Version 2.3.11


Yes, it's a blogging tool - and a pretty brilliant one if you ask us - but PivotX is also a great tool to maintain more complex websites as well. Its powerful core and flexible template system make it easy for developers to adjust and extend. No matter if you want an easy-to-use, robust blogging tool or are looking to push things to the max - PivotX offers the best of both worlds.

3 Step Install

Getting started with PivotX is very easy. Once you have downloaded the latest PivotX release, installing is not that difficult.

  1. Upload...

    Copy the files to your website using your favorite FTP program and change the security settings on the folders.

  2. ...Configure...

    Open the PivotX install screen, fill in your database details and create a first user.

  3. ...Blog!

    In less than 5 minutes you are ready to go. Happy Blogging!

get started

Open Source for Open Source

PivotX is free software distributed under the GPL license. It's partly built with neat products like jQuery, Smarty, TinyMCE and of course, PHP and MySQL. Software by the people and for the people. PivotX has a small, but very active community. Together we build themes, extensions and help each other with PivotX related issues.


Take a quick tour through the PivotX Admin Interface.

View some screenshots


PivotX 2.3.11 released

We've released a new maintenance update for PivotX. This release also fixes a few minor security-issues, so it is a recommended upgrade for all PivotX 2.x websites. For former security related issues and patches, see the page dedicated to Security issues . These are the changes since PivotX 2.3.10: Now calling htmlspecialchars with ENT_QUOTES. Escaping some user controlled variables. Escape usage of PHP_SELF in form action. Bug- / security-fix in getPivotxURL(). Using a…
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