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Indybay Feature
Thu Apr 30 2015 (Updated 05/01/15)
OPD Bows to Pressure, Releasing Video Related to Killing of Yuvette Henderson
Thu Apr 30 2015 (Updated 05/01/15)
Police Allow Yuvette Henderson's Family to View Video, But Critical Moments Not Available
Women of color are often the invisible victims of police terror. On April 12, the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP), in conjunction with Yuvette Henderson’s family and a handful of other organizations, held a vigil and caravan in the name of Yuvette. The mother of two was killed feet away from an ExtraSpace Storage surveillance camera, yet both the storage facility and the police have refused to release those tapes. Yuvette suffered a head-wound at the hands of Home Depot security, paramedics were called, yet tapes of this encounter not released Yuvette’s family either. The vigil and caravan were held on the corner of 34th and Hollis street in Emeryville, half a block away from where Yuvette was killed. Numerous other demonstrations have been held to demand justice for Yuvette as well.

On April 21, the Oakland Police Department conceded to community pressure and allowed the brother and sister of Yuvette Henderson to review the videos leading up to her murder by Emervyille police, which is rare after a police killing. The family left that meeting disappointed. Upon arrival, they were told that there was no video of Yuvette's assault inside of ‪Home Depot‬ and that the DVD controlling the video at ExtraSpace Storage — where she was killed — was broken that day. So the two most critical events of the day Yuvette was killed are not available for review.

Oakland Police Release (Some) Video to Family of Yuvette Henderson After Community Pressure | OPD to Reveal Surveillance Video to Yuvette Henderson's Family After Community Pressure | photoVigil, Caravan Demands Justice in the State-Sponsored Killing of Yuvette Henderson | photoAnti Police-Terror Project hosts vigil for Yuvette Hendersen and delivers demands to OPD | Anti Police-Terror Project returns with demands to Home Depot and OPD

Previous Related Indybay Features: Emeryville Home Depot Shut Down for Yuvette Henderson | Yuvette Henderson Gunned Down by Emeryville Police in Oakland
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