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Indybay Feature
Mon Dec 15 2003 (Updated 09/06/16)
Support Independent Media!
Mon Dec 15 2003 (Updated 09/06/16)
Donate Today to Keep SF Bay Area Indymedia Online for Another 16 Years

Make a Contribution Now

Indybay is more than a website for radical news. We host an incredible trove of archives going back over 16 years! Our all-volunteer collective maintains a collection of hundreds of thousands of articles, event listings, photos, videos, audio files, and PDFs. Beyond the labor we pour into it, the costs to do all this are minuscule in comparison with the service that the website continues to provide to the Bay Area, Monterey Bay, and Northern California activist communities. But now we need your help.

Become a Friend of Indybay to help us secure our financing into the future

Make a recurring annual donation:
$5/year | $10/year | $20/year | $50/year | $100/year

Make a recurring monthly donation:
$5/month | $10/month | $20/month | $50/month | $100/month

In order to help us secure our financing into the future, we have created the "Friends of Indybay" program whereby we are encouraging all who can afford it to contribute monthly. The biggest benefit to becoming a Friend of Indybay is simply knowing that you are a key ally in keeping Indybay financially viable, allowing the site to continue to grow and improve as it serves numerous activist communities across Northern California.

Note: If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, you will need to donate to us through our § 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, Media Alliance (EIN 94-2563400). Make your check payable to "Media Alliance", write "donation to SF Bay Area IMC" as the memo, and mail it to:

SF Bay Area IMC
2940 16th St, Ste 216
San Francisco, CA 94103

The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center is an all-volunteer grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool to promote social and economic justice. Since the year 2000, the IMC has been a cooperative effort by hundreds of independent journalists and media activists. We are neither owned nor funded by big conglomerates, foundations, or advertisers — that's why we need your support to sustain our efforts!

If you are interested in donating goods or services, please e-mail

We are a 100% volunteer organization and all donations go directly toward operating costs.

Thank you for your support!

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