About Us


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The Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN), formally established in 2004, is a network of volunteers dedicated to preventing the erosion of civil rights of all Australians. By drawing on the rich civil rights heritage of the Islamic faith, AMCRAN provides a Muslim perspective on matters relating to civil rights. It actively participates in law reform and policy work, including legislative reform through submissions to government bodies, lobbying, grassroots community education, and communication through media.  It collaborates with many Muslim organisations and non-Muslim organisations to achieve its goals. 


AMCRAN was established at a critical time  when complex anti-terrorism legislation was introduced, and the lack of information about the new laws, together with the stigma that surrounded the word “terrorism”, resulted in a reluctance in the minds of many in the community to engage in this area.


Community Education and Consultation

One of AMCRAN’s major projects has been the publication of the series Anti-Terrorism Laws: ASIO, the Police and You, in cooperation with the UTS Community Law Centre and the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties.   The booklets explain people’s rights and responsibilities under Australia’s anti-terrorism legislation. The first edition was launched in June 2004. Four thousand copies were produced and distributed at various events to organisations and individuals all around Australia.  Thanks to project funding from the Law and Justice Foundation and the UTS Students Association and UTS Law Faculty, the latest edition has been translated into three community languages: Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia and Urdu. These booklets can be downloaded from AMCRAN’s website.

In addition to the publications,  AMCRAN conducts community legal education sessions that have been attended by more than 350 people, and has also provided legal information to religious leaders. It also conducts courses on broader areas of law of interest of the Muslim community, such as racial and religious vilification. It has also conducted a survey of the Muslim community about the effects of the anti-terror laws. 


Political and Legal Advocacy

AMCRAN makes representations to politicians, senior public servants and community leaders frequently, both through meetings and discussions and also formal means such as Parliamentary Inquiries.      AMCRAN has written more than 25 submissions to various inquiries since its establishment and has appeared before a number of these inquiries to give further evidence.

Media and public advocacy

AMCRAN works through the media to present an Islamic perspective on civil rights issues. Its representatives appear regularly in print, radio and television. AMCRAN has also published several opinion articles in high-circulation newspapers. Its representatives speak at public forums and meetings for both Muslim and non-Muslim groups on diverse topics such as “Integration or Isolation” and “Terror Laws and the Muslim community: where does terror end and where does security begin?”  AMCRAN convenors have also been published in refereed legal journals on the topic of anti-terror laws.



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