and Christianity, Understanding China Today, CNN, Fareed Zakaria, Educational, Interview, News, Report .
Is Confucianism a religion? If so, why do most Chinese think it isn't? From ancient Confucian temples, to nineteenth-century archives, to the testimony of people interviewed by the author throughout China over a period of more than a decade, this book traces the birth and growth of the idea of Confucianism as a world religion. The book begins at Oxford, in the late nineteenth century, when Friedrich Max Müller and James Legge classified Confucianism as a world religion in the new discourse of "world religions" and the emerging discipline of comparative religion. Anna Sun shows how that decisive moment continues to influence the understanding of Confucianism in the contemporary world, not only in the West but also in China, where the politics of Confucianism have become important to the pr...