Will the WikiLeaks Emails Make a Difference for Voters?

ABC News' MaryAlice Parks reports from the spin room at the University of Las Vegas Nevada, the site of the last presidential debate.
3:41 | 10/19/16

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Transcript for Will the WikiLeaks Emails Make a Difference for Voters?
I want to switch gears and talk about something that every possibly damaging for the Clinton Campaign through the larger. Clinton world those WikiLeaks. Mainly seen had a partners including health adding that hours. Reading and reading emails that are purportedly from the inbox campaign chairman Jon that staff dumped on the WikiLeaks sites. Tax bite. That's new. Do you get the sense that those emails are art right are accurate and what has the reaction in its ad campaign. Well I think first of all. That. The United States government has pretty strong indicated how this happened happened that it was attacked by Russians and then strode through WikiLeaks. I think that's big story if in fact foreign governments trying to influence events that are currently process. As far as the content of the emails themselves. They really haven't been disputed I mean that no one has been able to say. OK it's percent authentic because they are now and that's else out there and that's part you haven't heard too much though about the content it's. On the other hand I think that you know look in any normal campaign. If you've got to read that the campaign team else I don't producing anything at partner here mean you'll. That's back and forth about this senders things work here speeches that goes on all the time what's new about it as we're just getting this site you. There have been emails that mention it sort that has to hand them back and forth you know DX and tandem saying that. Are you a Republican plant that's what I remember the sort of accusing of that unit that political play when he lip. Way back when asked or suggested different standards it needs to. At least its health records there's been some back and forth I at some. Strategists suggest that you not show that US just don't get along endorser tactic is not here but here they're been some of that. Sort of tension out last few days how would you describe your relationship. With M Whitman and theater event are calling it apologizing church other note it. I'd greatly with sonic experience with Tom about this whole campaign where correct the record coordinates its activity with the campaign so we are. Constant touch. And I think we've done it pretty seamless job. On the health records. I asked senator Sanders or at least there was obviously some disagreements campaign about whether that was that we are not some people in getting us. Yeah that's fair enough. But at the end of the day on the same team will open when this election together and I think you know it's easy to hold. Language here there it's politics. That Tom have. Do you think that it sets up any issues and for for down the road and it's next to her to win. He would then have to build a Texas team but cabinets. And education are there some of stomach that Adam. Sort of bad blood that needs you to every. To insight into issues. I thought that I've seen yet now I mean we wrongly against when he sent. The mall so that's of observes that potential for their beautiful mortenson but from my point you Johnston. They're restrained. It's and the most interesting things things right it's right back. OK so here. Like you don't think it's gonna be. A difference to voters now I don't think anybody's guns and I think it's to us reading them and I'm not saying they're not interesting it's very interesting picture of how things work and but it and I opened things partner since. It. But I don't see playing outside of us this night.

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{"id":42924607,"title":"Will the WikiLeaks Emails Make a Difference for Voters?","duration":"3:41","description":"ABC News' MaryAlice Parks reports from the spin room at the University of Las Vegas Nevada, the site of the last presidential debate.","url":"/Politics/video/wikileaks-emails-make-difference-voters-42924607","section":"Politics","mediaType":"default"}