Latest News for: sinusoid real


Scientists create unique instrument to probe the most extreme matter on Earth

Phys Dot Org 10 Jun 2021
Bitter came up with the idea of shaping the crystal that mirrors the spectrum in the form of what is called a sinusoidal spiral. These spirals denote a family of curves whose shapes can be determined to assume any real value, making it possible to select a special shape of crystal.

Time to update our outdated math curriculum

The Post and Courier 15 Dec 2020
I help my kids with algebra homework, watching them work on graphing sinusoidal functions and solving exponential equations with logarithms, and I think, “Why are they doing this? How will this possibly carry over into the real world?” They’re not struggling; they’re doing fine.

Alpine Electronics Now Shipping the PXE-X09 16-Channel Hi-Res Wireless Digital Sound Processor

Mobile Electronics 01 Sep 2020
The PXE-X09 hosts a collection of tuning tools such as the built-in signal generator and an on-board Real-Time Analyzer to help empower the tuner ... By downloading the free PXE-X09 DSP app (available on the App Store or Google Play™), customers can get real-time tuning results and compare them with the “Before” and “After” effect.
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